Author Topic: Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily  (Read 8807 times)

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Offline ThatMuslimGuy

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Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily
« on: February 18, 2014, 10:46:36 AM »

According to :

Answering Christianity gets 35,280 pageviews daily and 7,056 daily unique views.

Alhamdullilah this is awesome.

I was thinking with this platform on the internet maybe brother Osama could add other great artcles from lesser websites, if they are interested, onto the site. As this will grant people more access to the truth.

Or possibly have a method in which people could put forth articles they wish to add to the site and every month Brother Osama could read through a few and if he wishes add them to the site.

I was just thinking because of the amount of Visits this site gets. Its a massive platform for the truth.

Tell us what ya think.

Wa 'alaikumasalam
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 10:48:33 AM by ThatMuslimGuy »

Offline Mohammed.Rashid

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Re: Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 10:52:15 AM »

thats great masha Allah - brother osama - y dont u read my articles and decide whether it is worth posting it.
The latest one as u can see - Was Prophet Mohammed the Messiah prophesied in Old Testament?
it's  very interesting trust me

jazak Allah khayr

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Re: Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2014, 12:43:25 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers ThatMuslimGuy and Mohammed,

Jazakaum Allah Khayr for the link and the points that you raised.  I certainly welcome all Muslims to come together and post their best articles on the blog, and also for me to add their work to the site where appropriate.  I welcome all links of the really good Muslim articles out there. 

I've always wanted my website to centralize the merits of the Muslims on the web, and to prevent for their best works to get lost in vast infinite ocean of the interent.  Years ago, compiled links from other sites and from the sites that I know 100+ of the very good Islamic websites out there:

I certainly encourage all of the brothers and sisters who post here, and who will post in the future, to give the links of their sites or blogs for the materials that they post here on the blog.  This way, their websites or pages will also be picked up by the search engines, insha'Allah.  This is why I created this blog; to open everything up, and to bring in all merits and the challenges to make us Muslims more stronger, and to further prove Islam.

As to your work, dear brother Mohammed, I am very sure it is worthy of posting on the site, dear brother.  I will insha'Allah get to it.  I am very sorry for taking long time akhi.  But however dear brother, please post your links freely on this blog.  They will be picked up by search engines, insha'Allah.  Believe me beloveds, you won't need to worry about me getting offended if you propagate your blogs and sites and pages.  On the contrary, I highly encourage it so that we can all be very effective on the internet.  The future is the internet.  As today's media is becoming more and more supressed, controlled and corrupted by the zionist governments, and their credibilities are going down and down everyday, the Youtube and Google and Facebook and Twiter and all of those media platforms are the current and future media.  So we must dominate it, insha'Allah.  And this solely depends on the merits that we put forth.  So it is definitely up to us.

TV is no longer the dominant tool for engaging the media.  The biggest primetime show on FOXNews or CNN doesn't even draw 3 million viewers to it, while on just youtube alone for example, there are close to 80 million viewers world-wide at any given moment in any given day, I once heard.  There is just no comparison.  Plus News today is becoming more and more opinionated and polticaly driven.  The Internet Media is authentic, because its real people who post the real news and the materials on it as they see it from their cell phone cameras.  Real authentic news and credibility.  Not poltical nonsense from poltical machines.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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Re: Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2014, 01:16:14 PM »

 We must give our efforts in dominating the facebook and twitter before they are dominated by those rubbish hollywood stars and their mad supporters. >:( >:( >:(

Offline ThatMuslimGuy

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Re: Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2014, 07:14:46 AM »
Alhamdulillah sounds awesome brothers!

I agree internet is key and with this platform we can in sha Allah get more traffic to the site!

Offline Mohammed.Rashid

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Re: Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2014, 04:16:07 PM »
Walaikumsalam and BarakAllahufeek akhi Osama,

I really appreciate ur response and I am impressed how you are encouraging your brothers in faith to fight against false-hood.Hence I call u Mujahid-ul-Kalam who are struggling against falsehood through Jihad of the pen.

Even my intention is just to encourage u n brothers who encourage others in fighting the falsehood - There are several verses mentioned in the Quran which encourages people like u -

"Make allowances for people, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant," (7:199)

"The believers, men and women, are friends of one another. They command what is right and forbid what is wrong." (9:71)


Hadith - Sahih Al-Bukhari 8.50, Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah
The Prophet said, "Enjoining all that is good is a Sadaqa.

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'Whoever of you sees something wrong should change it with his hand; if he cannot, then with his tongue; if he cannot, then with his heart, and that is the weakest form of belief.'" [Muslim]


"Let there be a community among you who call to the good, and enjoin the right, and forbid the wrong. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE SUCCESS." (3:104)


Offline ThatMuslimGuy

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Re: Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2014, 05:33:04 AM »

Its been about a week since I posted this.

Check out the latest stats. Its gone up by 1000 views. Subhan'Allah

In 1 years time we may be getting 100k daily views if it continues.

Offline Md.Mobashir Mallick

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Re: Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2014, 11:47:53 AM »
I wud lyk to say that this thing is excellent & more people are getting to know about Islam , but here I just wanna say one thing , I don't wanna depress everyone but I guess that 90% of the people visiting this site are over 30 years of age , most of the youngsters whether of any religion are more intersted in movies , sports , girls & their career & money , I'm saying this coz I myself I'm 17 yrs of age & know the minds of todays generation so I wanted to ask , how to spread religion awareness amongst youngsters

Offline ThatMuslimGuy

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Re: Answering-Christianity gets 35,000 pageviews daily
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2014, 06:47:28 AM »
I wud lyk to say that this thing is excellent & more people are getting to know about Islam , but here I just wanna say one thing , I don't wanna depress everyone but I guess that 90% of the people visiting this site are over 30 years of age , most of the youngsters whether of any religion are more intersted in movies , sports , girls & their career & money , I'm saying this coz I myself I'm 17 yrs of age & know the minds of todays generation so I wanted to ask , how to spread religion awareness amongst youngsters

Im 18 brother.  ;)

I do partially agree. But ive also noticed where I live there are lots of youngsters beginnging to get involved in stuff. But it is a problem.


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