Assalamu alaikum dear brother,
Thank you, bro. They are so ignorant christians just commenting LOL, HAHAHAHA, SO FUNNY, LOOOOLLL etc. They don't have 1℅ ability to prove that their christianity is the truth, cuz it isn't. I've been for a while there and had met the worst people in my life. Verses which thoroughly proves monotheism, they explain in a RIDDICULOUS way, always. They are blind, deaf and dumb and they won't believe. Waste of time.
We need more Muslims t head over there..
Brother Ousama, where art thou? 

Brother Osama, u are absent for days and have become history in the blog ! I think that's why bro Tarek is using 'historical english' ! LOL.
No offense dear brother, just joking. I know u r busy. Pls give some to those christians on FB when u become free cuz I'm done.
And dear brother Isa, they r not hard neither do they know their religion. They just talk too much and answer everything, whether their answers are logical or big jokes! That's why they look hard....but are servants of satan.
"(O Lord) ...Forive us, have mercy on us; You are our Guardian,
give us victory over the nation who disbelieve." Baqara 2:286