Author Topic: A retarded Christian accusation against Muhammad pbuh and Quran  (Read 6607 times)

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Offline Isa27James

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A retarded Christian accusation against Muhammad pbuh and Quran
« on: September 04, 2015, 07:16:05 PM »
Assalam alykam 

are christian said the following..............

In reading Mohammad's Koran we discover that Mohammad's supposed revelations are only concerned with Mohammad’s own desires. We study in history and through the Hadiths and Koran that Mohammad had a mandate for absolute power and demanded unquestionable submission by his Mohammadan's, his followers. Mohammad had no evidence to present but his own words, as presented in his Koran.. It is preposterous to believe that the Koran existed in advance in heaven and that everything that happened to Mohammad played out as a kind of predetermined puppet theater by the hands of his god allah .The cult of Islam was created by Mohammad, for Mohammad. Also you will find that these so called revelations from Mohammad are not written in Mohammads Koran as if they were spoken by a god who was reading from an eternal copy of the Koran in heaven, as Muslims believe . In studying the Koran what strikes you as extremely odd is that Mohammads god allah is mainly referred to in a third person manner. It is as if somebody else is describing allah and his supposed glory. Mohammad is of course this person. Mohammad made up his own preferred deity that has no similarities to the Christian or Jewish understanding of God. Mohammad literally put his own words into allah's mouth . These were purposeful words that Mohammad made up that allowed Mohammad to satisfy his own greed, his lust, and his wicked wrath that we still see today from his followers. Mohammad created this cult of Islam and this pagan god allah for his own benefit and no one else's..


Offline arman114

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Re: A retarded Christian accusation against Muhammad pbuh and Quran
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2015, 09:56:05 PM »
These are just general statements which we hear from IDIOT haters ALL THE TIME, don't you know that? Of course Allah is different from Christianity and Judaism's God and this only prove that Allah is true God who do not refresh or was not scared that people will build tower which will reach him! And ask him the following....

Did Jesus said EVERYONE (including Christians) will go to hell according to Mark 9:49? And see what answer he give!

And once again these are just REGULAR statements of Christians don't take them seriously I use to get angry at that but know I enjoy them as JOKE!

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Re: A retarded Christian accusation against Muhammad pbuh and Quran
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2015, 08:26:26 AM »
Assalam alykam 

are christian said the following..............

In reading Mohammad's Koran we discover that Mohammad's supposed revelations are only concerned with Mohammad’s own desires. We study in history and through the Hadiths and Koran that Mohammad had a mandate for absolute power and demanded unquestionable submission by his Mohammadan's, his followers. Mohammad had no evidence to present but his own words, as presented in his Koran.. It is preposterous to believe that the Koran existed in advance in heaven and that everything that happened to Mohammad played out as a kind of predetermined puppet theater by the hands of his god allah .The cult of Islam was created by Mohammad, for Mohammad. Also you will find that these so called revelations from Mohammad are not written in Mohammads Koran as if they were spoken by a god who was reading from an eternal copy of the Koran in heaven, as Muslims believe . In studying the Koran what strikes you as extremely odd is that Mohammads god allah is mainly referred to in a third person manner. It is as if somebody else is describing allah and his supposed glory. Mohammad is of course this person. Mohammad made up his own preferred deity that has no similarities to the Christian or Jewish understanding of God. Mohammad literally put his own words into allah's mouth . These were purposeful words that Mohammad made up that allowed Mohammad to satisfy his own greed, his lust, and his wicked wrath that we still see today from his followers. Mohammad created this cult of Islam and this pagan god allah for his own benefit and no one else's..

Jews permit prayers inside Mosque but forbid prayers in Church shall there be no synagogue available. This just show the God of the Jews and Christians are not the same at all.

Do bear in mind Hellenistic Romans believe in God-Zeus impregnating women on earth to have sons of gods. Among the sons of god, some will be savior to mankind.
So what happen when they heard stories that in certain Israelite province there exist a man without a father , and his mother impregnated by God's spirit. Certainly falsehood will occur.

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: A retarded Christian accusation against Muhammad pbuh and Quran
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2015, 09:09:25 AM »
In studying the Koran what strikes you as extremely odd is that Mohammads god allah is mainly referred to in a third person manner


I don't see any first person manner in the bible dude! Rather, there are direct words of the prophets and unknown authors.

 But there is a lot of 'first person speech' in the Quran that I don't need to quote! Just start reading you will get.

So why does Allah sometimes speaks in third person manner? I don't know well, but I have an opinion.

Which sounds heavier and exalts Him more? Read.

"And then I said........."

"And then your LORD said......"

The second one. This is my assumption. I would request bro Osama or someone to leave their opinion :)


Offline Sh Truthseaker

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Re: A retarded Christian accusation against Muhammad pbuh and Quran
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2015, 11:10:08 AM »

I don't see any first person manner in the bible dude! Rather, there are direct words of the prophets and unknown authors.

Most of the dialogues in the bible are in this format; "And Moses said unto the Lord..."    "And the Lord said unto Moses..."

Offline Idris

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Re: A retarded Christian accusation against Muhammad pbuh and Quran
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2015, 04:07:02 PM »

Jews permit prayers inside Mosque but forbid prayers in Church shall there be no synagogue available. This just show the God of the Jews and Christians are not the same at all.

It is interesting brother, do you have a source of that qoutation ? I mean, it can be found in the Bible or perhaps some of the learned Jews does said these words ?


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