Author Topic: Breakthrough in finishing phase 2 in translating "The Great Miracle" book  (Read 75207 times)

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Offline Dawud

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Dawud,

To answer you question in the image that you posted "Why was this letter not counted?", it's because the HAMZA is a vowel in this Noble Word.  It is not a letter that is sitting on a KURSI (base) or is attached to an ALIF as in the red-circled one that I colored in the very image that you posted next to it.  In the red example, the ALIF here is a long one, as in Adam in Arabic.  As you know, in Arabic, there are long Alifs and short ones.  Both count as one.

Even in the English word Adam, we clearly see in the pronunciation that the first "a" is a long one, while the second "a" between the "d" and "m" is a short one.  English doesn't recognize in its writing the long and short a's.  But Arabic and other languages do. 

I am adding all of the rules that I am discovering from brother Adnan to his table at:  I am still building this.  It's a mess, but you'll be able to read through it, Insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

thanks for the answers, those findings are amazing, i look forward to see explanation for those examples. With these stuff we actually prove scientifically divnity of Quran.

i have another question, as i can see those findings are made in uthmanic quran, writing style during prophet muhammed, while many qurans are written with standard arabic style, with extra Elifs

standard arabic
4 letters here

uthmanic style
3 letters here

When was quran written with standard arabic?

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Dawud,

To answer you question in the image that you posted "Why was this letter not counted?", it's because the HAMZA is a vowel in this Noble Word.  It is not a letter that is sitting on a KURSI (base) or is attached to an ALIF as in the red-circled one that I colored in the very image that you posted next to it.  In the red example, the ALIF here is a long one, as in Adam in Arabic.  As you know, in Arabic, there are long Alifs and short ones.  Both count as one.

Even in the English word Adam, we clearly see in the pronunciation that the first "a" is a long one, while the second "a" between the "d" and "m" is a short one.  English doesn't recognize in its writing the long and short a's.  But Arabic and other languages do. 

I am adding all of the rules that I am discovering from brother Adnan to his table at:  I am still building this.  It's a mess, but you'll be able to read through it, Insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

thanks for the answers, those findings are amazing, i look forward to see explanation for those examples. With these stuff we actually prove scientifically divnity of Quran.

i have another question, as i can see those findings are made in uthmanic quran, writing style during prophet muhammed, while many qurans are written with standard arabic style, with extra Elifs

standard arabic
4 letters here

uthmanic style
3 letters here

When was quran written with standard arabic?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Dawud,

Everything that is not from the Uthmanic Quran belongs to the garbage, or be burnt as Caliph Uthman did burn all of the false qurans.  And by the way, Caliph Uthman's Quran Scholars Committee didn't write the Holy Quran.  The Holy Quran was already FULLY written and compiled during Prophet Muhammad's time.  This can be very very clearly seen in the very complex and consistent and Numerically Miraculous text of the Holy Quran.  Angel Gabriel wrote the Holy Quran with Prophet Muhammad!  This is even mentioned in the very Holy Quran Itself:

[020:114]  High above all is God, the King, the Truth! Be not in haste with the Quran before its revelation to thee is completed, but say, "O my Lord! advance me in knowledge."

‏20:114 فتعالى الله الملك الحق ولاتعجل بالقران من قبل ان يقضى اليك وحيه وقل رب زدني علما

[075:016]  Move not thy tongue (i.e., do not O Muhammad recite It before you master Its recitation that is taught to you by Gabriel) concerning the (Quran) to make haste therewith.

‏75:16 لاتحرك به لسانك لتعجل به

Angel Gabriel taught Prophet Muhammad the Holy Quran in GREAT DETAILS, and Angel Gabriel COMPILED the Holy Quran with Prophet Muhammad and ordered it.  And Angel Gabriel wrote the Holy Quran with Prophet Muhammad.  They wrote It with complete accuracy to the very vowel even.  Why you may ask?  Because the Holy Quran that we have is a copy from the Preserved Tablet in Heaven:

[085:022]  (Inscribed) in a Tablet Preserved!

‏85:22 في لوح محفوظ

Please visit:

Caliph Uthman's Quran Scholars Committee duplicated the Holy Quran into several copies.  And Allah Almighty Made sure that the Letters and Vowels of the Holy Quran be perfectly preserved in their very complex form.  The Almighty Promised and Took it upon Himself to make sure that the Holy Quran is PERFECTLY PRESERVED:

[075:017]  Surely, upon US rests its collection and its recital.

‏75:17 ان علينا جمعه وقرانه

They didn't originate the Holy Quran's writings.  Our history is filled with conspiracies against Islam and the Quran and the Prophet and his Wives and Companions.  Please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Dawud

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i think that nummerical miracles in the quran are more powerful than scientific verses in the quran since verses are interpretated while nummerical miracles is empirical counting, that is not interpretation but actul facts wich everybody can count and test and verify.

i will definitly used those examples in dawah inshallah.

And Angel Gabriel wrote the Holy Quran with Prophet Muhammad.

maybe angel gabriel but not Muhammed, muhammed was illitarate he could not write his own name.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 05:23:38 AM by Dawud »

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maybe angel gabriel but not Muhammed, muhammed was illitarate he could not write his own name.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Dawud,

I don't believe that Prophet Muhammad was illiterate either.  This again goes back to our history having false information and conspiracies.  I believe the Prophet was literate, at least after the Holy Quran began to be revealed to him.  Ummi does also mean BEING COMPREHENSIVE or GRAND, and not just illiterate.  The Holy Quran was called UMM AL KITAB (the GRAND BOOK; the ULTIMATE BOOK).  Ummi is derived from Umm.  And Umm also means mother.

I don't believe the Prophet didn't know how to read and write when the Holy Quran began to be revealed to him.  I believe he knew well how to read and write, or at least he was taught so by Angel Gabriel when he started receiving the Holy Quran's Revelations, and learning how to document Its very Complex Text.

It takes far more than an illiterate person to truly Master the Holy Quran in Text and Recitation, and to perfectly preserve It.

Take care akhi,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Dawud

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maybe angel gabriel but not Muhammed, muhammed was illitarate he could not write his own name.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Dawud,

I don't believe that Prophet Muhammad was illiterate either.  This again goes back to our history having false information and conspiracies.  I believe the Prophet was literate, at least after the Holy Quran began to be revealed to him.  Ummi does also mean BEING COMPREHENSIVE or GRAND, and not just illiterate.  The Holy Quran was called UMM AL KITAB (the GRAND BOOK; the ULTIMATE BOOK).  Ummi is derived from Umm.  And Umm also means mother.

I don't believe the Prophet didn't know how to read and write when the Holy Quran began to be revealed to him.  I believe he knew well how to read and write, or at least he was taught so by Angel Gabriel when he started receiving the Holy Quran's Revelations, and learning how to document Its very Complex Text.

It takes far more than an illiterate person to truly Master the Holy Quran in Text and Recitation, and to perfectly preserve It.

Take care akhi,
Osama Abdallah

عن زيد بن ثابت قال: كنت أكتب الوحي لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وكان «إذا نزل عليه أخذته برحاء شديدة، وعرق عرقا شديدا مثل الجمان، ثم سري عنه» ، فكنت أدخل عليه بقطعة الكتف أو كسرة، فأكتب وهو يملي علي، فما أفرغ حتى تكاد رجلي تنكسر من ثقل القرآن، وحتى أقول: لا أمشي على رجلي أبدا، فإذا فرغت قال: «اقرأه» ، فأقرؤه، فإن كان فيه سقط أقامه، ثم أخرج به إلى الناس

Zaid bin Thabit, one of the chief scribes relates: "I used to write down the revelation for the Holy Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. When the revelation came to him he felt intense heat and drops of perspiration used to roll down his body like pearls. When this state was over I used to fetch a shoulder bone or a piece of something else. He used to go on dictating and I used to write it down. When I finished writing the sheer weight of transcription gave me the feeling that my leg would break and I would not be able to walk anymore. Anyhow when I finished writing, he would say, 'Read!' and I would read it back to him. If there was an omission or error he used to correct it and then let it be brought before the people."[4]

[4] Mu'jam Al-Tabarani Al-Awst, Hadith 1913. Dar al-Haramain, Cairo, 1415 AH
Authenticated by Al-Haithmi in Majma’ Al-Zawaid 8/257, Hadith 13938

if prophet knew how to read he would read it by himself not to ask his scribers to read for him. by the way quran is more miracolous if prophet could not read nor write

brother when can we expect first explanations in english about those pohots you posted in zip.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 02:22:33 PM by Dawud »

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brother when can we expect first explanations in english about those pohots you posted in zip.

Luckily walhamdulillah (all thanks to Allah Almighty), I just finished my work project (I am a senior IT consultant).  This was a 9-month project.  Hopefully, it'll be another few weeks till I get assigned to a new project.  I am sitting at home.  And I am focusing all of my energy and mind into finishing the rest of the 1/2 or 2/3 of the images.  Once I get all of them finished and scanned, then I'll start on the English article (it'll be as big as a book), Insha'Allah.

All I can say is that I am currently working hard on it :).  May Allah Almighty give me the power to finish it in a timely manner.

Take care akhi,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Dawud

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Luckily walhamdulillah (all thanks to Allah Almighty), I just finished my work project (I am a senior IT consultant).  This was a 9-month project.  Hopefully, it'll be another few weeks till I get assigned to a new project.  I am sitting at home.  And I am focusing all of my energy and mind into finishing the rest of the 1/2 or 2/3 of the images.  Once I get all of them finished and scanned, then I'll start on the English article (it'll be as big as a book), Insha'Allah.

All I can say is that I am currently working hard on it :).  May Allah Almighty give me the power to finish it in a timely manner.

may Allah give you paradise for that

dont forget you can earn Allah's mercy and paradise only by doing this , beacuse i will definitly use that material in my dawah, and dont forget that good deeds copies from other to you. so whoever post one of your translated numerical miracles and present them to others that person will get good deed and that good deed will copy to you automatically on your account without reducing anything from that person. so imagine someone use your material and give dawah with it, good deeds copy to you while you maybe sleep and dream, good deeds copies to you from other people. same it is with evil deeds.

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Thank you, dear brother Dawud.  May Allah Almighty bless you and your family, akhi.  I will Insha'Allah keep everyone posted on the progress.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

I have just updated the Main Table at:  Man, the more I learn about the Holy Quran's Text, the more and more stunning It becomes to me!  Look at the LONG ALIFS in the table, and the delicate positionings of the HAMZAs, and how the Hamza's value would change depending on Its position.

A new batch of scanned images is coming up, Insha'Allah.  I did emphasize in red those different positions in the Noble Verses that they occur in in the new upcoming batch, and in also the previous one.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

I have uploaded a new zip file and posted details on the progress at:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Dawud

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

I have uploaded a new zip file and posted details on the progress at:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

i hope we will get good explanations for those photos from you in coming weeks.

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Re: Breakthrough in finishing phase 2 in translating "The Great Miracle" book
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2016, 07:43:14 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

This Divine Miracle is also being thoroughly discussed with our atheist member here, StardustyPsyche, at:

The beginning of the discussion is found at:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Tarek Habbal

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Re: Breakthrough in finishing phase 2 in translating "The Great Miracle" book
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2016, 07:31:07 AM »
Mashallah Akhi Osama MASHALLAH

May Allah reward you for your efforts a 100 times folds

Allah knows best how many times I resorted to this website to debunk the Kuffar running rampant on the internet

Assalam ya akhi

P.S: Im a native Arabic speaker in case you need any help akhi


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