Author Topic: SAVE THE MUSLIMS IN SYRIA!!!  (Read 25182 times)

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Offline ali achinxo

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« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2014, 08:31:14 AM »
Asalamualykum everyone.


I think Osama is doing a very good job. His information and the way he is presenting and expressing himself is correct and straight. Keep up the work brother Osama.

And as a side note, FSA are not real defenders of the Truth. They are puppets of the western nations.

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« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2014, 03:20:06 PM »
And as a side note, FSA are not real defenders of the Truth. They are puppets of the western nations.

Wa Alaikum As'salam,

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) isn't a puppet to any nation.  They are freedom fighters from the Syrian nation.  Your comment is an insult to the Syrian revolution.  FSA is like Hamas in Palestine.  Hamas too came from the people of Palestine.  At one point, Hamas was overwhelmingly dominant in popularity among Palestinians.  The FSA today is the most popular Freedom Fighter organization from the Syrian Muslims.  Just because the bathies and the shias and the christians and the durzies don't like them, it doesn't make them "puppets of the western nations" as you put it.  The overwhelming majority of the Syrian nation are Muslim Sunnies, or real Muslims.  The others are either polytheist trinitarian pagans who worship Mary and Jesus (peace be upon them), or are minority cults (durzies or druze and others), or infidels and polytheists who call themselves "Muslims" (the shias).

The FSA will ultimately win, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  It will also crush the radicals from the Sunnis who are, as always, the stupidist of all Muslims such as Da'esh and the other fanatic rubbish.  This of course after they put Bashar and his shias under their feet, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline ali achinxo

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« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2014, 06:04:37 PM »
Sorry bro, what i meant to say is that the FSA wants secularism in Syria in general. But there are many brigades in FSA that dont want secularism but want the khalifat. Those i support. And why and who are the fanatics of Sunnis?

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« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2014, 06:25:08 PM »
Sorry bro, what i meant to say is that the FSA wants secularism in Syria in general. But there are many brigades in FSA that dont want secularism but want the khalifat. Those i support. And why and who are the fanatics of Sunnis?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Ali,

Sorry for misunderstanding you, akhi.  I am not sure if an Islamic Califate State is actually doable.  It will probably work once all of the Muslim world, or at least the strongest countries from the Muslim countries, become:

1-  Fully democratic.
2-  Fully Islamic, to where Islam is the driving poltical and social force for any and all political parties.

The conservative Muslim nations would all naturally become this.  Having a variety of political parties is healthy.  It's the society that determines how Islamic the country should be.  The fanatical groups in Syria are a Taliban-like.  They are repulsive and obnoxious.  They will never win anything.  This is because:

1-  They're so irrational and off.
2-  They misuse Islam, and don't understand Islam.
3-  They want the Muslims to LITERALLY live in a 7th century life-style.
4-  They declared that Democracy is forbidden, and all who call for it are infidels.

The Muslims will always reject such groups.  What we need instead is a 100% Islamic Democracy, where we are fully democratic but yet not secular and liberal and sexually open like the West.  The Syrians are heading for this type of democracy, insha'Allah.  This is not because the FSA or any group wants them to be.  No.  It's because the people themselves want this.  I know the Syrians.  They are very conservative people.  Islam is a way of life for them.  They'll never give it up.  In fact, the baath party of Bashar that ruled the country for DECADES was very very secular and very anti-Islamic.  But the people weren't.  And look at them now.  They're calling for Islamic democracy and conservative societies.  They're not calling for secular ones.

Now if the FSA is compromising with the international community, then that's because they have to give in to the pressure from the international community.  But in the end, it's the people who will decide through votes.  You can setup the most secural party in the world.  If it fails on votes, then it'll cease to exist quickly.  In democracy, you ALWAYS follow what the people want.  Not what you want.

Now, once all of this is established among the Muslims throughout the world, then coming together as a ONE FEDERAL STATE like the USA would be a natural thing.  So instead of having one big country, you'd instead have States under one Federal Islamic Government.  But this is far far beyond us today.  We may not live to see it.  But if the Muslims continue to change their corrupt governments and countries, then this natural change will eventually come, insha'Allah, because all Muslims know that this is part of Islam.

What the Taliban-like fanatics are doing today in Syria is they're hijacking the revolution and dividing the ranks.  And they've declared many of the leaders as infidels.  This is both repulsive and obnoxious!  And again, and as always, they're completely disconnected with the reality that they live in, which is why they'll always be rejected among the majority of the Muslims.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2014, 07:15:02 PM »
This is exactly what I meant, I support the moderate parts of the opposition, the FSA are part of it. I, however, am against the extremist parts of the opposition who murder civilians, acting no different (if not worse) from Assad's army.
Also, Brother Osama, I think your mistaken, the Non Muslims in the opposition actually support the FSA, they just some group in the opposition, such as Al Nusra, because they have Islamist ties and are extremist and have committed some terrorist acts. They think its better to be ruled by Assad then those, but the FSA is supported by the majority of Syria, God Willing, they will win and establish a democratic country. But dont portray the conflict as Black and white, its not.
I believe Hamas needs to change its tactics. It great that there attacking Israeli Soldiers and fighting for Palestine, but they need to stop targeting civilians. Hamas has so much potential, but its letting it go to waste by attacks against civilians, including Suicide Bombings. Hamas does so much good, it spends 90% of its budget trying to make the lives of Palestinians in it control better, but they also do a lot of bad. If they reform they will be more popular than Fatah


Offline MuslimBoy

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« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2014, 02:40:46 PM »
Asalamu Aliakum!
Pardon my ignorance on this topic, but why are Shias attacking Sunnis?
Because both Shia and Sunnis are mad of power.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 02:53:03 PM by MuslimBoy »


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