Author Topic: May the Curse of Allah(SWT) be upon those who broke the chain of Islam  (Read 17597 times)

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Offline reza

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May the Curse of Allah be upon those who broke the chain of Islam and divided the Muslims and have separated them from each other and created this hatred among Muslims.

Rasullalah(SAWS) was not a sunni or a shia or salafi or wahabi or whatsoever.he was just a Muslim.

what is the matter with you people that destroyed the grave of Hojr Ibn Odai and took his dead body with you?
what did he do to you?
with taking his dead body and burring in it somewhere else Islam will become safe?

You are Less than an animal

Offline mendacium remedium

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Sunni or Shia, i view us as a united group of muslims, and brothers and sisters in Islam.

Offline Black Muslim

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I know your anger , but there are some things you need to know .

Firstly , the prophet WAS a Sunni . Let me ask you something : Do you know what Sunni means ? It means someone who is on the Sunnah (Path) of prophet Muhammad peace upon him and his companions and people . So a true Muslim is also Sunni . The same is with the word "Salafi" . It means someone who's on the path of Salaf " (ancestor) . They are people who are following Islam as the companions of the prophet peace upon him were taught by him . So trying to corrupt the picture of those who are on the path of prophet Muhammad and his companions is the real crime here . Believe me , you have NO idea of the sick media around the world . In Egypt , you get jailed just for saying that drinking is forbidden ! I know that it was before the revolution but it's still bad until now !

As for the Shia sect , I find it extremely inappropriate to call them Muslims as there are doings of blaspheme in their belief . Osama has already talked about them . Check the site .

Despite all that , I ask God to place maximum punishment on these pitiful excuses of human beings who didn't respect the holiness of a dead man . And maximum punishment as well on the rotten filthy dogs of media who couldn't care for such a terrible act but do care when someone kicks a cat !

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Black Muslim

Rasulallah was not a Sunni or a Shia as i told you,he never said i am a Sunni.
He was Just a Muslim.
Shia's are muslim also,they are not kafer,it is their Scholars who are bad not the poor people
it is their shcolars to blame
that doesn't mean all Sunni are good or all Shias are bad

it is those nasty scholars of sunni and shia who makes this hatred and lie about both of them

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Black Muslim

Rasulallah was not a Sunni or a Shia as i told you,he never said i am a Sunni.
He was Just a Muslim.
Shia's are muslim also,they are not kafer,it is their Scholars who are bad not the poor people
it is their shcolars to blame
that doesn't mean all Sunni are good or all Shias are bad

it is those nasty scholars of sunni and shia who makes this hatred and lie about both of them

As'salamu Alaikum Reza,

I can tell you're a Shia.  Ridha or Reza is a Shia name, even though Muslims do also name such names.  The titles aren't important here.  What's important are the blasphemous practices of the Shias.  Your religion stands and falls on cursing people who of old that existed 1,400 years ago.  This is the only way you can justify beating yourself with swords, stones and shoes.  I say please do Islam a MASSIVE FAVOR and just stab yourselves to death and be over with it.  Seriously.  The ENTIRE MUSLIM WORLD is just about sick and tired of the shias.  You adulterate Islam, associate partners with Allah Almighty, and you don't consider the Holy Quran to be uncorrupt.

Shiism is a poison.  It's not Islam.  It's a dispicable cult that we must get rid of.  And its "Holy Scriptures" are books that were written even HUNDREDS OF YEARS AFTER SAHIH BUKHARI AND MUSLIM.  The only reason why you lived for this long is because Muslims WERE SO IGNORANT ABOUT YOU BY THE WHOLESALE!  Thanks to the advanced Media from Youtube and Facebook and the Internet in general, your filth got exposed and your foul stink is smelled by all.

Everything you need to know is located here:

I agree with you that not all Shias are disbelievers.  There are ignorants among them who are associated with this cult by name only.  But you have a moral obligation, as a Shia, to disown this cult.  Otherwise, you remain one of them.  And you would then be a bad influence and a bad source.  Shiism is a blasphemy.  The shia scholars are disguised zionist rabbis.  Your next MAHDI BOOK is now being cooked in Tel Aviv!  Shias are now speaking about the coming Mahdi will come very soon.  Ahmedinajad also said this at the UN.  This is one main reason why your "scholars" don't have to be scholars of the Holy Quran!  It's far too difficult for them to read It and memorize It in Arabic.  This is 100000000% opposite from the Sunni Scholars.

The zionists plant dictators to serve them in the Sunni world, not Islamic Scholars.  But in your cult's case, it is your RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS and government who are the planted zionist agents.  Your Ayatolla Khomanie came from Paris to Tehran on a zionist airplane.

Shiism is a zionist poison!


Offline Black Muslim

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Were not my words clear ? A Sunni is someone who follows the path of the prophet peace upon him . It has nothing to do with the different namings of these days . It's just the meaning in the language itself !

Offline reza

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Brother Osama

Shame on you,you really broke my heart without even knowing me and just judged me from my name.i'm Iranian and my name came from the grand grand grand son of Rasullalah.

to tell you the truth i was born as a shia,28 years of my life i was shia and you know how the shia scholars program the poor people and lie about sunnis.

on the other hand the sunni scholars also lie about shias.the first time i met a sunni was a girl who said your quran has forty chapters and luckily i had a quran with me and i showed her then she realized she was wrong
and she was telling me other lies that sunni scholars have programmed her

oneday i had a sunni Iraqi housemate in malaysia and he told me about the sunnis and the shias
then i realized that both of our scholars have lied to us

today you ask me if i am a sunni or a shia,i will tell you just a muslim,not sunni nor shia

shame on you really.i thought of you as a good muslim who is trying to save Islam and help people to find the truth.

when i was in Malaysia,Allah is my witness that i used to pray with Sunnis everyday and every Friday

you really hurt me.

i will never ever visit your website and your blog anymore
and if i see a christian i won't ask them to convert to Islam because of people like you
what makes you better than the other people?
with killing shias islam will be safe?

you know nothing about Amer belma'roof and Nahi men al monker

Offline reza

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an one more thing

we hate khomaini and khamenehee and that monkey Ahmadinejad
our population is 75 million,out of 75 million you will see only 2 million on TV that are demonstrating and supporting this regime because the government is paying them.

As i said at the beginning may the curse of Allah(SWT) be upon those who broke the chain of Islam and wahdat of muslims

Offline Tanveer

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on the other hand the sunni scholars also lie about shias.the first time i met a sunni was a girl who said your quran has forty chapters and luckily i had a quran with me and i showed her then she realized she was wrong
and she was telling me other lies that sunni scholars have programmed her
I thought all muslims used the same Quran? Ive never heard of a quran with forty chapters.

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Tanveer All the Muslims use the same Quran

but it is the scholars who lie about the Quran
the Quran that you find it in JAPAN is the Same as you find it in CALIFORNIA and the same as you find it in Sweden and the same as you find it in South Africa

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I don't know why shia behave like this:

what's their point  :o

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I don't understand why you got mad at me.  If the people whom I attacked are ones that you disown and have no association with, then I don't see why you should be offended.

Also, your Islam is between you and your Creator, Allah Almighty.  Your statement about driving non-Muslims away from Islam is quite ridiculous!

I don't know why you call yourself a Shia if you're not part of that zionist cult.  If you believe that Ali should've been the first Caliph, then let it be known to everyone that many many Sunnis believe this already, and they're not Shias and they despise shias.  And I am one of those Sunnis.  But I don't create fitnah (trials and tumults) among Muslims for this.  All of the characters of that era and age ARE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!  They are with the Judge of all judges.  Their drama and stories are irrelevant for us today, and no Muslim has the right to create divisions over them.  The dispicable shias disagree with this, and they thrive on creating divisions among Muslims.  And they beat themselves with swords, knives, rocks and shoes.  This is both blasphemy and idol worship.  Visit: to see ample videos about them.

If you believe that there should be 12 Imams, then that is a lie from Hell that was invented on Islam.  And Ali and Hasan themselves, when they ruled, neither one of them ever declared to be the number #1 or #2 Imam, nor did they declare that there are Imams.

If you are a Shia by name only, then instead of getting mad at me for pointing out the blasphemies and poison of this satanic and zionist religion, why don't you instead educate yourself and be more responsible?  Again, your statement about not going to propagate Islam to disbelievers and you'll advise them to stay away from Islam is quite offensive and ridiculous!  It is also very irresponsible.

Hope you take this advise without getting offended.  And you're welcomed to stay on this board.


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The reason that i got mad because of what you told me,you said go kill yourself
here is your saying:

I say please do Islam a MASSIVE FAVOR and just stab yourselves to death and be over with it.  Seriously.  The ENTIRE MUSLIM WORLD is just about sick and tired of the shias.  You adulterate Islam, associate partners with Allah Almighty, and you don't consider the Holy Quran to be uncorrupt.

Wallah I don't know if Quran is corrupted or not.i just heard it from you for the first time

and other thing is that i told you if you had asked me are you a shia or sunni 2 years ago i would have said shia' but now if you ask me are you a shia or sunni i say i am a Muslim.not a shia or a get my point?

the reason why i said i will tell the disbelievers stay to your own religion is because of people like you who immediately attack Shias without even knowing that those poor shias they have been brainwashed by those f u c k i n g Mullas(i am sorry to say bad words here but i can't think of an other word to describe them) who keep liking to both shias and sunni

you read my previous post,i told a sunni girl told me your Quran has 40 chapters and i showed her that the Quran is the same everywhere.then when i talked to a sunni Iraqi he told me more about Sunni and an Saudi Sunni friend also told me that their scholars lie to them and make this hatred between people

Osama Hindus are laughing at us.

instead of talking like that to those poor people tell them the truth not attack them or kill them
this way you will make the hatred more and more.

i said it over and over,i am not a shia nor a sunni,Just a Muslim and that's it.
you should blame the scholars not the poor people who have been brainwashed and know nothing about the truth.

where in the Quran it is written that if you kill 5 shias you will go to Janna?
i have seen many people keep saying that,that Wahabis say if you kill 5 Shias you will go to Janna.

as i said shame on those who broke the chain of Islam and Wahdat among the Muslims.
that monkey Ahmadinejad is not our president.
nobody voted for him,in Iran presidential election, parliament election all the elections are just a game to fool people.
there is a new election going on here and even if nobody votes another a s s h o l e will get elected.

instead of talking like that with hatred towards shia,try to talk to them and tell them the truth in a gentle way.

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where in the Quran it is written that if you kill 5 shias you will go to Janna?
i have seen many people keep saying that,that Wahabis say if you kill 5 Shias you will go to Janna.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Reza,

I am sorry for offending you.  I didn't mean it.  I hope you accept my apology.  Sunnis are always consistent, by the way, in not generalizing all Shias.  There is a difference between the zionist shiism and the people who call themsleves Shias.  May be in Iran it's different, for I know you guys have a beef with Arabs because of the fall of Persia by the Arabs (Muslims) :), and not for any member of Ahlul Bayt, peace and blessings and mercy be upon them all.  But the Shias in Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Lebanon, the Gulf are different, plus also some in Iran as well.

As to your comment that I quoted above, I have never heard of anything such as this.  Perhaps this is a lie that was invented in Iran on the Sunnis.  We don't have silly things like this (kill 5 Shias and you'll enter Heaven).  But we do find Khomainie giving plastic keys to children to strap bombs around their waists and blow themsleves up on Iraqi soldiers and tanks.  Your quote above sounds like an Iranian-invented lie, and its language sounds like Iranian Shias type of statement (lie).

So no my dear brother, we don't have that.  And I agree with you that we are only Muslims.  But like brother 'Black Muslim' pointed out, the Sunna of the Prophet is also a must, and therefore it's no problem to call yourself a Sunni Muslim.  After all, we are commanded by Allah Almighty to also follow the Prophet's commands.  Plus I want to add to that by saying that it is VITAL for every Muslim TODAY to distinguish himself or herself from the shias.  So yes, among ourselves we are ONLY MUSLIMS.  But outside, we are Sunni Muslims.  I refuse to be mixed in the same category with any shia.

Plus also as the Prophet, peace be upon him, prophecied in the Hadiths, the Muslims will be divided into many heretical sects, but only one of them will be saved, and that group will be those who adhere to the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah, and they will be the majority among all Muslims!  So alhamdulillah (all thanks are due to Allah Almighty), I belong to the one group that is also the Mainstream Islam.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline reza

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Dear Brother Osama

Thank you so much for your comment,i can not swear but believe me we hate khomaini and khamenehee and this God damn regime here.

khomaini was not an Iranian originally,he was an Indian originally from kashmir
in Iran if you say something against khamenehee and khomaini they will kill you immediately
there is labor his name is satar beheshti,he just said a few things about khamenehee and they arrested him and after three days they called his parents to come and get the dead body and his cellmates bear witness that he was tortured and beaten up to death.

we don't hate arabs,maybe some people hate Iraqis because of the war between Iran and Iraq
what happened in the past between persia and arabs are the past.

I'm from Ahvaz,there are many Arabs in my city,some came from Iraq,some from Kuwait and some from Saudi Arabia
Among them are really nice people and assholes as well.but in general they are ok

hope we can be good friends in the future and remove this cloud off our eyes so we can see the world in a better way
and please whenever you Quote something on behalf of Our Nabi Karim(SAWS) tell me the resources as well.

if you have yahoo ID email it to me please so can talk more


Wasalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatu


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