Author Topic: Brother Osama: Time for evolution to make its way into answering-christianity?  (Read 5913 times)

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Offline mclinkin94

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Hello everyone and brother Osama. Firstly, thank you very much for your amazing website. I have a proposal; please read this with an open heart and mind.  I'm not saying that the theory of evolution is 100% infallible and is 100% fact (there are missing evidences, but that doesn't mean evolution doesn't exist--the evidence for it is overwhelming) I am proposing that the Quran  supports evolution. As a microbiologist, I have seen natural selection with my own eyes. I have seen how antibiotic resistance work.

Refer to the current article on evolution:,

This article asserts that Evolution has no place in Islam and the Quran. It points out many verses about it.

It also says that Animals were sent from outer space; this can be true for bacteria and single-celled organisms, but an animal like cattle will not be sent from outer space. Firstly, they need to be able to breathe in outer space, secondly earth's atmosphere burns off the meteorites that hit earth. Animals like cattle cannot survive in those conditions.

I will now talk about the verses the article mentions:

"Behold, thy Lord said to the Angels: 'I will create a vicegerent on earth.'...(The Noble Quran, 2:34)" --> Verse 2:34 talks about prostration of the angels to adam, in no way does it disprove Islams support of evolution. A vicegerent is a person that is delegated power. Adam was delegated praise from Allah. Why? Perhaps because Adam (the first person to carry the human mutation) was the best of God's creation so far. He has free will so he is already better than the angels. He is also better than all of the other hominids in earth do not compare to the final result of God's amazing creation!

"From the (earth) did We Create you, and into it Shall We return you, And from it shall We Bring you out once again.--> This does not disprove Islam's evolution stand either. Instead it says that we are made of dust, all animals including Adam.

"Behold! thy Lord said To the angels: 'I am about To create man, from sounding clay From mud moulded into shape; 'When I have fashioned him (In due proportion) and breathed Into him of My spirit, Fall ye down in obeisance Unto him.'   (The Noble Quran, 15:28-29)"----> This verse obviously has symbolic characteristics. We are created from clay (a mixture of earth and water and we were shaped). Interestingly enough this verse says we have been fashioned, maybe it means we have been evolved to make us who we are. He could fashion us through evolution.

So this article doesn't entirely disprove Islams stance on evolution.


Support for evolution:

Quran 29:20 Say: "Travel through the Earth and see how He BEGAN the Creation. THEN, Allah makes the latter Creation. Allah is capable of (doing) everything".

24.45 . Allah has created every animal out of water . Of them (is a category which) walks upon its belly, (another which) walks upon two legs, and ( a third which) walks upon four . Allah creates what He wills. Allah is Able to do everything (He wants).

21: 30 Have not those who disbelieve seen (known) that the heavens and the Earth were of one connected entity, then We separated them (from each other), and We made every living thing out of water? Will they not then believe?

71.17. And Allah has caused you to grow out of the earth like plants.

32.7. (Allah is He) who has made everything He created BETTER, and He began the creation of the human (being) out of clay.--> He made everything he created better. Evolution could have been a mechanism.

Please read the article linked at the end  for more Quranic verses.

I'm a Muslim who strongly believes in evolution by design NOT in blind evolution and chance, natural selection and chance alone CANNOT make such a wonderful tree of life.

-Eve from Adam's rib:  Most of the ideas that contradict evolution among Muslims are from the myths of other religions which were imported to Islam and attributed falsely to the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Our father Adam (peace be upon him) was preferred or chosen over other people of his time as Allah stated clearly in Quran 3:33-34, just like Allah chose any prophet after him also Quran stated in these verses that all were "offspring", Adam was included and Allah is never short of words.

-Creation of Adam in Heaven: There is no such thing in the Quran, Adam was reworded to stay in Heaven with his wife AFTER he won the contest against the angels (the naming of creatures) as Quran stated clearly in 2:35 and 7:19. When Adam disobeyed Allah and ate from the tree him and his wife were sent back to Earth.

-Why Adam disobeyed Allah? Because Allah didn't promise Adam to be immortal in Heaven, Adam was growing older and Satan promised him that if he ate from the immortality tree then he will not grow older. Quran: 20:120 and 7:20

-Creation of Adam from dust: We are all created from dust, just like our father Adam. Quran 18:37, Quran 30:20, Quran 35:11, Quran 40:67.

-Adam was created suddenly: Just This verse is enough to refute such claim and there are many others Quran 7:11: And We created you (humans, in plural form), THEN fashioned you (made you in the image you are, also addressing humans in plural form), then said to the angels: Prostrate to Adam!

-How can Adam be our father if there were many humans?: The children of the smart man that Allah chose were the most fit to survive to our days (survival of the fittest), there are many other human species which we found their fossils only and they didn't make it to our time. Allah chose Adam and gave him a challenge of naming creatures and Adam was able to do that, the other hominids at the time did not have the intellectual capacity to do so! So Allah told the angels to prostrate to Adam, God's perfected creation (through evolution). Adam is our father because he is the hominid creature that survived (the most fit).

Similarity of Adam And Jesus (Peace and blessings be upon them): Quran 3:59 talks about the similitude between Adam and Jesus. Anti-evolution muslims assert that this means that they were both created miraculously and instantly. Well, Jesus was not. Jesus developed as an Embryo, so Adam would have too. Jesus was born without a father but he had a mother--> Adam may have too, perhaps the mother bearing Adam was non-human like and God caused a mutation to make Adam. That is of course how mutations occur, they occur before the fetus is formed.  Further into verse 3:59, when Allah said 'be' and it is, is most likely referring to genetic processes like a mutation. How could have Jesus been created without a father scientifically? Perhaps Allah has added genetic processes to the egg before it became a fetus to make Jesus, the same occurred to Adam.  Also take note that: The biggest similarity between Jesus and Adam (pbut) though is that they were both prophets when they were born, So compared to the other prophets, like Muhammad (pbuh) who was told he was a prophet later in life, Jesus and Adam have the most similarity.

If you guys are interested in giving birth without sperm (father) take a look at this: there are many other articles about this online and it is a work in progress. Allah is most definitely able to make Jesus and Adam without a father

Allah is NOT a wizard, He does NOT pull new stars and new galaxies from a magic hat and certainly He doesn't do that for new species. Allah created and planned this universe on scientific laws; evolution is just one of them. Evolution means way more ingenious creator than a wizard who had to come to Earth and pull species one after another because he couldn't plan that from the beginning and you know very well that Allah is the best planner, evolution was part of the plan from the beginning of creation of this universe.

Please read the article linked here, don't be brainwashed by the myths of other religions. Just because Christianity is against it, doesn't mean Islam is. Thank you.

Click on the link below for more information about evolution in the Qur'an:

May Allah guide us into the right path. Thank you Brother Osama for an amazing website! May Allah reward you.

I would like to conclude this with a verse from the Quran, chapter 59:24

He is Allah , the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner The Evolver (al bari); to Him belong the best names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

^Not only does Allah create, he FASIONS creation, he EVOLVES creation.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 12:10:35 AM by mclinkin94 »

Offline Sama

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Hello everyone and brother Osama.
 As a microbiologist, I have seen natural selection with my own eyes. I have seen how antibiotic resistance work. [/b]

May Allah guide us into the right path. Thank you Brother Osama for an amazing website! May Allah reward you.

Natural selection and antibiotic Resistance have nothing to do with the conjecture of u being originally a microbe.

"survival of the fittest" is not evolution theory, it's an "observable" fact.
Antibiotic resistance is a result of natural occurance or mutations, I think as a microbiologist, u will undersand this: , again it's observable.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 09:36:46 AM by Sama »

Offline mclinkin94

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Natural selection and antibiotic Resistance have nothing to do with the conjecture of u being originally a microbe.

"survival of the fittest" is not evolution theory, it's an "observable" fact.
Antibiotic resistance is a result of natural occurance or mutations, I think as a microbiologist, u will undersand this: , again it's observable.

I would also like to quote something from the forum you showed. In the conclusion, it said: "Rather, resistance resulting from horizontal gene transfer merely provides a mechanism for transferring pre-existing resistance genes".

Yes sure, and I have good reason to believe that those pre-existing resistance genes were passed on between microbes and the microbes that carried that mutation survived and reproduced. The only thing I am asserting is that the mutation to make something a resistance gene is designed and planned from ALLAH.

The only reason we can observe microbes in real time is because they reproduce rather quickly compared to large animals. In other words we cannot observe large animals evolving because it takes millions of years. 

Since survival of the fittest is an observable fact, we can say that when Allah gives a creature a mutation and then the environment changes, that mutation survives and is able to reproduce. So that species that carries the mutation (that is NOT random), that species survives and reproduces. This shows the mechanism of God creation. God is of course, the best planner and the best mathematician. He has probably set a mathematical equation that would lead to all the mutations happening and the environment changing to make Humans! Why couldn't Allah make such an ingenious plan.

So antibiotic resistance, should be an example of a species evolving. The only reason we can observe it is because it is happening fast (within our lifetimes).

ALLAH is the one creating the mutations, ALLAH is the one who ingeniously planned it all out. All praise is to Allah.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 01:35:11 PM by mclinkin94 »

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BUMP: I have found another verse:

56:60-61 We have decreed death among you, and We are not to be outdone, In that We will change your likenesses and produce you in that FORM which you do not know.

^look at that verse. This verse is connecting DEATH to changing human forms! This alone should be sufficient enough that Evolution by natural Selection is supported in the Quran! Because God has Caused us to DIE, humans can collectively CHANGE into a new FORM! Evolution by natural selection says that species unfit for the environment will die and species fit for the environment will survive and reproduce. So collectively, that new species has a changed form form the original. This verse is saying that the process of death is linked to the change of human form. And they say a man from the desert just knew these things.  (Also the verse in Arabic has the "Kom" at then end of verbs, so this verse is talking about 'you all', meaning humans collectively)

These would be great to refute atheists like Richard Dawkin's saying that all he has to do to destroy religion is to prove evolution. This is great to prove people like that wrong- and it will lead people to the truth-Islam.

All praise is to almighty Allah who has created life in ingeniously complex stages!


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