Author Topic: TWO FALSE VERSES ADDED TO THE QURAN?  (Read 10136 times)

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« on: June 24, 2013, 10:57:07 AM »
Brother Osama, a site claims that two false verses had been added to chapter-9 of the Quran by the scribes. Please explain the matter. I am confused, it also claims that Allah didn't take the responsibility to preserve the Quran from man made corruption, rather Allah has promised to preserve the Quran at Lauhe Mahfuz. Brother, bellow is the article from that site. I'm not posting the link as it may mislead other muslim brothers. Brother, that site claims itself as an Islamic site.

(Two False Verses Removed from the Quran

Nineteen years after the Prophet's death, some scribes injected two false verses at the end of Sura 9, the last sura revealed in Medina. The evidence, both historic and from the Quran itself, confirms this addition of the last two verses in Sura 9. The mathematical code of the Quran illustrates a major function of the Quran's mathematical code, namely, to protect the Quran from the slightest tampering.

"Indeed, it is We who have brought down the Reminder (Quran) and We will preserve it." 15:9

It is noteworthy here to emphasise that God promises to preserve the Quran and not the "mushaf", the mushaf is the printed Quran.

A confirmation of this issue can be seen in the variations of certain words in the Hafz and Warsh versions of the Quran. The different spelling of a number of words between these two widely accepted versions of the Quran demonstrates that God does not preserve what humans print, but only preserve the Quran which can be accessed by all humans and which is preserved through the code of the Quran.

The Quran is called "mahfooz" (preserved) only in the master tablet with God (85:21) and not in the paper copy printed by humans.

Full details of the correct meaning of the preservation of the Quran are at: The Preservation of the Quran

 Nineteen years after the death of Prophet Muhammad, and during the reign of Khalifa Uthman, a committee of scribes was appointed to write several copies of the Quran so as to be dispatched to the new Muslim lands. The copies were to be made from the original Quran which was written by Muhammad's hand (see: The Issue of Muhammad's illiteracy).
 This committee was supervised by Uthman Ibn Affaan, Ali Ibn Abi Taaleb, Zeid Ibn Thaabet, Ubayy Ibn Ka`ab, Abdullah Ibn Al-Zubair, Sa`eed Ibn Al-Aas and Abdul Rahman Ibn Al-Haareth Ibn Heshaam. The Prophet, of course, had written the Quran in its chronological order of revelation, together with the necessary instructions to place every piece in its proper position. The last sura revealed in Medina was Sura 9. Only Sura 110, a very short sura, was revealed after Sura 9, in Mina.
 The committee of scribes finally came to Sura 9, and put it in its proper place. One of the scribes suggested adding a couple of verses to honour the Prophet. The majority of scribes agreed. Ali was outraged. He vehemently maintained that the word of God, written down by the hand of His final prophet, must never be altered.
 Ali's protest is documented in a number of references such as:

Source : Al-Itqaan Fee Ulum Al-Quran, by Jalaluddin Al-Suyuty, Al-Azhareyyah Press, Cairo, Egypt, 1318 AH, page 59

 The horrendous dimensions of this crime can be realized once we look at the consequences:
 (1) Uthman was assassinated, and Ali was installed as the fourth Khalifa.
 (2) A 50-year war erupted between the new Khalifa and his supporters on one side, and the Mohammedan distorters of the Quran on the other side.
 (3) Ali was martyred, and eventually his family, the prophet Muhammad's family, except for some women and children, were killed.
 (4) The disaster culminated in the infamous Battle of Karbala, where Ali's son, Hussein, and his family were massacred.
 (5) The Muslims were deprived of the pure, unaltered, Quran for 1400 years.

The distorters of the Quran finally won the war, and the "official" history that came to us was a distorted version which represented the victor's point of view. This apparent victory for God's enemies was, of course, in accordance with God's will. In just two decades after the Prophet's death, the idol worshipers who were defeated by the Prophet in the conquest of Mecca (632 AD) reverted to idolatry. Ironically, this time around their idol, the Prophet himself. Such idol worshipers obviously did not deserve to possess the pure Quran. Hence the blessed martyrdom of the true believers who tried to restore the Quran, and the apparent victory for the distorters of God's word.

 The first peace time ruler after this lengthy and disastrous war was Marwan Ibn Al Hakam (died 65 AH/684 AD). One of the first duties he performed was to destroy the original Quran, the one that was so scrupulously written by the Prophet's own hand, "fearing it might become the cause of new disputes" [see 'ULUM AL-QURAN', by Ahmad von Denffer, Islamic Foundation, Leicester, United Kingdom, 1983, Page 56.]. The question an intelligent person must ask is: "If the original Quran were identical to the Quran in circulation at that time, why did Marwan Ibn Al-Hakam have to destroy it?"

 Upon examining the oldest Islamic references, we realize that the false injections, 9:128-129, were always suspect. For example, we read in Bukhari's famous Hadith, and Al-Suyuty's famous Itqaan, that every single verse in the Quran was written down only after it was verified by a multiplicity of witnesses "except Verses 128 and 129 of Sura 9; they were found only with Khuzeimah Ibn Thaabet Al-Ansaary." When some people questioned this improper exception, someone came up with a Hadith stating that "the testimony of Khuzeimah equals the testimony of two men"!

Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 61, Number 511:

Narrated Zaid bin Thabit:
 Abu Bakr sent for me and said, "You used to write the Divine Revelations for Allah's Apostle : So you should search for (the Qur'an and collect) it." I started searching for the Qur'an till I found the last two Verses of Surat At-Tauba with Abi Khuzaima Al-Ansari and I could not find these Verses with anybody other than him.

But there is more evidence. When we look at the title of Sura 9 in the "mushaf" we note that 9:128-129 are labeled as "Meccan" while the first 127 verses are labelled as Medinan:

The Title Figure of Sura 9 from a standard Quran, shows that this sura is Medinan, except for the last two verses; they are Meccan!

 How could these `Meccan' verses be found with Khuzeimah, a late `Medinan' Muslim? How could a Medinan sura contain Meccan verses, when the universal convention has been to label as `Medinan' all revelations after the Prophet's Hijerah from Mecca??!!

 Despite these discrepancies, plus many more glaring contradictions associated with Verses 9:128-129, no one dared to question their authenticity. The discovery of the Quran's mathematical code in 1974, however, ushered in a new era where the authenticity of every element in the Quran is proven.

The missing 'basmalah'

Nothing in the Quran is a coincidence. All the Sura's of the Quran start with the basmalah "In the name of God ....", however we note that Sura 9 is the only Sura which does not start with a 'basmalah'. This is without any doubt a deliberate act by God. Instead God starts the Sura with the words:

 "Exoneration is issued for God and His messenger towards the Mushrikeen with whom you have entered into a treaty"

Why would God not start this Sura with the words "In the name of God"? Unless God knows that there will come a time when some words in this Sura will not be in His name? Words that are not God's words cannot be described as "In the name of God".

In addition, what does God exhonerate Himself and the messenger from and which requires God to start this Sura with these words? There can only be the same reply, it is because some of the words in this Sura are not God's words. It follows that God and the messenger are exonerated of this corruption.

We can cite the example of a messenger in the old middle ages who is sent to a certain people with a decree from the king. He arrives with a scroll in his hand, he unfolds the scroll and starts reading:

"In the name of the King, it has been decreed that .....".

What this means is that everything in the scroll which the messenger is reading is the words of the King and hence the words start with "In the name of the King".

This is not any different in Sura 9, if some words in this Sura are not God's own words, the Sura cannot start with the words "In the name of God ....". Thus the missing 'basmalah' in Sura 9.

As it turns out, the injection of the two false Verses 9:128-129 resulted in:
 (1) demonstrating the major function of the Quran's mathematical system, and
 (2) producing an awesome miracle in its own right, and
 (3) distinguishing the true believers from the hypocrites (they uphold traditions).

The translation of the two false verses is as follows:

9:128 A messenger has come to you from among you who is grieved by what you endured of hardship, and who cares about you, and is 'ra'oof' (benevolent) and 'raheem' (merciful) towards the believers.
 9:129 If they turn away, then say, 'God is sufficient for me, there is no god except He. I put my trust in Him. He is the Lord of the great throne.

 For the full mathematical evidence of this matter, please go to: The Physical Evidence)

« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 02:34:14 PM by FARHAN_UDDIN »


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« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 11:10:03 AM »
Please someone explain me this

Offline mclinkin94

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« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2013, 12:20:32 PM »
This article is making speculation about the Quran and how it is preserved in a tablet and that God promised to preserve that tablet. No, God promised to preserve the Quran. Who would God have to guard the tablet from? Angels? Angels don't have free will, so they cant tamper with it.

And the numerical miracle argument. Perhaps that verse was added there on purpose by God to point to something we haven't yet discovered. Like for example, there are verses in the Quran that don't have Bismillah in the beginning, and when you number those verses in order, you get a number divisible by 7--> So what was initially thought of as a mistake, was on purpose. This could be another one of these things.

But I don't have enough information to explain this fully. Perhaps Osama may know.

I have found some links that will help you:

Also, I took this from a book:

Who was Dr. Rashad Khalifa, and why was he so controversial?
In 1982, a biochemist by the name of Dr. Rashad Khalifa wrote a book entitled “Quran:
Visual Presentation of the Miracle”, in which presented a theory about the Qur’an’s numeric
miracle which, according to him, was entirely and solely based upon the number 19.
Although some of his numbers were correct, it soon appeared that not only were many of
his results inaccurate, but that he even fabricated and manipulated numbers to fit his
calculations and went so far as to claim that he was a messenger of God!
In short, this man based his book on the idea that certain Qur’anic letters and words are
repeated in the Qur’an a number of times that is always a multiple of 19. One of his main
examples is found at the beginning of his book, and is a useful summary of where he went
right and wrong.
According to him, each of the four words making up the Qur’an’s opening verse, the
Basmala, is repeated an exact number of times, and each of these numbers is a multiple of

His own calculations revealed the following results:
1- The first word )بسم(, meaning “In the Name of” originates from the word )اسم(, which
means “name”, and is repeated 19 times in the Qur’an.
2- The second word )هللا(, or “God”, occurs 2698 times in the Qur’an, which is a multiple
of 19 since 2698 = 142 x 19.
3- The third word )الرحمن(, which means “The Most Gracious”, is found 57 times, a
multiple of 19, because 57 = 3 x 19.
4- The final word )الرحيم(, or “The Most Merciful”, is repeated 114 times, and 114 is a
multiple of 19 since 114 = 6 x 19.

After a significant amount of time and research (and manual counting!) I concluded that
these results were mostly incorrect. These were my findings:
1- The first word in its various forms3
occurs 22 times and not 19 times as he claims.
Strangely, although he does point out that this word has a precise spelling in the
)بسم( and )باسم(, which both mean “In the Name of”, as well as )اسم(, which means “name” and)االسم(, which
means “the name”.

2- The word )هللا(, meaning “God”, is repeated 2699 times across the Qur’an, not 2698
times, and it is quite peculiar how he was only one word short of the right number!
The number 2699 is in fact a prime number; that is, it is only divisible by itself and 1,
and in this, perhaps, is an interesting reference to the uniqueness and Oneness of
God Almighty.
3- The third word in the Basmala is )الرحمن(, or “The Most Gracious”, and according to
him, it occurs 57 times in the Qur’an. This number is absolutely correct.
4- Finally, he claims that last word, )الرحيم(, meaning “The Most Merciful”, occurs 114
times in its various forms4
. It is in fact repeated 115 times5
. The additional mention
of this word which he doesn’t count is towards the end of Surat al-Taubah, where
God Almighty states:  Go to page 11
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 12:33:52 PM by mclinkin94 »


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« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2013, 01:21:10 PM »
Does this prove theory-19 is false?


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