The religion hasn't been corrupted. Many Quranists have existed back then and today. And the fact that I am here defending true Islam shows Allah protecting his deen.
So this argument is invalid.
I know Islam hasnt been corrupted. Allah has protected Islam, unlike other religions like christianity and Judaism. But the people get corrupted. Just like the hadith rejectors, like the shia, like sufi mushriks, like batiniyah..etc.
Thats a GREAT LIE. There hasnt been many hadith rejectors in the past. In the past their were groups that rejected AHAD narrations or other levels of transmissions. For example, the Mu'tazila. From the 8th century , they believed in Hadiths that were mutawatir but not Ahad. But they accepted ahad narrations on occasions. For basic information: this argument is valid
I've been on this topic for years...I gave you evidence, and now it is your turn to search. See both sides of the argument
I refuted your claims and gave you evidence. I have searched and looked at both sides of the argument. Actually i was a part hadith rejector myself for a few months but alhamdulilah i saw the overwhelming evidence and returned back to the Ahl As Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.
NOPE. Arguments from authority have no validity in Islam
Arguments from authority do have validity. Just as arguments from Allah has validity, because he is authority. Just like arguments from the prophet has validity, because he is authority. And just like the arguments from scholars has validity because they are the authority.
Like I said and keep saying. GIVE ME their arguments, and I will show you why they are invalid. That is how we debate. Why are you so reluctant to do this? Fear?
I've viewed their arguments, but how could I know which ones you adhere to? So this is up to you. Either you present arguments, or you just say that Islamic authorities support your version of Islam (if you can even call it Islam).Again, arguments from authoirty have no value. I could site Shia scholars and say "see they are scholars, they know more than you therefore their version of Islam (if you can call it Islam) is right". So no. you are gonna need to do better than that.
Mclinkin i have gave you evidence from the Quran. Stop trying to act like you havent read the evidence and hide away. Arguments are in the scholars of ISlam i have read them but i am not going to go on a hunt for every information in every book. You go and look at the info. Again evidence has been presented. There is no such thing as Shia scholars. Once they come back to Islam then they will be in authority until then they are kafirs. The only "knowledge" that they have is the lies that they made up 10 min before they give a speech.
Time of the Sahaabah? How do you know that is what they said? How do you know? Through utilizing a potentially corrupt source. Wow, looks like you are using reason as the Quran wants you to use...
No. The source wasnt corrupt but was protected by the people. There were hadith compilations in the time of the sahaabah and the tabieen. That were related to us through mutawatir chains. The same muttawatir chains and individuals that transmitted the Quran.
Anyway, enough with the authority nonsense. I could point you to many hadith rejecters who are scholars, but, I don't do that. Instead I present arguments...
point them to me, let me investigate who they are.
The same arguments apply to your version of Islam. They are not arguments, you just slandered shia Islam and any shia can slander your version and call you shirk and kufr.
My whole point was that arguments from authority hold no value as I could point you to Shia scholars with authority. And I could say "they know more than you, therefore they are right". That is what you are doing with me. You are pointing me to scholars and saying that they know best and therefore are right.
The whole point am saying is that "shia scholars" do not believe in Islam, they dont have evidence from the Quran or Sunnah. The same with you.
Yes, the Sahabbah obeyed the messenger through orders in the Quran only!!!! The prophet's orders come from the Quran only. He makes up nothing new.
Where did the Quran say the follow the prophet is to follow the Quran and Sunna!!!!! Where!!!! Stop with this heresy, this is the talk of a disbeliever!
You liar. Your saying that the prophet only spoke Quran, and he didnt say a word. How did he live. How did he walk in the street. When people greeted him did he stay silent. When aisha talked to him did he keep his mouth closed. NO. He talked, he lived, he was the explainer of the Quran. His life is testimony to that. He didnt make anything knew these are the sunnah in accordance with the QUran. Its not a new law or something. Or are you saying that the prophet did speak and order the believer to do something but it is ok for the sahabah to disobey the prophet because it was not a Quranic verse?? Astaghfurrulaah. You are misguided. Better Study Islam again.
”Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed?” The Word of your Lord is complete in truth and in justice” 6:115
Does that sound like Allah wanted you to use an external source given that the Quran is fully detailed and complete. HOw about these verses:
”This is not fabricated ‘hadith’; this (Quran) confirms all previous scriptures, provides the details of everything, and is a guidance and mercy for those who believe” 12:111
”We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything, and guidance and mercy and good news for the submitters” 16:89
In spite of the very clear words: “fully detailed”, “details of everything” and “explanations for everything” the corrupt interpreters somehow still claim that the Quran does not include all the details! Sadly, they claim that the Quran has only mentioned the major outlines of the religion while as the details of everyday rituals are only to be found in the Hadith and Sunna!
These false claims only go to expose these people’s ignorance of the Quran, and also their disbelief in God's words.
Then the prophet explained these verses explained Islam. He did not add anything to the Islam that Allah didnt order.
You are a outright disbeliever for disbelieving in the Quran and the Prophet.
Say, [O Muhammad], "O mankind, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, [from Him] to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. There is no deity except Him; He gives life and causes death." So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet, who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him that you may be guided. [Quran 7:158]59:7. ...And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it)...
All the rest of the comment you made is telling the people to believe in the Quran because that is the recitation that was revealed. If they disbelieve in the Quran of course they are going to disbelieve in the prophet. You are so deceptive in twisting the truth.