Both side HAVE committed war crimes. Personally, I want the moderate portion of the opposition to win, but you cannot deny there are extremist portions of the opposition. I DO NOT support the the corrupt dictatorial Assad government, Bashar is just as bad as Hafiz, maybe worse. I believe the civilians had the right to rebel, there protests were crushed, and that turned into a rebellion, which turned into a civil war. A portion of the army defected to becoming the Free Syrian army, but since then many other groups have formed (Including some that have extremist members/Tendencies). At the same time its too simple to view the conflict as a Sunni vs. Shia. As I mentioned before, Assad's forces have Sunnis in there ranks, and some portions of the opposition have Shia members. Remember, the Opposition is very diverse, some people portray only the extremist or moderate side as representatives of the entire group, that is simply not true. Also don't forget the racial part pf the conflict, Kurds also are fighting for there rights.
By the way, Zulfiqar is my a pseudonym, I use it online but is not my real name, since when have you heard of a Saudi with the name Zulfiqar, I even wrote it with a Z. I am NOT a shia, I have the deepest respect for the 5 rightly guided caliph (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Hassan), I don't identify with either side, but my beliefs are closer to Sunni Muslim beliefs. The only difference between me and other sunnis is that I recognize the so-called "Shia Imams", not as divine beings, but as religious leaders in which the prophet (PBUH) said would be respected leaders, but thats it, I disagree with a lot of shi3a practices, beating themselves, etc. The closest thing to a shia that I am is that my SUNNI grandmother came from Iran, and my other came from Iraq, Shia-Majority Countries but they were Sunni. But I am against propagating hatred against Shias, dialogue and understanding are the answers, not hate.
Also, get your statistics right, Sunni Arabs are around 60% of the population, Sunni kurds 9%, and Sunni Turks (Turkoman) 3%, overall ~72% of the population, not 90%. You cannot deny that a significant portion is Alawi and christian, what of there rights, they are also suffering because of this conflict, its affecting the population as a whole. I think its wrong to only focus on the Muslims and not the Syrian people as a whole.