Author Topic: WHO ARE ARABS?  (Read 9821 times)

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« on: December 08, 2013, 04:17:06 AM »

  I just wanted to know if the black people from Africa and some Chinese looking people from Indonesia living in the Middle-East are also called Arab?  ??? ??? ??? Another question:

 Are every Arabic speaking person considered Arab? And if a person is considered Arab by ancestry then it can be said that, now the Arab has become a mixed race. I have seen many Indians, Pakistanis, Afghans, Bangladeshis who exactly resemble the Arabs. And its obvious because many Arab merchants came to this region for business and settled down here permanently. They married the local women. I myself is an example of that. But I'm not sure whether my ancestors were Arabs, Persians or Turks. Maybe Persian or Turk or mixed!!!! ;D ;D ;D. Because the region from where I am from was under Persian and Turkish rule for almost 1000 years. Arabs mainly Iraqis were there in the southern region of the country. I'm from north.

 I also read an article which says that the Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians are not complete Arab by ancestry. But yes complete Arab by language.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2013, 04:39:45 AM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 02:38:28 PM »
Its a common misconception that only the Arabian peninsula (and west Mesopotamia) are racially Arabs, and the rest of the countries are Arabs only by language due to Islamic expansion. The reason the countries that are Arabs is because Multiple Arab tribes have migrated to those areas, due to the violent nature of life in the Arabian Desert, intermingled with the local population. For Example, the Maghreb (Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco) were inhabited by Berber Tribes (non Arabs), and they remained that way even after the islamic conquests, however, at the ninth century, the Arabian Tribes of Hilal, Sulaym, Hassan, and many others, migrated to those areas, and intermingled with the local berber tribes. Because of this, most of the population of the Maghreb is considered Arab-Berber, because they can trace there origins back to those tribes. Arab tribes also left the Arabian peninsula before Islam, Banu Ghassan, left there ancestor home in Yemen and migrated into the Levant (Palestine/Israel, Syria, Lebanon), even before this, the nabateans (who spoke a language derived from Aramaic, which then shifted into Arabic), levant, and so was Palmyrene Empire, led by the famous Arab Queen Zenobia. Because of the influx of Arabian tribes these regions became Arab Land, remember the ones i mentioned above are not all of them, they are just the most prominent, also remember that this occurred BEFORE Islam. Sinai was also inhabited by Arabs before Islam (they were called the Arubu Tribes). Iraq did also, like Banu Lakhm, and the majority of Mesopotamia was settled with Arabs centuries before Islam, remember at least in Asia, most of what is today the arab world is actually Arab ethnically because of Arab settlement and not merely language, you cant just learn Arabic and call yourself and Arab, that would make many Islamic Scholars Arab, which they are not.
Some Arab look different from each other because they are not pure Arab, for example, my friedns great grandfather lived in the area known as Uzbekistan, he then migrated to mecca, married an Arab Women, and his sister married an Arab Man. There children are Arabs but they themselves are not Arab. And because they are not pure Arabs they look like Turkic people are still considered Arabs.
If your Northern Iraqi, then you could be Kurdish, Turkman, Assyrian, or even Arab. Or Even Mixed.
I am arab that traces his origin to Bani Tamim, my grandmother though was from Iran. She is an Iranian Arab (Iran is NOT an Arab Country, its made up of Lors, Kurds, Azeris, Tajiks, Persians, the majority, but there are Arabs who settled in the Khuzestan region, especially from Bani Kaab, my grandmothers tribe)
Here is a list of the Arabian Tribes:

Here are the Arab tribes in Iraq:

Hope I helped


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« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2013, 07:18:05 AM »

 Well I'm from Pakistan. My ancestors were either Turks, Persians, Arabs or mixed. Greater possibility of mix. Because this region had been under Arab, Afghan, Turk and Persian rule more than 1000 years. Many Arab, Turk, Persian merchants came here for business and settled down here marrying the local women. My great grand-fathers had tall figures with white skin. While my uncles and aunts are mixed(some tan some pale). I'm tan. Maybe due to this regions geography.   ;D ;D ;D ;D

 Brother I saw many black arabs in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait. They look like both black Africans and Arabs. Maybe they are mixed. I also saw many Chinese looking people.

And brother all gulf Muslims are not racy. But 60 to 70% are. But things are changing day by day with the advancement of education in those countries.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 07:23:56 AM by FARHAN_UDDIN »


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« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2013, 07:45:35 AM »

 Well now Arab race is becoming a mixed race day by day. I have heard of many Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanese and Saudis(both male and female)  marrying Americans, Chines and also South Asians. Well that doesn't matter. I'm not against inter-racial marriage. It's absolutely okay if the couples are Muslims. As Muslims we all are brothers and sisters of each other. We shouldn't discriminate.  ;D ;D ;D ;D


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« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2013, 07:38:30 AM »
Arabs or mixed Arab and Indo-Aryan or Dravidian in the South Asia:

Arabs in Gujarat
Iranian Arabians
Konkani Muslims (trace ancestry to Arab traders on the west coast of India)
Mappila (( Muslims of Malabar(North Kerala)- ancestry to Arab or Persian traders who intermarried Nair/ Menon /Nambiar (upper class descents) or Thiyya /Mukkuva(lower class descents) of Hindu community of North Kerala))
Sri Lankan Moors ( trace ancestry to Arab traders who settled in Sri Lanka)
Iraqi biradri A community of Muslims in north India
Deccan A community of Muslims in Southern and Northern parts of the Deccan Plateau such as Hyderabadi Muslims
Labbay Arab traders who settled in South India (trace ancestry back to Egyptian traders)
Memons Possibly the earliest Muslims to arrive in India,(trace ancestry to Syrians who came with Muhammad Bin Qasim) during the expedition of Sindh.
Boras Trace ancestors to Arab traders and Merchants.
Chaush Trace ancestors to traders from Yemen
Punjabi Shaikhs Dawah workers that arrived in India
Indian Jews
Cochin Jews (Malayali Jews)
Bene Israel (Marathi Jews)
Baghdadi Jews (Arab Jews in Bengal)
Bnei Menashe (Mizo and Kuki Jews)
Bene Ephraim (Telugu Jews)
Syrian Malabar Nasranis are descendents of both Hindu and Jewish converts to Christianity
Knanaya(a sub-group of Syrian Malabar Nasranis)
Paradesi Jews (European Jews in India)


 Arab merchants came to south asia mainly in the 8th century. Mainly large number of Arabs came here with Muhammad bin Qasim. You can learn about him on the WikiPedia . Please visit:

 He was probably the first Arab Muslim ruler in South Asia. His men settled here and married the local women. So mainly for this reason we see people like Arabia in the South-Asia(Mainly in Afghanistan Pakistan, India and Bangladesh)

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2013, 08:54:57 AM »
Well, Pakistan has MANY ethnic groups, like india and Iran.
Persians, Kurds, Khuzestani Arabs (My Grandma is from there), Balochi, Lors are all iranian people
Indo-Aryan people (which make up most of Pakistan the north half of india) include Punjabis, Sindhis, Kashmiris, etc.
You are probably a mix from these people, most are white.
and btw, i agree with you that most Arabs are racy (Please look at the definition of racy on google)
However, I disagree that most gulf Arabs are racist.


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« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2013, 09:59:18 AM »
Well my great grandfathers were as white as milk. Even many of my uncles are the same. But I'm tan. I was white when I was in Kuwait. As I have told you that due to climate change our skins are also being affected to a great extent. Average Pakistanis are white and tan skinned. ;D ;D ;D

 About India, I will say it's mixed. Same in Bangladesh. But yes there are some people of Iraqi and Afghan descend in Northern India and Northern Bangladesh. Lots of Iraqis and Afghans used to travel there for business. And most of them settled down there.

 Brother, Most Arabs aren't racy. And brother I only see Syrians, Palestinians and Lebanese people freely mixing with other people. I don't see this with most rich Gulf Muslims. That's why I think they(Palestinians,Syrians and Lebanese) aren't that much racy. I heard of many Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanese(both male and female) married to south Asians. It's not the case with Gulf Muslim. Well all aren't same. There are many good Gulf Muslims also. We also have plenty of racy stubborn people here in South Asia. I hate them. I believe in brotherhood.We are all equal. Well these are my personal views.

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« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2013, 11:12:55 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum,

Actualy back in the college days, one sister joined our Muslim group (not a club, but the bunch that we were) and she had blue or greenish eyes and a close to blonde hair.  It all looked natural.  No artificial colors appeared.  You could easily tell those by comparing the natural color of the eyebrows with the color of the hair.  If they're off, then the hair is most liked dyed.  I first thought she was Polish or from any country in Eastern Europe, and perhaps a convert to Islam.  But she actually turned out to be from Pakistan, from both Pakistani parents.  And she was born Muslim.

Many of the people in that region have also mixes with Russians.  I mean the old Sovient Union included many of the nations that have direct borders with Afghanistan and Iran, which in turn have also influenced the Pakistani population, since many of the Pakistanis do also have Afghan and Iranian roots.  The same with the Arabs.  Many Arabs are fair because of the Middle East's direct borders with Europe.  Many are also dark people because we also have borders with Africa, and our region is also naturally very hot.

In the end, you are what you are, and you should make the best of it.  Allah Almighty chose us to be in the particular "slots" that He, the Almighty put us in.  In my case for example, I was born male, from both Palestinian parents, not rich, not poor, and alhamdulillah a Muslim.  Also no apparent handicap, walhamdulillah.  Mentally stable (I hope so :) ), and not mentally retarded LOL, even though I do question that sometimes.  But seriously, these are my givens, and I am now responsible for making the best for myself and humanity out of them, and to Ultimately worship and please Allah Almighty.  This life is a trial for all of us as Allah Almighty Said in the Holy Quran:

[008:028] And know ye that your possessions and your progeny are but a trial; and that it is God with Whom lies your highest reward.

[005:071] They thought there would be no trial (or punishment); so they became blind and deaf; yet God (in mercy) turned to them; yet again many of them became blind and deaf. But God sees well all that they do.

Hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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