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Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« on: August 14, 2013, 06:27:00 AM »

 I really condemn what's happening in Egypt. This is not fair. Zionist security guards killed more than 300 of our Muslim brothers today.

 First Syria and now Egypt!!!! What's happening in the Muslim world? Really sad. I don't know much about Muhammad Morsi . I don't know whether he is a pro or anti Zionist supporter but whatever is happening must stop. Egypt is a very significant Muslim country in the Muslim world just after Saudi Arabia. So the ongoing bloodshed in Egypt must stop. A war in Egypt like Syria is totally unacceptable.

 May Allah save us from the clutches of the evil. Ameen.

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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2013, 10:47:17 AM »
I couldn't care less about the group of the Muslims brotherhood . Whoever agrees with what's happening right now of dooming 2200 and injuring 10 thousands is a heartless cold , dirty blooded savage . And why don't we hear the dogs of the media saying the slightest thing about this ? Or maybe because they are Muslims , their lives are cheap ! I swear that whoever believes the lies of this rotten media in Egypt is a brainwashed idiot ! Attacking people at prayer and killing children who can't even walk along with women and elders , all that is nothing ! But such fools believe that there are nuclear weapons in that tiny field where they gather !

This is no more a farce . This is a massacre !


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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2013, 01:38:53 PM »

 Agreed. These medias are nothing but bunch of liars. But unfortunately we can't do anything but pray to Allah the Most High. According to my perspective, Morsi has been ousted by USA. May be for his policies. Well I'm not sure about this. May be brother Egyptian can explain this more precisely.

 I heard that 2000+ are killed in today's crackdown. If it is true then, it's really a matter of concern.

  I'm totally disgusted to see Saudi Arabia ideal ,when our Muslim brothers are being killed everywhere around the globe on daily basis. Their days are also coming. Already unrest is prevailing in the Eastern provinces of the country. Those Zionist monarchy rulers think that those Israeli and USA jets are going to save them. But those fools don't realize that when Allah The Most High punishes someone, no one in the world even the entire USA and Israeli military can't save him or her.

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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2013, 04:10:39 PM »
The number of the dead now is over 4000 and increasing . And for anyone fooled to the digree of believing this media after all of that , watch this thread from page 80 and on to see the mass murdering which was supported by the Jews .

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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 09:39:51 AM »
Let us see the so called "Love" of Christians who made the most of the police forces which doomed all these people .

So get this through your thick skulls , Jews and Christians : Don't object when Islam says that near the judgment day , Muslims will kill all the Jews , you see what happened yesterday , THAT is why they'll be annihilated , because killing and betrayal is in their blood . The stench of hate pours from them . Get over yourselves . In Egypt , you only make 5% of the population and you still want the whole nation to go as you like . You don't want Muslims to live alongside you , you want them to kiss your behinds as you slaughter them . That's not gonna happen . You'll get what you deserve . If you shoot them from those arsenals you call "Churches" they will not mind their "Holiness" . They will break through them and expose your dirty laundry . If you burn a mosque then don't cry if they burn a church . If you burn the Quran and rip it apart then don't cry if they burn your Bible . You are not the chosen people of God . If you make a crime then I swear you will get what you deserve here in this life before the torture in the afterlife . The point is , if you slap my cheek , I'll punch you . If you fire a bullet at me , I'll fire back .

Burnt bodies of civilians

I challenge anyone to say that any of this has ever happened to any group other than Muslims . Why don't we hear the pigs of the so called "Human rights" now ? It seems that being a Muslim makes your blood cheap . 5000 getting killed and burnt is nothing , but burning one church which was shooting people makes you a war criminal ! The same is happening in Burma and Iraq and Afghanistan and Mali and many other places around the world . But those pigs don't mind it . Because Muslims are not humans .

A number of "Terrorists" whose only weapon was the noble Quran

I dare you say that the children and elders and disabled youngsters are terrorists ! I swear that if you say such a thing to anyone with a heart he'd beat you and stomp on you .

The egyptian police gives orders to doom everyone with no mercy

Psssst , the bombs which were used on people in Egypt are Jewish

So much for a country that wants to live in peace with its neighbors . Jews need to learn that they're nothing special . Let the holocaust go to hell . It's nothing near all these souls which were annihilated because they said they believe in one God . Await your day , you'll be kicked out of this nation you invaded and slaughtered its people .

The moment a "Terrorist" was shot down while minding his own business

The reporter of Sky news was killed for nothing other than that he took pictures of the mass murdering

A huge amount of weapons discovered in a church after breaking through it because it was shooting people

Burning of a mosque

If a Christian talks about burning churches , I'll spit in his face !

To every pig who promotes these acts of devil - apologies to devils - such as the son of Zina - who is Christian or Jewish - all these souls are in your throats . Meaning that you're responsible . At the last day , all these you helped kill wither it's by act or by words , you will be judged for each one of them . Did you hear me , council of fake Ex-Muslims ? I'll look forward to see chains going through your mouths and getting out of your backs at the day when justice prevails .

To Atheists who always whine about how it is horrible to punish someone in hell for eternity , you probably don't care because it didn't happen to you , but I swear that you'd wish for eternal hell fire to those who do this if it was you .


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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2013, 03:15:57 PM »

 I do understand your anger. I'm also angry about what the Zionist army has done. And I never trusted the media specially after coming to know the truth about 9/11.

 Brother the ongoing turmoil and unrest in Egypt may not remain confined within the country but it may spread to the neighboring Muslim countries.

 Muhammad (S.A.W) also predicted that, by the end of the time (Qiyamah)  there will be a great deal of killing across the globe.

 Abu Hurayrah narrated that Muhammad (pbuh) said:

 "By the One whose hand is my soul, this world will not come to an end until there comes a day when the killer will not know why he killed and the one who was killed will not know why he was killed" It was asked ''How can that be?'' He said "Al-Hajr (killing), and the killer and the slain will both be in Hell."

 Following is a statistics on the numbers slain in some wars:
1) World War 1: 15 million killed
 2) World War 2:55 million killed
 3) Vietnam War:3 million killed
 4) Russian Civil War: 10 million killed
 5) Spanish Civil War:12 million killed
 6)Iraq-Iran War:1 million killed
 7)Invasion of Iraq: more than 1 million killed
 8)Soviet War in Afghanistan (USA and the terrorists versus the Soviet Union and Afghanistan) 1,500,000 deaths 1979-1989 and (USA versus the Taliban) 80,000+ deaths in 2001
 9) Ongoing Syrian War: 100000+ killed
 10) Libyan War: 3000+ killed

   From the above information we can analyze the total Global situation very easily. Okay above are just wars and I know, there are lots of other wars taking place across the globe ,but above are the major ones. And these days huge number of people are getting killed just in demonstrations or protests, specially Muslims. So just Imagine what will happen when there will be another World War.
Below is a statistics of the number of people killed in recent protests:

 Egyptian protests: 2000+ killed
 Yemen protests: 2000+ killed
 Bangladesh protests: 500+ killed

 The situation is really getting worse as time passes by. Situations may turn more violent in the coming decades. Okay lets just pray, because now we Muslims are not strong or united enough to face the Zionists. Very sad. :-\ :'(

 May Allah save us from the evils. Ameen.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 12:22:17 PM by FARHAN_UDDIN »

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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2013, 05:02:22 PM »
Farhan , that time hasn't arrived yet . There are still things to happen before it .

However , here is more evidence that this war is on Islam and not the brotherhood .

And if someone say that this is a mosque then they are blind .


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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2013, 05:04:23 AM »

 Brother, can you please send me the English Version of the article,

I'm not an expert in Arabic. But will learn it soon. Are you an Egyptian? I'm a Pakistani. But originally a Persian Sunni.


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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2013, 09:47:21 AM »

 Bloodshed in Egypt again just after the noon prayers. Already 4 people are reported to be dead. Battle continuing.

 1 thing to be noted that is, all the protesters are not Morsi supporters. Today one of the protesters told that, he is not on the streets for Morsi but for Islam, for his fellow Muslim brothers. I can't really understand what Zionist General Sisi is up to. Does he want another Syria????? And one thing I have understood , that USA and Israel is giving full support to this Zionist military or else they wouldn't have dared to kill 2000+ Muslims in a single day. I just hope our brother Egyptian is all right.

 One funny thing, today one of the spokesman of the military asked the Egyptians the proof of violence. Very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2013, 12:59:30 PM »
I'm feeling like slapping this General Sisi. Now he is using military helicopters against the people. He has not only waged a war against the Egyptian Muslims but also against Islam. Soon he and his Zionist friends will have to pay. One of the protesters said that at least 5000 people are killed on Wednesday's crackdown. And today until now 41 people are reported to be dead. Just open your TV and see how far the situation has reached.

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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2013, 04:40:44 AM »
Yet more evidence that the media is full of ..... No , I won't go down to their level .


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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2013, 01:43:21 PM »

 Today I saw the worst thing in my life. Zionist security guards firing into a mosque in Cairo. This is the worst thing in the history of the Muslims. Mosque is Allah's house. Any Muslim can take shelter in it. But today the situation has reached such a level that, Muslims aren't even safe inside mosques. The Zionist security guards firing at the mosque without any hesitation. Probably this is one of the signs of the Final Hour.

 They're claiming that gunfire is being shot from inside the minaret of the mosque, but unfortunately those Zionists couldn't show any evidence in favor of their claim.

  Lets just assume there are gunmen inside the minaret. Okay then whom are they firing on? Security guards? Well no security guard is injured or killed. People inside the mosque? Well it's not also because people inside the mosque said on phone that they are being fired by security forces from outside. There are many women and children along with men who took shelter inside Allah's house.  And today to my surprise ,I saw some civilians outside the mosque armed with sticks!!!!! Why isn't the military taking any actions against them? This is just because they are in their side.

 Okay lets just pray for the Muslims in Egypt, because we can't do anything except this. I'm sure Allah will soon send help for us. Soon Zionism will be over. Inshallah.

 Brothers and Sisters please visit the link given below:

 May Allah restore peace in Egypt again and grant Jannat-ul-Firdaus to all those who got killed in the Zionist crackdown. Ameen.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 01:58:31 PM by FARHAN_UDDIN »


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Re: Condemning the bloodshed in Egypt.
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2013, 04:49:04 AM »

 King of Saudi Arabia has proved himself as a supporter of Mossad and CIA by supporting the mass genocide in Egypt. This proves what kind of a ruler is he. As USA couldn't support the military openly they used this dumb puppet King to support the Zionist military in favor of them.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 12:20:11 PM by FARHAN_UDDIN »


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