Author Topic: Did Gabriel know Muhammad was unlettered???  (Read 5352 times)

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Offline Isa27James

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Did Gabriel know Muhammad was unlettered???
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:25:54 PM »
Assalam alykam 

an Islamic critic has asked me

If The angel that visited Muhammad was from the all knowing God

why did he ask Muhammad to read

wouldn't he have known  that Muhammad could not read??

can you please give something to respond

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: Did Gabriel know Muhammad was unlettered???
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2015, 01:51:21 AM »
Wa alikumus salam wa rahmatullah,

I huess it's the same ass/donkey who said Gabriel was actually satan, Nauzubillah.

What's the full story?

Gabriel said read.

Muhammmad SAW said' I can't read.

Gabriel again said, Read.

Muhammad SAW again said, I can't read.

Gabriel again said, Read in the name of God.

So tell me this, why couldn't Satan, the greatest deceiver, (Revelation 12:9) the cleverest creature on earth, why on earth couldn't he understand this simple phrase, "I can't read?????" Why did he ask muhammad SAW to read even after hearing twice that he can't reade????? Do you find any sense in it??

The thing is not about reading, it's a thing most people miss. Gabriel said, "IQRA", the very word with which the Holy Quran started being revealed. So it has much significance. And most importantly, THIS WORD IS THE REASON WE CALL THE BOOK "QURAN"!! Both words, 'Iqra' and 'Quran' has the same origin. The Holy Book of God was named after this word 'Iqra'. So do you think it's a silly word like the silly book they call the bible? Gabriel was repeating this for it's significance, perhaps God commanded him to do so.

This kind of bloody islamophobe critics belong to a nice place called 'Inferno'.

May Allah give us victory over the infidels,
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 02:01:06 AM by Tahmeed »

Offline Isa27James

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Re: Did Gabriel know Muhammad was unlettered???
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2015, 02:03:55 AM »
May Allah bless you bro

what about Gabriel not introducing him self like he did with other prophets

crictics say  The angel  never said he was gabriel

and i found no hadith

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: Did Gabriel know Muhammad was unlettered???
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2015, 02:22:08 AM »
JajakAllahu khair bro, May Allah bless you too for your effort.

At first, there is no use telling Muhammad SAW' "I am Gabriel", because he was not a Jew or a christian. So he was not supposed to know who Gabriel is. To him, Gabriel and Azazel had no differnce, before his prophethood!! To know he was an angel was enough!!

Again, if mr. satan was truly playing a trick, why didn't he introduce himself as Gabriel? That would be more clever and easy to make people believe?? What does this bloody critic mean anyway, by saying' "the angel never said he was Gabriel'? Does the fool mean that satan didn't want to lie?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? So we have an honest satan here. 'I won't say I'm satan, but I won't lie either. That's a grave sin man!!!!' so says the pious satan.

Makes sense to me.

Another thing. An angel lives in heaven. If God just tells him- go and give him the message- the angel is not supposed to know about the man's illiteracy.

On the other hand, satan is on earth,always among us, tempting us. So who is supposed to know more about his illiteracy- an angel or satan??

I mean, seriously, satan chose one man among thousand arabs, and didn't know he was illiterate?

Also, why did satan chose an arab anyway? The chain of prophets was in israel only, as the racist bible says. So why did satan acted such foolishly, for the grand deception he was gonna make? The cleverest creature?????

This is all logical fallacy bro,
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 03:00:32 AM by Tahmeed »

Offline submit

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Re: Did Gabriel know Muhammad was unlettered???
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2015, 12:26:13 AM »
if they use such logic of Gabriel not introducing himself. Then they should look no further than in the jewish scripture.

the angel that made contact with Daniel never introduce himself as Gabriel . but there is another voice from a dream that say that human form is Gabriel.

For skeptics, they can say that it was Satan voice and cause the dream of an appearance of human-Gabriel. Later Satan appear as that human form envisioned inside the previous dream.

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: Did Gabriel know Muhammad was unlettered???
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2015, 05:01:00 PM »
JajakAllaju khair bro submit ;D

And brothers, is there something wrong here? My and bro Isa's two post are 'vanished'. Bro submit's one post is vanished too from another thread. Two of my messages are gone! I think some activities between a specific time was not recorded. WIERD  :-\

« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 05:02:42 PM by Tahmeed »


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