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Re: can some body with sound knowledge refute this Article
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2014, 03:13:28 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother James,

I will insha'Allah respond to the article soon.  Give me a few days.  I am sure there are thorough answers already in place out there.  Sam Shamoun is a notorious buffoon who comes up with the most ridiculous arguments.  My favorite one is the following about GOD Almighty.  Here is a brief dialogue I had with some of his followers:

Question:  How come neither the word (concept) "Trinity", nor the terms "GOD is Three" exist in the Bible?  Yet, you guys call it "The Holy Trinity"

Answer:  Here is what this buffoon's followers have answered, which had always been consistently his answer also:

Show us where in the Quran the word "Tawheed" exists.

My response:

Tawheed means oneness.  It could mean absolute one or a company being one.  The Glorious Quran uses much much clearer and precise Words to clearly state that GOD Almighty is an Absolute One.  Your empty arguments originate from Sam Shamoun; an empty buffoon.  I wouldn't depend on him for guidance for my Salvation.

And if you still insist on the word, Tawheed, then you'll find it 100s of times in the Hadiths with emphasis that it means ABSOLUTE ONENESS of Allah Almighty.  The Bible is a mix of rewrites of Divine Revelations, Sayings of Prophets (Hadiths), and injections of man-made writings and opinions.  If you want to compare the Bible, then you must compare it to all of Islam's Books.  Not just the Glorious Quran.  And from that, your empty challenge had been met and refuted, as always.

Their response:

And if you insist of the word, TRINITY then you'/ll find it 100s of times in the Church Fathers with emphasis on the TRI UNITY of God Almighty.

My response:

Were the "Church Fathers" Prophets who were given authority to speak on behalf of GOD Almighty, and/or inspired by the Holy Spirit?  Just because one is voted into becoming a Church Father, it doesn't mean that he suddenly becomes a Divine speaker.  And we've seen all of the church scandals by your church fathers and how false they turned out to be.  So your argument here is empty, just like the empty trinity.

If your Scriptures don't even have "trinity" in them, then you believe in nothing my friend.  Allah Almighty Said that you believe in nothing but conjecture.  And indeed, this is 100% True.  All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Allah Almighty Alone.

Their counter response:

Why are you HYPER LITERAL?  Do you believe no words can exist if they are not found in the bible?  Do you know the Difference between "CONCEPTS" and "TERMS"??

Omnipotent is not found in the Bible or Quran.  So YOU don't believe God is Omnipotent?

Omnipresent is not found in the Bible or Quran. So YOU don't believe God is Omnipresent?

For the Record Christians believe the God of the bible is OMNIPRESENT AND OMNIPOTENT.

But it sound like Muslims, or at least You,DO NOT believe God is Omnipotent and Omnipresent. Is that Correct?"

My response:

Please show me where the Bible says GOD IS THREE or GOD IS A TRINITY.  Both concept and terms don't exist in the Bible.  Your faith is a conjecture, as Allah Almighty calls it in the Glorious Quran.

It's funny that we find COUNTLESS "GOD IS ONE" in the Bible.  But never GOD is Three.  Your man-made false trinity is a lie.  Period.  And yes, I do believe that GOD Almighty is Omnipotent and Omnipresent.  The Glorious Quran also makes this very clear in many Noble Verses, and also makes clear many other things about Allah Almighty.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: can some body with sound knowledge refute this Article
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2014, 09:39:24 PM »
the content of Shamoun's essay is about confusion that Gabriel a.s description being equal to Creator. If we look at what he wrote, basically he just took words that is similar to words found in titles/attributes of the Creator. An try to locate those words being used to other entity, so that later other entity (e.g Gabriel a.s, Muhammad can be regarded as equal to God/Creator.

Obviously, such way of reading a scripture may be the exact same root of confusion that exist in the past for Paul and his Roman Christians followers when reading Nasorean scriptures. Upon stumbling terms like God's Word, God's Spirit, My Spirit, We, Our.. they came into conclusion that God have partners and the partners are equal in union.

if we look at passages about Gabriel in verse 81:19-20 (using Hilali Khan translation). (for other translations visit
 ...a most honourable messenger (Gabril), owner of power (and high rank) with (Allah) Lord of the Throne..

Gabriel was just a messenger, and he is near to God meaning Gabriel directly take instruction from Lord of the Throne.

quoted from W. Montgomery Watt & M.V. McDonald (history of Al-Tabari).
About story of prophet for the first time seeing a vision in between heaven and earth  presuming it was God;

if we look at what did the prophet witness, a throne between heaven and earth. But revelations from the story of night ascension and hadith describes throne of God as above earth and heaven and encompass everything just to show that God's might surpasses those who posses throne whether in earth or those who poses throne in heaven.

About life giver. The Creator has granted the ability to Gabriel@Holy Spirit to give life. That is the reason why Jesus (a.s) was strengthened by Gabriel@Holy Spirit inside his body. Imagine Jesus was without the aid of Gabriel/Holy Spirit,  would Jesus be able to do miracles like bringing the dead to life.

Certainly Jesus could not do it, as he was just a human. From baby he needs to feed and sleep to grow into adulthood. And he needs to be saved and be brought to heaven for fear he would continue to grow old or might be killed by enemies.


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