Author Topic: Questions to those who believe the Scientific Miracles of the Quran  (Read 7655 times)

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Offline muzi123

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1. in Arabic word has multiple meanings like alaqah has 3 meanings all 3 is correct that is fine but if u had a word that had 4 meanings and 3 of them made sense if u translated it why would u choose the 1 that fits the scientific fact because a critic could argue that same word has other meanings why not translate like that
2. Isn't it subjective debatable some can say the verse meaning something else
3. Hamza Tzortis wrote an article on it have u seen it ? http://www.hamzatzor...a-new-approach/ he doesnt use it anymore obviously who is Hamza like just because he said it doesnt mean its true but he used to use it so confidently now hes stopped
4. Almost all the scientific facts have been mentioned before the Quran maybe few havent lets give an e.g Quran says embryo looks like a leech but no 1 mentioned it explicitly a leech but used another different word which still resembles a leech u see the point .
Now  what do u think of this point say the miracle is the word which suited the 7th century is still suitable to our century 1400 yrs later ? so the Quran is not outdated its no human book which human could use perfect word choice and yet its applicable at all times
and other points il mention them later

Offline Sam663

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Simple, whether any scholar of the past have translated the word that can fit into today's description or not. Or was there any other word at that time that could have described it more accurately.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 11:46:02 AM by Sam663 »

Offline Sam663

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The Bible indicates in several places that the universe has been “stretched out” or expanded. For example, Isaiah 40:22 teaches that God “stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.”
Well instead of stretching (sorry) the English meaning lets look at the Hebrew:

Several usages,
• Stretch or extend one’s hand:
o To stretch out or extend one’s hand, i.e. literally (Ex 8:5, 16) o To extend or show mercy or peace to someone (Gen 39:21; Is 66:12) o With an outstretched hand indicating power (Ex 6:6) o To stretch out one’s hand against someone (to fight against them) (Job 15:25)
• To pervert justice (Ex 23:2, 6) – related to extending favour to one party over another
• Incline:
o To incline one’s heart to follow someone (Josh 24:23; Judges 9:3) o To incline one’s ear to hear (2 Ki 19:16)
• Turn:
o To turn aside, away or to (someone, something or some place) (Gen 38:16) o To turn in or stay with someone at their place (Gen 38:1) – related to stretching out or spreading out one’s stuff in order to lay down for the night?
• Stretch out, spread out or extend:
o To stretch out or lay down upon something (Amos 2:8) o To stretch or extend a line (as for measuring ) (Job 38:5) o A shadow which goes down, lengthens or stretches out (like at the end of the day)(2 Ki 20:10, Ps 102:11) o Geographical features (e.g. hills or rivers) which extend or stretch out (Num 21:15) o To pitch or set up a tent (Gen 12:8; royal pavilion Jer 43:10) o To stretch out curtains (Is 54:2) o To stretch out the heavens (e.g. like a curtain) (Ps 104:2; Is 40:22) o The firmament spread out (Ezek 1:22) – see the note below.
• Bow or bend:
o To bow or bend or bend down, i.e. literally (Gen 49:15; Hos 11:4) o To bow or bend the heavens (for God to come down) (2 Sam 22:10) o To lean over or bow, as in a wall about to topple over (Ps 62:3)
• Other less frequent usages in the Old Testament:
o To let down or lower a pitcher into a well (Gen 24:14) o To offer or give some options (1 Chr 21:10) o To intend or plot (evil) against (Ps 21:11)


None of the other verses or usages imply a stretching or lengthening, like dough being rolled out or metal being beaten. The closest is the shadow which lengthens. In most situations it is just a spreading out of something folded up or rolled up (e.g. measuring line/tape measure, or curtain), bending (e.g. arm) or turning.
or, go with me on this, maybe a TENT being unfolded and erected like the cloth that would be found in a curtain?
Of course you have to look at the other side of the coin, is there any Hebrew word that means to stretch in an a elastic deforming way?

Yup ... Hebrew רָקַע (raqa` ), as in Isa 40:19 The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith *spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains., or Exo 39:3 And they did *beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires, to work it in the blue, and in the purple, and in the scarlet, and in the fine linen, with cunning work.
So, an English word which can mean the same thing as another word in English and abused it to fit whilst ignoring the original meaning
Sometimes, a tent ( even as a metaphor) is just a tent.

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Plus none of the Hebrew speaking Bible scholars translated any of these verses as "Universe is expanding", because none of these verses literally mean that "Universe is actually expanding". That's why atheists don't take christians seriously.

As brother Osama said MOUSI'OONA literally means continuous expansion, and there is no other word to describe it. So did any single scholar of Tafsir translated MOUSI'OONA as expanding? Yes, many of them. Such as; Sheikh Tabrani and Fairuzabadi.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 12:03:06 PM by Sam663 »

Offline Sam663

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Notwithstanding, Hamza is not a scholar. So, please, oh please, don't take him seriously!

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That's the miracle of the Quran, it is endless and whatever you understand the signs it, it still runs with harmony with the science.

Take the word Dahaha:

Lane Lexicon says the word Dahaha means:

DAHA: spread, spread out, spread forth, EXPANDED, extended

Usage: God made the earth wide or ample; also said of an ostrich, he expanded or made wide with his foot or leg, the place where he was about to deposit his eggs, making cavities in the ground like those of bellies; said of a man, he spread, and made plain, even, or smooth; also, he threw or cast, and impelled, PROPELLED, or REMOVED FROM ITS PLACE, a stone with his hand;


DAHA AL-BATN: The belly was or became large and hanging down; it became SWOLLEN or INFLATED, or big, and hung down, by reason of fatness or disease.

INDAHA: it (belly) became wide or DISTENDED.

The meanings in relation to earth in the qur'aan could be that it was made swollen, inflated, or distended, and also could be that the earth was propelled, removed from its place, like a stone thrown by the hand. So "daha" in relation to earth could be referring either to the shape of the earth (like that of a distended, swollen, inflated belly, hung down, or like that of the cavities in ground, shaped like bellies, dug by ostriches to lay their eggs, both of which imply it not being a perfect circle) or it could be referring to its elliptical orbit (like the trajectory of a stone propelled by throwing it by one's hand).

Offline Sam663

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But Dahaha doesn't mean spread out, because ALLAH(swt) in other place used the word Madadnah which is commonly used in the Arabic world to mean spread out:

 وَالأَرْضَ مَدَدْنَاهَا وَأَلْقَيْنَا فِيهَا رَوَاسِيَ وَأَنبَتْنَا فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ مَّوْزُونٍ (19)

YUSUFALI: And at the Earth, how it is spread out?

PICKTHAL: And the earth, how it is spread?

SHAKIR: And the earth, how it is made a vast expanse?.
[The Quran ; 88:20]

That's why it's a miracle as arabs know the language and they know that no arabic speaker can write something like it. In egypt they used the word Daha to make something into a ball that looks like an egg, i.e. it is not a perfect ball . As mentioned in Lexicon it also means the earth was propelled, removed from its place, like a stone thrown by the hand( referring to its elliptical orbit like the trajectory of a stone propelled by throwing it by one's hand).

Daha common use isto make anything in the shape of an imprfect circle. And both of these meanings of Dahaha perfectly fits our description of earth and there is no other word the could have described it so accurately.

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In short, if any scholar of the past have translated the word that can fit into today's description, or if there was no other word at that time that could have described today's description of something more accurately, then it's a miracle.

Offline arman114

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Re: Questions to those who believe the Scientific Miracles of the Quran
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2015, 09:36:47 PM »
In Surah 39:5 ROUND earth is mentioned!!
"He  wraps  the  night  over  the  day  and  wraps the  day  over  the  night"

How can you wrap the day over night and night over day on flat earth?? Its only possible if the earth is NOT FLAT!! But still I have something more.....
Allah could have said "He make the day ENTER into night and NIGHT enter into day"
But no he did not used the word ENTER but he used WRAP which SUITS TO round earth!! And the best thing is that the original Arabic word used for wrap is "KWR" كور which means WRAPPING AROUND TURBAN or BALL SHAPED!!
You can verify the meaning of the word here

Allah used the same word in Surah 81:1 for.......
"When the Sun is WRAPPED up."

And that's a unique word for wrap which is not commonly used in Arabic, so Allah used a unique word because he knew that earth is BALL 🌏!!!

That's better than DAHAHA which DO NOT mean egg shaped!


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