Author Topic: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran  (Read 23374 times)

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Mobashir Mallick

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regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:33:01 AM »
Sir , Mashallah from ur website I got a lot of help & Inshallah soon I will also. Be doing daawah sir till now the only answer which I was unable to get was about the meteorite shower on jinns sir can you plz help me with dat as soon as possible

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2013, 11:12:39 AM »
Sir , Mashallah from ur website I got a lot of help & Inshallah soon I will also. Be doing daawah sir till now the only answer which I was unable to get was about the meteorite shower on jinns sir can you plz help me with dat as soon as possible

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Welcome to the board.  May Allah Almighty continue to bless you by keeping you in Islam, and by further strengthening your faith in our Cherished and Precious and Beloved Religion and Faith, Islam.  Ameen.

As to your question dear brother, this topic is actually one of the Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  The Jinns are not struck by any rock or meteorite.  The Glorious Quran is CRYSTAL CLEAR about them being struck by special Stars in the Universe.  I know that there are Hadiths that say that Jinns are struck by meteorites.  But the Glorious Quran completley contradicts this.

[067:005]  And we have, (from of old), adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps, and We have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones, and have prepared for them the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.

‏67:5 ولقد زينا السماء الدنيا بمصابيح وجعلناها رجوما للشياطين واعتدنا لهم عذاب السعير

Meteorites are not stars, nor are they lamps for the Lower Heaven, which could be our Galaxy or a section inside our Galaxy.  They come and go in a short amount of time, and their light is short.  So they couldn't possibly be the lamps (stars) that are talked about in Noble Verse 67:5.

There are many more Noble Verses that I provided.  Please visit:  Read Main Sections #1, 2, 3 and 4.  I've proven this in great details.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Tanveer

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2013, 01:47:59 PM »
Sir , Mashallah from ur website I got a lot of help & Inshallah soon I will also. Be doing daawah sir till now the only answer which I was unable to get was about the meteorite shower on jinns sir can you plz help me with dat as soon as possible

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Welcome to the board.  May Allah Almighty continue to bless you by keeping you in Islam, and by further strengthening your faith in our Cherished and Precious and Beloved Religion and Faith, Islam.  Ameen.

As to your question dear brother, this topic is actually one of the Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  The Jinns are not struck by any rock or meteorite.  The Glorious Quran is CRYSTAL CLEAR about them being struck by special Stars in the Universe.  I know that there are Hadiths that say that Jinns are struck by meteorites.  But the Glorious Quran completley contradicts this.

[067:005]  And we have, (from of old), adorned the lowest heaven with Lamps, and We have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones, and have prepared for them the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.

‏67:5 ولقد زينا السماء الدنيا بمصابيح وجعلناها رجوما للشياطين واعتدنا لهم عذاب السعير

Meteorites are not stars, nor are they lamps for the Lower Heaven, which could be our Galaxy or a section inside our Galaxy.  They come and go in a short amount of time, and their light is short.  So they couldn't possibly be the lamps (stars) that are talked about in Noble Verse 67:5.

There are many more Noble Verses that I provided.  Please visit:  Read Main Sections #1, 2, 3 and 4.  I've proven this in great details.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Where are these hadiths found?

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2013, 02:40:47 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Tanveer,

Actually, I just re-researched this, and the Hadiths don't seem to make this explicit.  But here is a Hadith about the meteorites:

"'Abdullah. Ibn 'Abbas reported: A person from the Ansar who was amongst the Companions of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) reported to me: As we were sitting during the night with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), a meteor shot gave a dazzling light. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: What did you say in the pre-Islamic days when there was such a shot (of meteor)? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best (the actual position), but we, however, used to say that that very night a great man had been born and a great man had died, whereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: (These meteors) are shot neither at the death of anyone nor on the birth of anyone. Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, issues Command when He decides to do a thing. Then (the Angels) supporting the Throne sing His glory, then sing the dwellers of heaven who are near to them until this glory of God reaches them who are in the heaven of this world. Then those who are near the supporters of the Throne ask these supporters of the Throne: What your Lord has said? And they accordingly inform them what He says. Then the dwellers of heaven seek information from them until this information reaches the heaven of the world. In this process of transmission (the jinn snatches) what he manages to overhear and he carries it to his friends. And when the Angels see the jinn they attack them with meteors (Shahab). If they narrate only which they manage to snatch that is correct but they alloy it with lies and make additions to it.  (Sahih Muslim, Book 026, Number 5538)"

Again, please visit to see how the Glorious Quran defined Shahab, and how the Glorious Quran talked about the Stars shooting rays against the Jinns.  Read Main Sections #1, 2, 3, 4 from the article.

Anyway, not all Hadiths are authentic.  Those that contradict the Glorious Quran and/or Science should be discarded as fabrications, or misundertanding by people.  People when narrating from each others, they paraphrase.  And as we all know, people naturally tend to add their own interpretations and versions and twists to the narration or story.  This is not necessarily always due to bad and malicious intentions.

Hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2013, 03:37:26 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

I have just updated Main Section #3 of the following article with more proofs:

It seems that Guided Pulsar Rays (perhaps there are other stars as well) are used to shoot down the devils by Allah Almighty's Will.  Pay special attention to Noble Verses 37:6-10 & 86:1-3.  The Glorious Quran's Miracle is clear.  Please try to refute my arguments.  I challenge everyone to give it a try.  Constructive challenges and criticisms are beneficial.  Through them we learn and advance.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Tanveer

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2013, 01:44:16 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Tanveer,

Actually, I just re-researched this, and the Hadiths don't seem to make this explicit.  But here is a Hadith about the meteorites:

"'Abdullah. Ibn 'Abbas reported: A person from the Ansar who was amongst the Companions of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) reported to me: As we were sitting during the night with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), a meteor shot gave a dazzling light. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: What did you say in the pre-Islamic days when there was such a shot (of meteor)? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best (the actual position), but we, however, used to say that that very night a great man had been born and a great man had died, whereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: (These meteors) are shot neither at the death of anyone nor on the birth of anyone. Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, issues Command when He decides to do a thing. Then (the Angels) supporting the Throne sing His glory, then sing the dwellers of heaven who are near to them until this glory of God reaches them who are in the heaven of this world. Then those who are near the supporters of the Throne ask these supporters of the Throne: What your Lord has said? And they accordingly inform them what He says. Then the dwellers of heaven seek information from them until this information reaches the heaven of the world. In this process of transmission (the jinn snatches) what he manages to overhear and he carries it to his friends. And when the Angels see the jinn they attack them with meteors (Shahab). If they narrate only which they manage to snatch that is correct but they alloy it with lies and make additions to it.  (Sahih Muslim, Book 026, Number 5538)"

Again, please visit to see how the Glorious Quran defined Shahab, and how the Glorious Quran talked about the Stars shooting rays against the Jinns.  Read Main Sections #1, 2, 3, 4 from the article.

Anyway, not all Hadiths are authentic.  Those that contradict the Glorious Quran and/or Science should be discarded as fabrications, or misundertanding by people.  People when narrating from each others, they paraphrase.  And as we all know, people naturally tend to add their own interpretations and versions and twists to the narration or story.  This is not necessarily always due to bad and malicious intentions.

Hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah
I agree.

Offline mendacium remedium

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2013, 04:31:08 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

I have just updated Main Section #3 of the following article with more proofs:

It seems that Guided Pulsar Rays (perhaps there are other stars as well) are used to shoot down the devils by Allah Almighty's Will.  Pay special attention to Noble Verses 37:6-10 & 86:1-3.  The Glorious Quran's Miracle is clear.  Please try to refute my arguments.  I challenge everyone to give it a try.  Constructive challenges and criticisms are beneficial.  Through them we learn and advance.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Brother, that is why we should stop calling our hadith books 'sahih'. We should let the non-muslims know the Quran is the only sahih book. The books of hadith contain sahih and non-sahih books in them and we consider them not infallible books.

I noticed, when Allah swt talks about adorning the sky with 'lamps', he calls the stars 'lamps'. Is this not such an accurate description of what they are ? God is basically saying that our sun = star. He only uses the word lamps with our sun. With the moon, he uses the word meaning 'giving light' i.e not it's own light source.

As for the stars being there to repel shaytans, i am a little unsure about it still.

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2017, 08:00:02 AM »
assalamu alaikum brothers

when i read this article i came up with some doubts. inshallah hope u will clarify this.

1.its mentioned in the article that the jins where shot down by a shooting flame, whether it be a Gamma Ray Burst, a Cosmic Jet, or any other similar fire.

but [surah 67:5] it says
And certainly We have adorned this lower heaven with lamps and We have made these missiles for the Shaitans, and We have prepared for them the chastisement of burning.

in this verse it says LAMPS are used as missiles

the literal meaning for missile is
"an object which is forcibly propelled at a target, either by hand or from a mechanical weapon"

so by comparing the literal meaning of missile with ur article. LAMPS i.e, pulsars,black hles or neutron stars (whatever it may be) should be used as missiles. but ur article says thatonly radiation (gamma ray burst or cosmic jet or any other type of rays or fire) and not pulsars,black holes or neutron stars are targetted at them. can u plz explain this ?

2.when moved through ur website. i see two answers or different explanations for verse 67:5

one explanation in this article (link:
saying that the verse refers PULSARS.

while another article (link:
says like this "these verses present no problem regarding science, because they are not talking about celestial phenoema as objects of scientific study, but instead talking about celestial phenomena as sources of misguidance for soothsayers and astrologers. In brief, the Qur'an simply says about them that for astrologers, their misguidance regarding celestial phenomena will be a source of punishment for them, and that they can gain no information about the future by trying to look at the stars."

my question is why this dilemma.. because,for people searching for a correct answer will put them in doubts if they where to see 2 different opinions. if one is true or a correct answer then why cant u remove the other one ?

3. i wish to quote a statement of our brother regarding this verse because im not satisfied with that point

he said that "Think about that, could stars then not be used as missiles if they are going THAT fast along with the universe.
Our own sun goes at 220 km/s. That's pretty fast if you ask me: Especially If I was moving at a slower speed next to that star. Not only would the star's immense gravity pull me towards it, but it would be coming at me at 220 km/s!  And if I get close enough, I would get incinerated."

i m not satisfied with this answer because, stars with 220 km/s may be like missiles to us. but here these missiles are to shoot jinns.
it given in wikipedia that
"Some of the closest known neutron stars are RX J1856.5-3754, which is about 400 light years away, and PSR J0108-1431 at about 424 light years.[49] RX J1856.5-3754 is a member of a close group of neutron stars called The Magnificent Seven."

so i think jins need to be too faster to reach the 2nd heaven or somewhere in our universe (as we are in the lower heaven)

so what i was trying t say is that speed of a star will be too low for a jinn (logically i think so)

4.i feel really weird in discarting hadiths which we feel illogical (Sahih Muslim, Book 026, Number 5538)

i mean then how could we claim other hadiths are authentic which speaks about prophets moral code and the hadiths which usually people call PEARLS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD.

once an atheist frnd of mine quoted like this
"muslims if they feel,hadiths are good they take it. if felt illogical they discart it."
what will be ur answer for this statement ?

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2017, 09:44:00 AM »
Actually,some Jin's can teleport as we see in the story of Suleiman A.S so these Jin's must've teleported to the levels of the stars to be shot down.

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2017, 11:40:09 AM »
Can't the jinn teleportation be faster than gamma rays so wouldn't the gamma rays miss because also it would take years for them to travel to the stars by flying but if they got there by flying within a few seconds that would make them faster than light and gamma rays so the gamma rays would miss that's what I'm still confused about there either to fast or too slow to get there or get hit jazzakallah

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2017, 11:42:12 AM »
And also isn't Satan faster than that as well so how would he get hit sorry jazzakallah

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2017, 11:46:46 AM »
Also when it says stars chuck fire can we interpret that as gamma rays or just chucking the flame of the stars not gamma rays or would that be gamma rays any way jazzakallah

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2017, 01:12:15 PM »
Also when it says visible and pearicing bright in 15:18 and 37:10 does that mean the thing what gets the jinn visible for us or just the jinn and can the word mubean in 15:18 mean pure because pure flame makes sense

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2017, 02:05:18 PM »
Also when it says visible and pearicing bright in 15:18 and 37:10 does that mean the thing what gets the jinn visible for us or just the jinn and can the word mubean in 15:18 mean pure because pure flame makes sense

Are you the same infidel doofus that I banned a while ago that keeps asking the same circular questions?  Did I not thoroughly address Noble Verses 15:18 and 37:10 in my article:

Why do you keep asking the same question about the two Noble Verses?


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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2017, 04:38:56 PM »
I'm not I was reading that article What you are talking about and asking for clarification I was link the 2 together with what I said above


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