The Quran has the same story, God places Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, they eat the fruit and get sent to Earth as a punishment, but if they repent, they can have eternal life again.
OK , who among the sane people objects on this ? Allah created father Adam and mother Eve peace upon them to live on Earth . But he wanted to test them . So he told them to have whatever they wanted of the trees except one that they weren't allowed to approach . Iblis - Satan - whispered to them with evil and they did wrong . They repent and Allah accepted their repentance for he is the most merciful . I'd like to see a sane man say a thing about this .
You believe he's eternal. You believing something won't make it true, unfortunately.
The most basic rules of common sense make it true . Already explained and as usual you ignore it all .
You need to provide proof of that claim. If you can't, it's false. For example, I can say that Zeus created the Earth without proof too.
Look , I won't bear the headache and make as simple as a song of kindergarten . Logic and reason say there has to be a first , there has to be a creator that isn't created . That creator must be omnipotent and knows all and out of the system he created and other things . As for which religion is true , that's something to discuss after you're convinced of the first . And I swear that no religion on Earth would stand a chance in a debate against Islam for more than 5 minutes .
Who put this law? Odin?
Again , already explained .
All of you guys are using ancient arguments from Harun Yahya that were refuted centuries ago. We found other transitional fossils later. Scientists only did this for fame and wealth. Genetic fallacy.
Nope , those two are just the tip of the iceberg . There isn't a single transitional fossil . Unless you call a skeleton of every bloody monkey an ancestor . If so , then that's your business .
And again the ancient "How do you know, were you there when it happened?" argument. Were you there when Allah created the universe?
So you agree that this argument stands . I'll ask again : Did you see this so called evolution of a bear into a whale ? You need to stop escaping every question that you're asked by turning around and making another question . As for us , Allah told us about he created the universe . As I said , logic leaves no place for an option other than that a creator made the universe . And when you asked if it's Allah or Odin or someone else , you're dodging the main argument . If you're convinced that there's a creator , then we'll talk which religion is true .
Believing a fairy tale doesn't make it true. Faith over objective reasoning is absurd.
Eat dirt and trash ! I can't believe how low you can go ! I didn't allow any room for misunderstanding but it seems the wrong doers can't hear a thing except what they like ! Where on Earth do you see me saying we have blind faith here ? :
It's a matter of belief . And because I know you'll jump the gun and say "Hey , the Muslim admits that he believes blindly !" I'll burst your bubble . I said it's a matter of belief that is based on believing in the whole religion which is in turn based on rational evidence . If we believe in religion , we believe in what it says even if we can't see it with our own eyes .
Have you no shame ?! If you're crazy , then the readers are sane !
Circular reasoning.
False premise: The universe must have a creator
Jumping to conclusions: Therefore the creator is Allah
Circular reasoning: Allah doesn't need a creator, because I said so!
Lunatic reasoning . And yet again you can't see a thing except what you like . For the thousand time , the most basic establishments of logic and reason say that everything caused has a cause . If you object on that then please don't have a conversation with sane people . And for the millionth time , knowing who the true God is comes after knowing that there is one . We believed in Islam because nothing else makes sense .
So stop trying to look like a knowledgeable man who has no time to waste and is inventing whatever one can think of . Saying some flashy terms doesn't add a value . And showing no manners when talking about the belief of other - thanks to the freedom of nonsense - only makes you look like a teenager suffering psychological disorders .
Already went over this, there were other variants of Miller's experiment recently with the changed condition that were successful. You can't rely on Harun Yahya's book forever...
Already answered by someone other than me . And from experience with such empty bluffs , I can say for sure that they'd take anything unrelated and make it an evidence that must never be questioned . But I'll leave that to who knows better than me .
Few examples. Allah telling Moses' followers to kill themselves (2:54), delicious cuisine magically falls from the sky (5:115), a staff turns into a serpent (7:107), Jonah gets swallowed by a fish and prays while inside (37:142), there are only seven heavenly bodies (2:29), etc etc
Facepalm , Facepalm , Facepalm , Facepalm , Facepalm , etc etc . Let's start from the last . The verse - O one who can't read Arabic OR English - says that there are seven heavens . You clearly either lied or copied whatever you saw from someone else . And who would object about prophet Yuunus - Jonah - being swallowed by a whale and survive and pray inside ? First , you need to know that praying can be with words only just to burst any bubble that might show up . And haven't you heard of a man who survives lightning twice ? Of a man who falls from above 10 floors and survives ? Aside from that , he's a prophet who has been protected by the mercy of Allah . Any objections ? And the staff , is it logically impossible for this to happen ? It seems you don't know what a miracle is - no surprise - and so your judgement is based on ignorance . The funny thing is that Atheists don't mind believing aliens created them or that we live in a matrix or that there are endless universes with minor differences in each - for example , in universe X I didn't have breakfast this morning ! - and then they have the nerve talk about what's illogical . And now the first one . If you bothered look at the context or any explanation that anyone can find on the internet , you would have known that this means for the innocents of them to kill the guilty . That was an order of Allah said by a prophet at his time . Any objection ?
So yes , as I always say : Whoever claims he opposes Islam because he knows it is actually among the most ignorant of it .
Yes, individual ideas and being able to think for yourself is a wonderful thing, wouldn't you agree?
Great . So you agree you have no basis and that anyone can do whatever in the world he wants .
After that , you show the usual filth and scum of Earth street thugs like you puke everywhere . If you were in our forum , you would have been banned right away . And as usual , you try to escape answering anything that you don't like through attacking others . So yes , your disbelieve in God is based on emotional disorders . And as I said before , if you can't talk like someone civilized , don't talk at all .