Author Topic: I need a good strong response to this  (Read 3551 times)

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Offline Isa27James

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I need a good strong response to this
« on: April 26, 2015, 01:19:56 AM »
Assalam alykam  I am debating a christian and they are asking does the injeel record Jesus acussed of blsaspermy?

This Christian says the Following   "  Tell me why Allah made the one going to the cross appear like Jesus while it was someone else. My question was not about trying to prove Jesus deity, Isa. My question was to find out if it was recorded in the Injil. It makes no sense to me that your Quran records that Allah made it look like Jesus on the cross while it was someone else while not providing documented Injil about Jesus being on trial in the first place. You Muslims often say that Jesus RECEIVED the Injil, but that the injil is not a recording of Jesus life. If that is the case, why did Allah address a non documented history--unless you are admitting that the gospel account from the Christian gospel is real documented history that Allah should address. and if it really happened and is recorded in the original Injil you guys say was out there, then that does not make sense either to me, since you all say that the Injil was not about Jesus life---you all say the injil was GIVEN to Jesus. I hope I am making my point clear--- WHAT was Allah addressing when He said that He made it appear that the one on the cross was Jesus? Was He addressing an Injil that you no longer have or was He addressing the actual gospel records, which, would then seem to me that Allah is giving some creadance to the Christian gospel writings. and if not, then does that mean your Injil really was a record of Jesus life?"


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Re: I need a good strong response to this
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2015, 05:33:56 AM »
Tell me why Allah made the one going to the cross appear like Jesus while it was someone else. My question was not about trying to prove Jesus deity, Isa. My question was to find out if it was recorded in the Injil. It makes no sense to me that your Quran records that Allah made it look like Jesus on the cross while it was someone else while not providing documented Injil about Jesus being on trial in the first place.
WHAT was Allah addressing when He said that He made it appear that the one on the cross was Jesus? Was He addressing an Injil that you no longer have or was He addressing the actual gospel records, which, would then seem to me that Allah is giving some creadance to the Christian gospel writings. and if not, then does that mean your Injil really was a record of Jesus life?"

The look like Jesus that appeared on cross certainly was not revived after 3 days.  The account of Jesus revived after 3 days were orally spread among Roman Christians audience spread by those that believed they were chosen to speak to Gentiles about New religion for mankind. What they wrote in those Greek books were not verified by Jesus at all since Jesus have already ascended to heaven. Only in 4th century Holy Spirit filled the body of many Roman believers to choose 27 books out of many heretical Greek books as cannon,

You Muslims often say that Jesus RECEIVED the Injil, but that the injil is not a recording of Jesus life. If that is the case, why did Allah address a non documented history--unless you are admitting that the gospel account from the Christian gospel is real documented history that Allah should address. and if it really happened and is recorded in the original Injil you guys say was out there, then that does not make sense either to me, since you all say that the Injil was not about Jesus life---you all say the injil was GIVEN to Jesus. I hope I am making my point clear---

Injil in Aramaic stands for "God's Revelation". Not oral accounts or stories about the life of Jesus wrote decades later after Jesus ascend to heaven.  Injil are sayings of God uttered from the mouth of Jesus himself and only those are the true words. However, in 4th century the Roman Christians believed that Holy Spirit filled their bodies to allow them to declare 27 Greek books out of many heretical Greek books as cannon. So you cant force them to disbelieve that their 27 Greek book (New Testaments) are the inspired work of God since they have been declared cannon.  Its part of their faith to believe those Greek books are the true records / stories about Jesus.

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Re: I need a good strong response to this
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2015, 02:20:10 PM »
Assalam alykam  I am debating a christian and they are asking does the injeel record Jesus acussed of blsaspermy?

This Christian says the Following   "  Tell me why Allah made the one going to the cross appear like Jesus while it was someone else. My question was not about trying to prove Jesus deity, Isa. My question was to find out if it was recorded in the Injil. It makes no sense to me that your Quran records that Allah made it look like Jesus on the cross while it was someone else while not providing documented Injil about Jesus being on trial in the first place. You Muslims often say that Jesus RECEIVED the Injil, but that the injil is not a recording of Jesus life. If that is the case, why did Allah address a non documented history--unless you are admitting that the gospel account from the Christian gospel is real documented history that Allah should address. and if it really happened and is recorded in the original Injil you guys say was out there, then that does not make sense either to me, since you all say that the Injil was not about Jesus life---you all say the injil was GIVEN to Jesus. I hope I am making my point clear--- WHAT was Allah addressing when He said that He made it appear that the one on the cross was Jesus? Was He addressing an Injil that you no longer have or was He addressing the actual gospel records, which, would then seem to me that Allah is giving some creadance to the Christian gospel writings. and if not, then does that mean your Injil really was a record of Jesus life?"


You don't need to respond to this... He doesn' come with any real points... What is he trying to say? Proof me with gospels that are not in bible that jesus didn't die?

Why not prove him out of his own book?

3 day ressurection is NOT ORAL:
matthew 12:40

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

We know Jonah didn't die in the belly.
So bible tells us clearly, jesus will DIS APPEAR.

ask him this please

But when you read the bible more, u see that jesus got cruxified on a saturday, and sunday morning he was not in his 'sepuclher' anymore.
1) It's not a custom to put death people in a sepulcher
2) Jews payed money to soldiers, why??
3) Bible says nothing will harm jesus, but jesus died?
4) Jesus himself tells he needs to ascend, he never says he needs to die
5) Jesus cries and asks help from God. Did god forgot to help his 'only begotten son'?
6) - this is most important - When jesus appeard to his mother and disciples, they could NOT recognize him. Only by the voice. WHUTWHATWHUT????
(( 7) quran says it appeared as to them, no where it says it was someone else made so, maybe the hadith do say this BUT u need to look if it's a CHAINED hadith. If even labeled as authentic, but it's not chained, there is not much reason to trust it as 100% true.)

U need to play hard against those who play hard.


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