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Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« on: August 08, 2014, 04:06:55 PM »
This filthy site has some articles trying to refute the Quranic challange. I know like there prevous articles it is just full of lies, but is there any artilces refuting them. I also seen that bro osama relaesd some stuff refuted them, i cant find, could somone post it please.

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2015, 04:27:18 PM »
Salam brother Osama,

I am Tahmeed, a new member and your brother in Islam.

Recently I have been reading the articles of 'Answering Islam', they are really challenging and are making me crazy!

Almost 40 kafirs gathered their to spoil our faith. You have taken a great effort. But unfortunately, they seem to give counter answers to your articles, I dont know if you are aware of this. So I am giving you the web address where they have criticized your articles.

Really, something has to be done. These trinitians claim to follow the religion of Abraham (A), so visit their site, answer their every questions and circimcise their belief.

But one thing they have said true, your blog lacks a content. It is really hard to find any article I wish without a content.

So I suggest you to open a new site only for answering that bloody website. Use the same content as they, and answer their questions serially. I myself do some research on the bible, so insha' Allah I will try to help you if needed.

Reply soon. Salam.

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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2015, 01:41:33 AM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam,

Assuming that you are a genuine Muslim brother and not a filthy infidel playing games and pretending to be a Muslim, I would like to give you the links below that thoroughly refute them.  But first of all, they never addressed my blog, let alone say that it lacks content.  And they never said that my website lacks content either.  So there is a lot of doubt about you already.  But it doesn't matter, since it's always been my way to work on smashing the arguments and turning the infidels into barking dogs, instead of stooping to personal attacks and noise that don't matter and are a waste of time.

Having said all of that, the two lame links that you gave don't even shake this website, let alone refute it.  And for the reader's sake, we have well over 1000 rebuttals strong thoroughly refuting these infidels.  All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Allah Almighty Alone and none else.  You can visit them at:

Not only that, but as soon as you visit the link, you'll find that the infidels get smacked right in the face with links to rebuttals that prove that they are nothing but a big joke.  And the reader can also visit the Glorious Quran's Overwhelming Scientific Miracles section which prove Islam to be Divine at:

And last and not least, the reader can visit the website itself to see rebuttals to many of the anti-Islamics' main attacks on Islam thoroughly refuted right in the first page:

I'd like to see you post an example or a few ones of articles or rebuttals that are greatly bothering you from the infidels' website.  Giving generic comments and providing two lame links only strengthens the doubts about you.

Osama Abdallah

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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2015, 04:44:34 AM »

I am extremely sorry that you misunderstood me. I never wanted to personally attack you. I just wanted to know if u have answered those links.

I am not a munafiq. I am a muslim, trying to follow Quran and Sunnah. I fear and love Allah, His prophet (sm) and His religion Islam. That's why the kafirs' attacks on Islam bothers me so much.

Sorry that I didnt completely read those two pages myself. I just saw the quotation 'no content' in the google page and wanted to give u a suggestion. You can see it urself if u search 'answering christianity' on google. So I am extremely sorry.

I just started reading ur site and am very happy to see the questions answered. I myself try to answer those kafirs' questions. For now, please post me the answers or links for the following questions

1 Do the Jew call Uzair (a) the son of God or they called so long ago when he was sent to them?

2 Have u answered this page?

 If u have, please post the link. This page bothered me the most.

I hope u will forgive me a.d clarify the 2 questions.


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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2015, 07:33:10 AM »
Welcome Tahmeed,

AC is organized, maybe you're a bit confused because you are new here and you don't know your way around, but it won't take long trust me :)

as for your first question, if you are Arab you would know that the verse says " and the Jews have Said " which is in the past tense,  meaning that a part of Jews in the Past used to believe Ezra was the Son of God, so the whole point is to show how People make False Assumptions on the identities of Fellow Humans, and so it gave to examples, which are the Prophets Ezra and Jesus, the Qur'an and Ahadith never say the Jews of Today hold such beliefs.

here's an article on this subject:

as for your second question, here's a refutation to it:


i need to ask you a question at this point, did you really, REALLY full into their trap that easily? :) , the Bible is the Least Sensible Book on Earth! they are last people that should ever  think of bringing the False Predictions and Contradictions "arguments" on the Table! i mean, did you check the 101 Contradictions in the Bible? :

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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2015, 09:42:23 AM »
Really, something has to be done. These trinitians claim to follow the religion of Abraham (A), so visit their site, answer their every questions and circimcise their belief.

But one thing they have said true, your blog lacks a content. It is really hard to find any article I wish without a content.

So I suggest you to open a new site only for answering that bloody website. Use the same content as they, and answer their questions serially. I myself do some research on the bible, so insha' Allah I will try to help you if needed.

Reply soon. Salam.

There are many subjects in Quran+Hadith that are discussed by AI side. And many subjects of Pauline Bible discussed in AC side. So which covenant from God is of truth?

We can see that Pauline Christianity and Islam are two major religion nowadays that prosethelyze words of God to mankind. (btw mankind receiving covenant has been foretold in Isaiah 42)

And if we go into the specifics, that is Isaiah 42:8. You can see that the uniqe singular creator that is Yhwh clearly mentioned His glory is not to be given to others, His praise not to be given to idols. The unique one creator is saying that the final covenant for mankind is all about glorifying and praising the unique creator only. NOT to other distinct God being equal to Yhwh, NOT to idols being intermediaries to Yhwh.

Pauline Christians love to say that We/Us/Our refer to 3 figures speaking as one, but in Isaiah 42 you dont see those plural word being used. Its clear the covenant for mankind is just about glorifying and praising Yhwh the unique singular creator only. And not to other distinct gods in equal oneness to Yhwh. This core decree from God to mankind should able to give them a rough way of judging which covenant is of truth and which is of falsehood.

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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2015, 10:30:07 AM »

I am extremely sorry that you misunderstood me. I never wanted to personally attack you. I just wanted to know if u have answered those links.

Wa Alaikum As'salam,

You can personally attack me and even wipe the floor with me here.  I am the least of all Muslims, and I am always open to correct myself.  Read my reply to you again.  What offended me is that I could smell an infidel pretending to be a Muslim in your writings.  Infidels do this to inject doubt into the Muslims' heart.  I personally dealt with this many times in the past, and this is also nothing new.  Allah Almighty also addressed it in the Glorious Quran:

Noble Verse 3:72 "A section of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) say:  Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam)." 

I just like facts to be presented when criticizing.  When someone gives generic talk especially when it favors the infidels, then he becomes suspicious.  There are other "Muslims" here that I am suspicious about here, but I let them slide because I am after their arguments and not them.

Anyway, if you are a Muslim, then please accept my sincere apology, dear brother.  I will leave that between you and GOD Almighty.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2015, 11:54:24 AM »

Jajakallahu khair.

I again tell brother Osama to take my sincere apologies.

To 'the comforter', I didnt fall in any trap.
 Its just like bro Osama said, the infiders concerned me a little and so I wanted to get the questions answered. I am a student of Science. How can I believe in a book like the bible when it begins with an unscientific chapter!

Now, I wanna ask a question. Suppose A is a monotheist Christian. He doesnt call Isa (a) the son of God. He also believes that the bible has been corrupted. But the problem is, he doesnt believe in the quran. When I show him the scientific miracles and other speciallities of the Quran, he says even satan knows science, and the Quran was written by satan. (nau'zubillah).

How do I make him understand?



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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2015, 01:07:58 PM »
When I show him the scientific miracles and other speciallities of the Quran, he says even satan knows science, and the Quran was written by satan. (nau'zubillah).

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

So basically the Book of GOD Almighty has to be filled with:

1-  Man's alterations and injections.
2-  Scientific inaccuracies.
3-  Textual contradictions.
4-  Contradiction with established history.
5-  Be written by mysterious people.
6-  Be written in unknown places.
7-  Be written by an unknown number of people.
8-  Be filled with fables
(this is what the Bible theologians also admitted).

In order for the book to be considered the True Word of GOD?  LOL, do you see the mental retardedness in all of this?  Brother, these are people whose hearts have been sealed:

[002:007]  Allah has sealed off their heart and their hearing. A blindfold blocks their sight. There is the gravest (most awful) torment for them!

[016:108]  Allah has sealed off their hearts, their hearing and their sight. They are careless and neglectful!

[002:018]  They are deaf, dumb and blind. They will not return.

[006:039] Those who reject Our revelations (and signs) are like the deaf and the dumb (groping) in the dark. Allah leads astray whom He wants; He shows the right path to whom He wants.

[008:022]  Indeed, the worst of the beasts, in the sight of Allah, are the deaf and dumb who do not think.

What to answer him:

As to what to answer the person, I would tell him that he is indeed spiritually blind and deaf, and his fate seems to have been sealed by Allah Almighty.  Also tell him that following conjecture leads astray:

[010:036]  Most of them follow nothing but conjectures. When it comes to the truth, conjectures do not suffice at all. Surely, Allah has the real knowledge of what they are doing?

[051:010]  Damned are those who conjecture!

[004:157]  That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of God";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) know ledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-

[053:028]  But they have no knowledge therein. They follow nothing but conjecture; and conjecture avails nothing against Truth.

Please visit the following links that shed more light upon the points mentioned above: (the Overwhelming Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran)

What parts of the Bible do we believe in?

We actually don't believe in any of the Bible to be Divine Truth, but however, we do believe that there are parts in it that are closest to the Truth.  These are the parts that are either in harmony with the Glorious Quran, or do not contradict the Glorious Quran.  The same standard we hold for the Hadiths as well.  Those that contradict the Glorious Quran's Moral Code, and those that contradict the Muslim FITRAH (Muslim instinct that is put by Allah Almighty into us when we're born) we reject as falsehood on the mouth of the Prophet, peace be upon him.  Please visit:

In this link, you'll see may examples.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2015, 04:17:03 AM »
Assalamu Alaikum,

Thanks for ur reply. I read ur article 'God Almighty swears by who?'. It's brilliant. But I would like to quote a verse from the quran that I found this morning and I think it will be helpful for ur article, unless u have already added it.

15:92-93:- Therefore by the Lord, We will surely call them to account. For all their deeds.

Its clear in this verse that Allah is making a promise so He swore by Himself! The same case when God promised to Abraham.

Please consider adding this verse.

Allah Hafiz,


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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2015, 10:12:24 AM »
15:92-93:- Therefore by the Lord, We will surely call them to account. For all their deeds.

Its clear in this verse that Allah is making a promise so He swore by Himself! The same case when God promised to Abraham.

Wa Alaikum As'salam,

The article you're referring to is this:

The Noble Verses that you mentioned have no QASAM in them.  Allah Almighty here is making a promise by Himself, and making a Great emphasis about Himself and His Majesty and His Glory.  All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Him Alone.  But this is not a Qasam like the official swearing that one takes.  And Allah Almighty did mentioned the QASAM several times in the Glorious Quran, and He the Almighty Said that He would not swear it when He talked about some of the mighty things in the Universe that He Created.  So, there is no QASAM made by Allah Almighty, and the Islam-hating infidels are wrong again, as always.

On a side note, the reader can also visit the following links to see how false trinity is.  It is also ironic that the word "Trinity" doesn't even exist anywhere in the Bible:

Also, Prophet Muhammad and Islam were prophesied NOT ONLY in the Bible, but Prophet Muhammad's Prophetic Name, AHMED, that as mentioned in the Glorious Quran was also found in the Dead Sea Scrolls:

And last and not least, the reader should also visit the following link to see the Overwhelming Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran:

The doomed-to-Hell infidels have nothing but noise on Islam.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2015, 02:07:06 PM »
Assalamu alaikum,

Thanks for clearing the verse. I really forgot to check the Arabic.

At first, I want to share a thought. I told in the previous messages how the AI articles bothered me. But thanks and praise to Allah Subhanu wa Ta'la for revealing the following verses of the same sura;

15: 95-99:-
"For We are sufficient for you against those who scoff. Those who adopt false gods with Allah will soon come to know. We do indeed know how YOUR HEART IS CONSTRAINED AT WHAT THEY SAY. But praise your Lord and be of those who prostrate themselves in adoration. And serve your Lord until the hour which is certain comes to you."

Now, I would like to talk about a bible verse which came to my attention recently. I don't know if you already know about this or not. If you do, please forgive my vain repitition.

Malachi 1:10-11 (NKJV)

"Nor will I accept an offering from your hands;
For from the rising of the son, even to its going down;
In every place incense shall be offered to My name;
And a pure offering;
For My name shall be GREAT among the nations,"

I thought about this and the result was amazing!

A general Muslim, who says 5 times prayer regularly, has to say at least 17 rakats of Salah, ie in only the Faradh salah. And here he has to say the word 'Allahu Akbar' (Allah is Great) 94 times! If I add the Witr and other sunnat salah, this number becomes 188! And there is also Tahazzut, Ishrak and various kinds of salah. Now the calculation is upto you!

There is also Azan and Ikamat in the Jamah where the muazzin says several times 'Allah is great', daily! Oh, I almost forgot the Tarawih salah in the ramadan where we have to say this almost 44 times if that is only 8 rakat. And there is also takbir of the Eid "Allah is great, Allah is great,there is no god except Allah, Allah is great, Allah is great, all praises to Him."!

The life of a muslim is impossible without saying 'Allah is Great'. Only Allah knows how many times a muslim says this in his whole life! But how many times does a general Christian say 'God is Great' daily?
Someone said, "Christians in America worship dollars six days in a week, and on the seventh day they turn to God."!

And some other things to notice in the verse. It is clearly said that God won't take the offerings of the Jew and His name will be great among the Gentiles. Which means that the true religion will be given to the Gentiles and thats Islam !!!

From this we can also say that Allah is the divine name of God, as it is said, 'MY NAME shall be great'. And indirect answer to the question they often ask.

Please post ur comment on this little article of mine. And I say again, If you had already known this, please forgive my vain repitition. ;D

And also kindly let me know ur opinion on the book of Revelation, because that book looks like a nonsense act of satan to me.

Allah Hafiz,

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Re: Muhammad sm in the bible
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2015, 08:48:40 PM »

You said the name of the Prophet (s) 'Ahmed' is present in the bible. But I think the name Muhammad is present too.

I first heard dr Zakir say that the name Muhammad exists in Song of Solomon 5:16. So I read the NKJV translation. I also downloaded the hebrew tanakh. Read the hebrew verse now.

"Hikko mamtaqqiym vekullo MAHAMADDIEYM zeh dodiy vezeh reiy beno yerusalem."

The translation is :

"His mouth is most sweet,
Yes, he is altogether LOVELY,
This is my beloved,
And this is my friend,
O daughters of Jerusalem!"

If you see verse 5:10, you will have no doubt that this verse is about the Prophet (sm).

"My beloved is white and ruddy,
Chief among TEN THOUSANDS(!)"

I don't believe this anymore. The beloved is somebody else in SOS and his words in the book are too nasty and vulgur to be words of our holy prophet SAW. I also explained this here on reply#12,

I found the word Mahamad also in some other places in the bible. But the problem is, the translations dont match.For example, see the hebrew of Isaiah 64:11

"beyt qadsenu vetip, artenu, aser hileluka lisrepat, ea vekol MAHAMAMADDEYNU hayah leharbah"

the tranlation:

"Our holy and beautiful temple,
where our fathers praised You,
Is burned up with fire,
And all our pleasant things are laid waste"

I find no similarities between the translations, but both contain MAHAMADA in hebrew. I dont know hebrew or Aramaic. But I think the translators are hiding the prophesies of the Prophet (Sm).
Please explain this to me.

Allah Hafiz,

« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 12:56:23 AM by Tahmeed »

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Re: Refuting answering islam on Quran challenge
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2015, 10:42:15 PM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Tahmeed,

May Allah Almighty bless you for the good points.  It is great to have you here on this blog, akhi.  May Allah Almighty strengthen your faith in Islam.  Ameen.

In regards to the word AHMED, it was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, not the Bible.  And the verse in the Dead Sea Scroll is almost exactly as the one in Isaiah 42:1, with the exception that is talking about the Servant Ahmed, whom GOD Almighty Loved and Chosen for the Gentiles.

And as to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, prophesied in the Bible, please read the links that I gave above.  There are many passages in the Bible that prophesied about the coming Prophet from Arabia:

I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.

Jazaka Allah Khayr,
Osama Abdallah

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Jajakallahu Khair
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2015, 05:28:58 AM »
Assalamu alaikum brother Osama,

Jajakallahu khair; for reading my little discussions. I think the discussion about the prophecy in SOS 5:10-16 is one of the clearest prophecy of Ahmad (Sm) in the bible. And for the information, I downloaded the hebrew Tanakh not from any muslim or neutral site, but from a totally christian site. So they can show no excuse. The site is this;

And a little correction of the post on 26January 01:07:06 pm about God's being great among the Gentiles. I said the total number is 188. I mistakefully added two extra rakats. But it does not really matter as Witr salah can be 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 rakats.
And I just considered the salahs, what about other extra I'badats!!

May the grace of Allah Almighty be with us all.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2015, 03:07:10 PM by Tahmeed »


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