Author Topic: ISIS and other terrorist organizations in the eye of Islam: A must must read...  (Read 12370 times)

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Offline Tahmeed

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Assalamu alaikum everyone,

In all my debates in these three days, I had to face one common arguement...."Islam inspires terrorism", "ISIS is the example of muslims"....etc. So I felt like writing a long article about it.

Here, I didn't prove that ISIS is American or Israeli.....etc. Because I can't argue on something I don't know. And moreover, I've seen on FB that infidels make fun of it. So, I demonstrated couple of stunning hadiths here which prophesy that such a group like ISIS, Taliban, Al-Qaeeda... was expected to come and we have to keep away from them. I am so sorry if this has already been discussed on any article, any post in the blog/main site or brother Osama's debate 'Is ISIS Islamic?'. But the topic is so important that I had to highlight it again. Read with patience, brothers and sisters. I hope I've been able to set up the climax perfectly!!

(References: The Bukhari and Muslim Hadiths are taken from PDF and Tirmidhi Hadiths are taken from Bengali 'Tirmidhi Sharif', I myself translated them. So please feel free to tell me if there is a problem with the Hadiths)

ISIS and other Terrorist Organizations in the eye of Islam

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious...

Killing: A Sign of the Last Hour......

Sahih Bukhari 9.183:
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Time will pass rapidly, good deeds will decrease, miserliness will be thrown (in the hearts of the people) afflictions will appear and there will be much 'Al−Harj." They said, "O Allah's Apostle! What is "Al−Harj?" He said, "Killing! Killing!" (See Hadith No. 63, Vol. 8 )

Sahih Bukhari 9.184:, Tirmidhi, V.4, Afflictions and Disaters, Hadith. 2147:
Narrated `Abdullah and Abu Musa: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which Religious ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and there will be much Al−Harj, and Al−Harj means killing."

Sahih Bukhari 9.185:
Narrated Abu Musa: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which (religious) knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and general ignorance will spread, and there will be Al−Harj in abundance, and Al−Harj means killing."

Sahih Bukhari 9.187: Narrated `Abdullah: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour, there will be the days of Al−Harj, and the religious knowledge will be taken away and general ignorance will spread." Abu Musa said, "Al−Harj, in the Ethiopian language, means killing," Ibn Mas`ud added: I heard Allah's Apostle saying; (It will be) from among the most wicked people who will be living at the time when the Hour will be established."

What should Muslims do while this happens......

Sahih Muslim, Bk 41, Number 7042; and Tirmidhi, V.4, Afflictions and Disaters, Hadith. 2148:
Ma'qil b. Yasar reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: Worshiping during the period of widespread Fitna (turmoil) is like emigration towards me.

Tirmidhi, V.4, Afflictions and Disasters, Hadith. 2141:
Narrated Busr ibn Sa'yid. Duing the turmoil and rebellion of (the reign of) Caliph Uthman ibn Affan, Sa'ad ibn Abu Waqqas said, "I bear witness, that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "Soon such disaster will appear when a man siiting will be better (safer) than a man standing, and a man standing will be better than a man walking, and a man walking will be better than a man running." Sa'ad said, "What do you (Rasulullah SAW) suggest that I do if a man of Fitna enters my house and attempts to kill me?" He (Rasul) said, "You will be like the son of Adam. (Abel didn't fight Cain when he was going to kill him).

Tirmidhi, V.4, Afflictions and Disasters, Hadith. 2150:
Narrated Udaisa bint Uh'ban ibn Saifi al-Gifari; Ali ibn Abu Talib came to my father and asked him to go to war with him. My father told him, "My friend and cousin (the Prophet) advised me that when people will start to fight with each other, I should make a wooden sword (so that I don't harm anyone). At present I did that. If you want I can take it and go with you." Then Ali left him as he was.

So dear Islam-haters, the violence was prophesied many years ago and the Hadiths are actually telling us to be at peace in this situation, not to join them! About the Hadith from Ma'qil, we know ISIS called for an emigration, but there is no emigration after the conquest of Mekkah. So muslim brothers, if you want the Sawab (virtue) of an emigration now, just sit in your home and worship Allah SWT.

Where will Fitna come from.......

Sahih Bukhari 9.212; Sahih Muslim, Bk 41, Number 6938:
Narrated Salim's father: The Prophet stood up beside the Mimbar (pulpit) (and pointed with his finger towards the East) and said, "Afflictions are there! Afflictions are there, from the side where the horns of Satan comes out," or said, "..the horns of the sun.."

Sahih Muslim, Bk 41, Number 6939:
Ibn 'Umar reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) stood by the door (of the apartment of) gafsa and, pointing towards the east, he said: The turmoil would appear from this side, viz. where the horns of Satan would appear, and he uttered these words twice or thrice and Ubaidullah b. Sa'ld in his narration said. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) had been standing by the door of 'A'isha.

Sahih Muslim, Bk 41, Number 6940:
Salim b. Abdullah reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), while turning his face towards the east, said: The turmoil would appear from this side; verily, the turmoil would appear from this side; verily, the turmoil. would appear from this side−the side where appear the horns of Satan.

Stunning prophesy! Look at the map, Afghanistan and Pakistan, (Home of Taliban) are situated east from Arabia. Iraq, from where comes ISIS, is also at north-east from Medina, the place where the Prophet SAW prophesied this. Osama bin Laden's hometown, Riadh, straight east from Medina! And readers, 'HORNS OF SATAN', the Prophet SAW called them. You are gonna have to remember that term for the upcoming surprises!

More specific......

Sahih Muslim, Bk 41, Number 6943:
Ibn Fudail reported on the authority of his father that he heard Salim b. 'Abdullah b. 'Umar as saying: O people of IRAQ, how strange it is that you ask about the minor sins but commit major sins? I heard from my father 'Abdullah b. 'Umar, narrating that he heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying while pointing his hand towards the east: Verily. the turmoil would come from this side, from where appear the HORNS OF SATAN and you would strike the necks of one another; and Moses killed a person from among the people of Pharaoh unintentionally and Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said:" You killed a person but We relieved you from the grief and tried you with (many a) trial" (xx. 40). Ahmad b. Umar reported this hadith from Salim, but he did not make a mention of the words:" I heard".

Tirmidhi, V.4, Afflictions and Disasters, Hadith. 2138:
Narrated Mua'bia ibn Qurra from his father; The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "When the People of SYRIA become evil, there will be no good for you anymore.. But a group of my Ummah will always be victorious (over evil). People willing to insult them will not be able to harm them till the Last Hour."

Sahih Bukhari 9.68:
Narrated Yusair bin `Amr: I asked Sahl bin Hunaif, "Did you hear the Prophet saying anything about Al−Khawarij?" He said, "I heard him saying while pointing his hand towards IRAQ. "There will appear in it (i.e, Iraq) some people who will recite the Qur'an but it will not go beyond their throats, and they will go out from (leave) Islam as an arrow darts through the game's body.' "

ISIS, as they say, is 'Islamic State of IRAQ and Sham' and sometimes 'Islamic State of IRAQ and SYRIA'! (Sham (north), Syria...almost same actually) And the Hadiths directly says that the horns of Satan and an ignorant group of people will appear from these places! And about the third Hadith, I'm not mixing up ISIS and khawariji. Ask any scholar if the terrorists are much like kwarijis or not. An important thing about khawarijis is they always want to establish an Islamic State.... of course that's a good thing, but to do this with violance is the 'Khawariji way'. And look at ISIS and Taliban.... Taliban already did that!

The next Hadith says how to deal with them......

Sahih Bukhari 9.64:
Narrated `Ali: Whenever I tell you a narration from Allah's Apostle, by Allah, I would rather fall down from the sky than ascribe a false statement to him, but if I tell you something between me and you (not a Hadith) then it was indeed a trick (i.e., I may say things just to cheat my enemy). No doubt I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, where−ever you find them, kill them, for who −ever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection."

This Hadith is actually telling us to kill this 'YOUNG FOOLISH PEOPLE' wherever we find them! Don't misunderstand this brothers, only Islamic Government or 'Wali al-Amr' has the authority to wage war on a group or a nation, not everyone. But this Hadith clearly says how Islam sees this foolish group of people!

The Final Touch....

I hope you all know that an open letter was sent to ISIS proving that 'every single' work they are doing is wrong in the eye of Islam! And 126 scholars signed in it including many grand muftis, proffessors, Da'ees etc. Sorry I don't know actually when it was sent. Now I am going to quote the last and most interesting part of this letter (The pictures were added by me).

Quote from:  Open letter to ISIS by 100+ scholars (Last portion)
The Saying of Ali bin Abi Talib (k.)

Nu’aym ibn Hammad narrates in Al-Fitan, that the 4th Caliph, Ali ibn Abi Talib said: "When you see the black flags, remain where you are and do not move your hands or your feet. Thereafter there shall appear a feeble insignificant folk. Their hearts will be like fragments of iron. They will have the state. They will fulfil neither covenant nor agreement. They will call to the truth, but they will not be people of the truth. Their names will be parental attributions, and their aliases will be derived from towns. Their hair will be freeflowing like that of women. This situation will remain until they differ among themselves. Thereafter, God will bring forth the Truth through whomever He wills." (Kitab al-Fitan, Hadith. 573)

People are asking: does this narration by Ali bin Abi Talib (k.)—that is related by AlBukhari’s teacher (Nu’aym bin Hamad) over one thousand two hundred years ago in his book Al-Fitan—refer to the ‘Islamic State’?

Is it possible to understand the narration as follows?

‘When you see the black flags’: The flags of the ‘Islamic State’ are black.


‘Remain where you are’: i.e., stay where you are, O Muslims, and do not join them.
‘And do not move your hands or your feet’: i.e. do not help them financially or with equipment.
‘Thereafter there shall appear a feeble insignificant folk’: i.e. ‘weak’ and ‘insignificant’ in terms of understanding of religion, morality and religious practice. [I (Tahmeed) showed earlier, 'Foolish young people'!]
‘Their hearts will be like fragments of iron’: i.e. they will ruthlessly kill prisoners of war and cruelly torture people.
‘They will have the state’: For almost a century, no one has claimed to be an Islamic Caliphate other than the current ‘Islamic State’ in Iraq and the Levant. ‘They will fulfil neither covenant nor agreement’: The ‘Islamic State’ did not fulfil its agreement with the Sha’etat tribe after the tribe pledged allegiance to them; indeed the ‘Islamic State’ slaughtered them by the hundreds. They also killed journalists.
‘They will call to the truth’: The ‘Islamic State’ calls to Islam.
‘But they will not be people of the truth’: The people of the truth are merciful. The Prophet Muhammad said: ‘Have mercy and you will be shown mercy.’
‘Their names will be parental attributions’: Like: ‘Abu Muthanna’, ‘Abu Muhammad’, ‘Abu Muslim’ and so on.
‘And their aliases will be derived from towns’: Like: ‘Al-Baghdadi’, ‘al-Zarqawi’, ‘alTunisi’ and so on.
‘Their hair will be free-flowing like that of women’: ‘Islamic State’ fighters have hair precisely like this.
‘Until they differ among themselves’: Like the differences between the ‘Islamic State’ and its parent, the al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria). The fighting between these two has led to around ten thousand deaths in a single year.
‘Thereafter, God will bring forth the truth through whomever He wills’: through a clear and correct Islamic proclamation (like this open letter).

The sage Luqman says in the Qur’an:
‘O my son! Even if it should be the weight of a grain of mustard-seed, and [even if] it be in a rock, or in the heavens, or in the earth, God will bring it forth. Truly God is Subtle, Aware.’ (Luqman, 31:16)

So muslim brothers and sisters, this ISIS and their brothers of Al-Qaeeda, Taliban... they are not men of true faith. Islam believes in peace, not killing of innocents. So beware and spread this messege to everyone, let the world know- 'ISIS is not Islamic'!

At last, Praise and Glory to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and mercy be upon His Messenger Sayyiduna Muhammad, his family and his companions!

Truth has come, Falsehood has perished, as Falsehood is to perish....(Isra 17:81)

Your brother in Islam,
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 11:27:06 AM by Tahmeed »

Offline Uzair Ahmed

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Excellent Research brother Tahmeed,

I made an article on it but not that in detail. So i will add some  points which you made in my site. In Summer i am going to learn video editing and then i am going to make a video regarding this topic like this , In Shaa Allah. Also i think they are Khwarijis because the description matches with them.

Your Brother,
Uzair Ahmed

Offline submit

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 If you look at ISIS, its simply a war on gaining land, simply war to take over bounties of this worldly life. What happen when ISIS have oils in their possession. They too will be selling oils to industrial nations and use it to rule over their 'country'. They need to pay wages to their 'guaranteed heaven' type of soldiers. They need to purchase more weapons and ammos.

Since their religion is Islam. They too will have their own interpretation to Quran and hadith thus they have no issue taking away people's life as they believed they are promised/guaranteed with heaven.
They too perform prayers like normal. So ISIS will be praying to Allah, asking to give them win against  disbelievers and those Muslims that associate with disbelievers.

If you look at USA, they can easily tracked the location of ISIS Al-Baghdadi and bomb him from the sky if they really wish to do so. But why dont they do it, its just to ensure instability in Mid East. So their protected nation of Israel gets stronger and secured.

Offline Tahmeed

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Assalamu alaikum dear brother Uzair and submit,

Thanks brother Uzair. You have taken a great effort. May Allah always help you.

I have made some editions in the post above.

I also wanted to add the executive summary of that letter sent to ISIS. But I thought it would be too lengthy. But it's very important so I'm posting it now. I bolded the important parts.

Executive Summary of the Open letter sent to ISIS

01- It is forbidden in Islam to issue fatwas without all the necessary learning requirements. Even then fatwas must follow Islamic legal theory as defined in the Classical texts. It is also forbidden to cite a portion of a verse from the Qur’an—or part of a verse—to derive a ruling without looking at everything that the Qur’an and Hadith teach related to that matter. In other words, there are strict subjective and objective prerequisites for fatwas, and one cannot ‘cherry-pick’ Qur’anic verses for legal arguments without considering the entire Qur’an and Hadith.
02- It is forbidden in Islam to issue legal rulings about anything without mastery of the Arabic language.
03- It is forbidden in Islam to oversimplify Shari’ah matters and ignore established Islamic sciences.
04- It is permissible in Islam [for scholars] to differ on any matter, except those fundamentals of religion that all Muslims must know.
05- It is forbidden in Islam to ignore the reality of contemporary times when deriving legal rulings.
06- It is forbidden in Islam to kill the innocent.
07- It is forbidden in Islam to kill emissaries, ambassadors, and diplomats; hence it is forbidden to kill journalists and aid workers.
08- Jihad in Islam is defensive war. It is not permissible without the right cause, the right purpose and without the right rules of conduct.
09- It is forbidden in Islam to declare people non-Muslim unless he (or she) openly declares disbelief.
10- It is forbidden in Islam to harm or mistreat—in any way—Christians or any ‘People of the Scripture’.
11- It is obligatory to consider Yazidis as People of the Scripture.
12- The re-introduction of slavery is forbidden in Islam. It was abolished by universal consensus.
13- It is forbidden in Islam to force people to convert.
14- It is forbidden in Islam to deny women their rights.
15- It is forbidden in Islam to deny children their rights.
16- It is forbidden in Islam to enact legal punishments (hudud) without following the correct procedures that ensure justice and mercy.
17- It is forbidden in Islam to torture people.
18- It is forbidden in Islam to disfigure the dead.
19- It is forbidden in Islam to attribute evil acts to God .
20- It is forbidden in Islam to destroy the graves and shrines of Prophets and Companions.
21- Armed insurrection is forbidden in Islam for any reason other than clear disbelief by the ruler and not allowing people to pray.
22- It is forbidden in Islam to declare a caliphate without consensus from all Muslims.

23- Loyalty to one’s nation is permissible in Islam.
24- After the death of the Prophet, Islam does not require anyone to emigrate anywhere.

Peace be upon this Ummah and peace be upon this World....Ameen!

Your brother in Islam,
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 07:26:42 PM by Tahmeed »

Offline shabeer_hassan

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 what was the difference between the terrorist group(that our media says about taliban,al quedha,isis,boko haram,etc) with Islam?


Offline Tahmeed

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what was the difference between the terrorist group(that our media says about taliban,al quedha,isis,boko haram,etc) with Islam?


Assalamu alaikum dear brother,

WOW! That's a very detail article Bro, JajakAllahu khair. I already gave the link to a christian on FB ho thinks ISIS is Islamic...thanks.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 07:07:50 AM by Tahmeed »

Offline Tahmeed

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Assalamu alaikum dear brothers,

Just got this interesting thing!

Sometimes the CIA forgets to teach people pretending to be Muslims that Mecca is in the same direction!


Offline Uzair Ahmed

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Yeah i saw this 5 / 6 Months ago.

One more interesting thing ISIS Banned Eid prayers in Iraq claiming that it was not performed by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

- During Ramadan i also heard the News that ISIS declared Palestinians as ' infidels ' ( Non-Muslims ) and they will declare Jihad against them. But for some reason now i am unable to find that news whenever i search on google i always get in Anti-Islamic Website. If you can find the News then please share it here. :)

- Last thing which may bring you tears is about Syrian Refugees. The Population of Syrian Refugees is now more than 4 Million means population more than the City of Los Angeles . This is because of war going in Syria, because of ISIS. May Allah(swt) help Syrian Muslims from these Hypocrites & Khawarij ISIS.


Map of current situation in Syria, Most of the territory is controlled by monsters like ISIS and Al-Nusra
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 01:39:43 PM by Uzair Ahmed »

Offline Tahmeed

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This only testifies the statement in the last Hadith, "They will call to the truth, but they will not be people of the truth" !

There is a group in Fb named 'Humanity 4 Palestine' or something like that, ok I will check for your news.

I think there should be a 'Anti-khariji battalion', because the Hadith says- "So, where−ever you find them, kill them, for who −ever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection."!

And about Syria the prophesy says- "When the People of SYRIA become evil, there will be no good for you anymore."!

The emerge of ISIS doesn't prove that Islam is false rather testifies that Muhammad (pbuh) is a true prophet by making his prophesies 100% true!

Allah save us from these heretics!
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 04:32:01 PM by Tahmeed »

Offline Uzair Ahmed

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« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 01:20:41 PM by Uzair Ahmed »


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