Author Topic: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?  (Read 32187 times)

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Offline ThatMuslimGuy

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Re: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2014, 09:13:09 AM »
When i told the critics that her Husband used to beat her then he replied,

Her husband was not only killed but her family and friends were also killed by the Muslims do you still think that she fell in love? Open your eyes!

ThatMuslimGuy how should i respond this? Ahm...


Brother. Respond with what simply Safiyah herself said. That she had fallen in love. And that she openly chose to marry him.

She had the choice to go back to her people. But she decided to stay with the Prophet SAW.

Syed Aman

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Re: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2014, 10:06:15 AM »
LET ME TURN THE TABLES!: Slanders about Prophet's (PBUH) marriage with Safiya (RA) -                plz refer to this side May Allah bless you and Indeed Allah and His beloved knows best

Offline Uzair Ahmed

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Re: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2015, 06:03:33 AM »
MuslimGuy, clarify this issue please

When Safiya came to the Holy Prophet (pbuh), he said to her; ‘Among the Jews your father did not stop in his enmity towards me until Allah destroyed him.’ She said: ‘O Allah’s Messenger! Indeed Allah says in His book, ‘No one will take anyone else’s burden’. So the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to her: ‘Make your choice, if you will chose Islam I’ll select you for myself and if you chose Judaism, I’ll set you free and send you to your people.’ She said; ‘O Allah’s Messenger indeed I longed for Islam and testified for you even before you gave me this invitation when I came to you. I have no guardian among the Jews, neither father nor brother and I prefer Islam over disbelief. Allah and His Messenger are dear to me then freedom and to return to my people.” (Ibn Saad 8/123)

Now the critics are saying that Quran was not written in Book form at that time but Saffiyah uses the word "Book" so it means that Ibn/Saad is not authentic and they are telling me to read Ibn/Ishaq.. How to respond this nonsense?

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The rotton filth of Bukhar's Jews in Bukhari
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2015, 06:44:47 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,

Much of these stories are false, even when they favor the Prophet, peace be upon him.  Did you know that Bukhara (the town that Sheikh Al-Bukhari came from) had big Jewish migrations from and to it?  You can Google-research it here:

So it is quite possible and feasible that many Jews pretended to embrace Islam to poison it.  Imam Bukhari could be another rotten one of them.  And even if he wasn't, still the ones that were close to him from his Jewish students were.

Let me make this much simpler for all Muslims to understand.  So while in Sahih Bukhari you find all of the beautiful Hadiths that agree with the Glorious Quran and Its amazing Moral Code:

But you still find the rotten lies about:

1-  The Prophet being bewitched and influenced by magic, despite the fact that the Glorious Quran denies it.

2-  Aisha used to suckle adult males so she would be alone with them.

3-  She-monkey got stoned by other monkeys for committing adultery.

4-  Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, punching the Angel of Death in the eye when Allah Almighty sent him to take Moses' soul.  This is a direct blasphemy and violation to Allah Almighty's Divine Will.

5-  And on and on and on....


Like I said before:  They couldn't penetrate the Glorious Quran and corrupt it.  So instead, they invented these Abu Khara books and put them on the same level as the Quran to poison Islam.  To see the Glorious Quran's Overwhelming Scientific Miracles, visit:

This is why only the things that DO NOT CLASH with the Glorious Quran and Its Morality are closest to the Truth.  Otherwise, they belong to the garbage.  This is why Allah Almighty called the Glorious Quran Muhaymin (The Book that has all Authority above all other books and laws).  Again, visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Uzair Ahmed

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Re: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2015, 11:23:07 AM »
Maybe those Hadiths are weak in narration? Have you checked its grading & Background? Dr.Zakir Naik says that after the Quran if there is any authentic source then that is Sahih Bukhari.

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Re: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2015, 09:13:02 PM »
She said: ‘O Allah’s Messenger! Indeed Allah says in His book,

although revelations were sent down throughout 23 years span. it is clear that those revelations although sent down progressively had already been referred as book.

It is He Who has sent down the book (the Qur'an) to you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) with truth, confirming what came before it. And He sent down the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)(3:3)

The revelation of this book (the Qur'an) is from Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.  (39:1)

Offline ThatMuslimGuy

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Re: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2015, 08:10:38 AM »
MuslimGuy, clarify this issue please

When Safiya came to the Holy Prophet (pbuh), he said to her; ‘Among the Jews your father did not stop in his enmity towards me until Allah destroyed him.’ She said: ‘O Allah’s Messenger! Indeed Allah says in His book, ‘No one will take anyone else’s burden’. So the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to her: ‘Make your choice, if you will chose Islam I’ll select you for myself and if you chose Judaism, I’ll set you free and send you to your people.’ She said; ‘O Allah’s Messenger indeed I longed for Islam and testified for you even before you gave me this invitation when I came to you. I have no guardian among the Jews, neither father nor brother and I prefer Islam over disbelief. Allah and His Messenger are dear to me then freedom and to return to my people.” (Ibn Saad 8/123)

Now the critics are saying that Quran was not written in Book form at that time but Saffiyah uses the word "Book" so it means that Ibn/Saad is not authentic and they are telling me to read Ibn/Ishaq.. How to respond this nonsense?

Lest one should doubt this narration as to how did Sayyidah Safiya (RA) know before embracing Islam that Allah says in His book ‘No one will take anyone else’s burden’, it needs to be clarified that even in the Jewish scriptures the same is mentioned e.g. in Ezekial 18: 20 and it is comprehendible that she coming from a Jewish background knew it.

Offline Uzair Ahmed

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Re: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2015, 05:53:38 AM »

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Offline ThatMuslimGuy

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Re: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2015, 08:05:09 AM »
Jazak Allahu khairan

Some good articles akh. Is it ok if I link them on my weebly?

Offline Uzair Ahmed

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Re: Did Muhammad (SAW) Rape Safiyyah?
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2015, 12:02:46 PM »
Jazak Allahu khairan

Some good articles akh. Is it ok if I link them on my weebly?

Yes Brother you are allowed.


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