Author Topic: Rebuttals Needed: Historical errors in the Quran  (Read 5648 times)

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Rebuttals Needed: Historical errors in the Quran
« on: July 16, 2013, 08:14:29 AM »

 An article of Answering Islam claims that Quran contains Historical errors. Bellow is a portion of that article:

[Alexander the Great

It is amazing to see the Qur'an talking about Alexander the Great as if he were a righteous man and a teacher, though it is well-known that the Greek, Alexander, was idolatrous and claimed to be the son of Amun, the God of Egypt. If the reader wonders where it is recorded in the Qur'an that Alexander was a righteous man, we would refer him to the chapter of the Cave 18:83-98 where we encounter sixteen verses which talk about this military general. These verses explicitly say that God assisted him, guided him and removed all obstacles from his way in order that he could accomplish his plans and fulfill his desires. They indicate that Alexander was the one who reached the place of the sunset and found it set down in a well of water and mud. They claim that he encountered some people and God gave him the option to torment them, to kill them or to take them captive, call them to the faith and to lead them in a straight path.

These comments are expressed by all the scholars without any exception (refer to Baydawi, p. 399, al-Jalalan, p. 251, al-Tabari, p. 339, al-Zamakhshari, part 2 of al-Kash-shaf, p. 743). If we do not refer to these great expounders of the Qur'an to whom, then, shall we refer? The Greek Alexander was not a righteous servant of God as the Qur'an said, but he was a licentious, belligerent, idolatrous man. He did not have any relationship with God and God never asked him to guide people and to teach them the faith.


Other Historical Errors

Does the reader believe that Abraham did not offer Isaac, but Ishmael, as a sacrifice? This is what all Muslim scholars say. Do you know that the Qur'an claims that Haman was pharaoh's prime minister even though Haman lived in Babylon one thousand years later? Yet the Qur'an says so. The Qur'an says that the one who picked Moses from the river was not his sister but his mother (28:6-8), and that a Samaritan was the one who molded the golden calf for the children of Israel and misguided them, and the golden calf was lowing (refer to chapter 20:85-88) though it is well-known that Samaria was not in existence at that time. The Samaritans came after the Babylonian exile. How could one of them have made the golden calf for the people of Israel?

Concerning the birth of Christ, the Qur'an teaches that the Virgin Mary gave birth to him under the shade of a palm tree and not in a manger of sheep (refer to Mary 19:23). The Qur'an ignores all the documented historical evidence available to all people across the ages and brings us new discoveries!
The Qur'an claims (Chapter 2:125-127) that Abraham and Ishmael, his son, are the ones who built The Ka'ba in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The late Dr. Taha Husayn (the most famous professor of Arabic literature in Egypt) acknowledges that the information recorded in the Qur'an pertaining to the construction of Ka'ba at the hand of Abraham and Ishmael is not historically documented. He said:

"The case of this episode is very obvious because it is of recent date and came into vogue just before the rise of Islam. Islam exploited it for religious reasons" (quoted in Mizan al-Islam by Anwar al-Jundi, p. 170).

This declaration invoked the rage of the Muslim scholars against him. The former president of Tunisia did the same thing when he stated that the Qur'an contains mythical stories. Muslim scholars revolted against him and threatened to kill him because these are Muhammad's orders - kill anybody who insults the Qur'an. So what could Taha Husayn or Abu Ruqayba [better known in the West as Bourgiba] (or we) do if the Qur'an rejects the most scientifically documented historical stories? Are we supposed to shut up our mouth and close our minds lest we be killed?]

Offline mclinkin94

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Re: Rebuttals Needed: Historical errors in the Quran
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2013, 03:36:37 PM »
Zul quarnain is NOT Alexander the Great, This article assumes he is. I fail to see why.,468.0.html

As far as babylon and Samairtons go, Haman is a name--it may exist many times in history. We found that Haman is the name actually discovered in ancient egypt hyroglyphs.

About the birth of Mary, you cannot show a contradiction in the Quran by a means of the bible. That is circular logic and stupidity. The fact that Mary shook a palm tree tells you that Jesus was born in the summer as many many Christians come to realize.

About Abraham and Ishmael, yes it is not historically documented that he built the Kaaba :/, Just like it is not historically documented he offered the sacrifice in the first place. It was too long ago for historical documentation. Its documented in the Torah/bible, but not in authentic history.

And the the article starts quoting people who have  testimony and then talk about the response. Wow, they must have really disproved the Quran. Why not take the testimony of people and their opinions. Mythical stories? Prove they are mythical.

Offline ThatMuslimGuy

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Re: Rebuttals Needed: Historical errors in the Quran
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2013, 03:47:54 PM »

Brother mclinkin answered it perfectly.

1. The Quran doesnt mention Alexander the Great. It talks about dhul qarnayn.

2. Haman has been dealt at following:

The rest have been answered by the brother.
Quoting bible doeant hold any weight its corrupt.

Offline abdullah

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Re: Rebuttals Needed: Historical errors in the Quran
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2013, 06:27:07 AM »
This article adds validity to the historicity of the kaaba, it doesn't prove that prophet Ibrahim(saws) built it, just that it existed before the time of prophet Isa(saws)


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