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Offline adilriaz123

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2017, 12:42:39 PM »
lamps = stars(Suns)

Missiles = Solar Eruptions(Solar Bursts)

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2017, 01:40:19 PM »
but my doubt is that the verse 67:5 says that stars are made to stone at devils while ur article says only radiation from stars are made like stoned at devils. i feel ur points are contradicting.

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother,

Brother, from where did you get STONNING THE DEVILS?  The Holy Quran says that the Jinns are created from SMOKELESS FIRE.  And no stone is mentioned.  You are now adding stuff on the Holy Quran, akhi.

Brother Adil's image that he just gave hopefully demonstrates things for you.  And I gave videos in the article as well.

As to the Hadiths, I don't care if the Hadith is true or false.  My MAIN BOOK is the Holy Quran, and Its Miracles are irrefutable:

I don't need even the True and authentic Hadiths to explain the Divine Miracles of the Glorious Quran, especially THE NUMERICAL MIRACLES.  The Hadiths to me and my Islam are supplemental only in the area of the Quran's Scientific and Numerical Miracles.  If they support that's fine, if they don't support they will not hurt AT ALL.  Our beloved Prophet was not a scientists, and the Holy Quran directly Says he did not know much, and could not even interpret the ENTIRE Glorious Quran:

The AHKAAM of Islam:

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, came to primarily explain the AHKAAM and the Noble Verses that are MUHKAMAAT.  These are the LAWS of the do this and do not do this.  The Moral Code in other words.  This is where also HUKUM (rule, rulership) comes from.  Noble Verse 3:7 is thoroughly discussed and explained in the following link.  Again, please visit:

Also visit:

The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, DID NOT come to explain the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran.  Allah Almighty Himself Said that He left it for the latter generations to discover:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline adilriaz123

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2017, 02:41:33 PM »
Asalam ul laykum brothers, Indeed. Scientists once again proved that Quran is 100% scientifically Ccorrect.  LOL!!! Atheist must hate finding out these truths.  ;D

Offline Mohmed Shahid

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2017, 03:44:13 AM »
lamps = stars(Suns)

Missiles = Solar Eruptions(Solar Bursts)

quoting like this feels good to understand. but if we were to compare it with the verse 67:5

i feel there is something wrong in your explanation.

see for yourself.
"...and We have made them missiles for the Shaitans,.."[Surah 67-5]

if we where to just to interprete as u said
it will be like
...and We have made them(stars) missiles(solar bursts) for the Shaitans,...

i dint know much about this. but what i think this will only be clear if there is a preposition 'from'

and We have made from them(stars) missiles(solar bursts) for the Shaitans.

without this preposition 'from'. i feel there is wrong in our explanation that solar bursts or radiations is made as missiles.

if i am wrong. plz rectify me.

Brother, from where did you get STONNING THE DEVILS?  The Holy Quran says that the Jinns are created from SMOKELESS FIRE.  And no stone is mentioned.  You are now adding stuff on the Holy Quran, akhi.

sorry brother.that was my mistake. i found that the meaning for the word  رُجُومًا are missiles,throwing.

since u quoted like this
"RUJOOMA does not mean missiles.  SAWAREEKH means missiles.  And missiles did not exist back then anyway"

so the meaning has to be throwing. it may be an earthy term(as u mentioned earlier).
but instead of using the word throwing. i mistakenly used the word stoning.

i will soon post my above comment after correcting this mistake.

i have some doubts regarding ur post on numerical miracles. Inshallah. i will post it later

even though this verse says something about unseen world. there are many interpretations regarding this verse.

some people and scholars says that it says about shooting stars
some says its just a metaphor
some claim they are not yet understandable
and you claimed they refer to radiations from pulsars and may be others.

thats the reason i am wishing to know the exact explanation and answer to this verse.

Offline Mohmed Shahid

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2017, 06:07:20 AM »
brother Adhilriaz and Osama Abdallah.. plz reply if u see my reply 😊

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2017, 09:03:27 AM »
even though this verse says something about unseen world. there are many interpretations regarding this verse.

some people and scholars says that it says about shooting stars
some says its just a metaphor
some claim they are not yet understandable
and you claimed they refer to radiations from pulsars and may be others.

thats the reason i am wishing to know the exact explanation and answer to this verse.

We may not know the entire interpretation, because the Universe is filled with mysterious matters and mysteries.  And like I mentioned, the Jinns were created from SMOKELESS FIRE.  So there are matters out there in the Universe for them.  They could also be in stars that we have not discovered yet.  I know Pulsars were directly spoken about in the Glorious Quran.  Their special rays are piercing and penetrating according to scientists.  Now there could be more out there, and I am VERY SURE THERE ARE more stars and more matter that we have not discovered yet that deal with the Jinns.  May be the latter human generations will be able to explain this better.

One thing to keep in mind though is that Allah Almighty Said that HE USES THE STARS to strike the Jinns.  It could be all of the stars including our suns, or they could be special stars.  We don't know.  I will add this note to the article to make my statement clearer there, insha'Allah.

I look forward to your "doubts" about the Numerical Miracles:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Mohmed Shahid

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #36 on: May 10, 2017, 10:33:02 AM »
there is nothng special if there is miracles or scientific claims in quran
its not a big deal at all.. bcoz if its from the one who created this universe.. so it will have..

but it would be a big deal if people feels illogical regarding a verse if it never fits the data from our observable universe.

brother just for conclusion based on the points i got so far.

do you wish to conclude that [Surah 67-5]
"And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made them thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze."

which one will u chose

1.we still dont have much knowledge to interprete the verse


2. verse speaks about radiations emitted from stars are made to strike at jinns.

if u chose first one,
can u plz explain, do the arabic word مَصَابِيحَ (lamp)refers to stars or can they refer to any other heavenly bodies.

if u chose the second one,
can u plz explain how you could interprete lamps as radiations when there is no special mention of something from lamps is made to strike the jinns.

Offline adilriaz123

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #37 on: May 10, 2017, 03:44:20 PM »
Sahih International interpretation:

And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.

You cannot throw a lamp, thus the clearest understanding and interpretation is that something from the lamp is thrown. Thus i believe that Sahih International has the correct interpretation.

Even though the verse doesn't make it 100% clear that it is thrown FROM lamp. If the lamp itself was a missile it wouldn't make sense because Lamps don't move, if a part of the lamp is being thrown that would clearly mean that something is coming out of the lamp that is launched.

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #38 on: May 10, 2017, 03:47:28 PM »
there is nothng special if there is miracles or scientific claims in quran
its not a big deal at all.. bcoz if its from the one who created this universe.. so it will have..

This is the kind of language the satanic cults from salafies and others vomit.  You sound like a first grader who doesn't have the mental capacity developed yet to understand what adults talk about.

It is everything special that there are Scientific and Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  Humans had been attributing every vomit spewed by liars to GOD Almighty, and calling them THE HOLY WORDS of GOD Almighty.  So it is very soothing and very comforting to find our Holy Book, the Quran, being 180 degrees different from those false books.

Please stop harrasing me and posting, because you are tempting me to ban you.  I can't stand the stupidity of cultists.  You are still in the 1st grader level and can't understand simple logic.  Let's end this waste-of-time discussion here please.

To the Muslims:

Just so that you don't think I am being mean-spirited, it is these dogs from Hell that give the infidels room to bark on the Scientific and Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  Take a look at this example from the infidel Usama Dakdok:

He used these satanic cults to respond to the Numerical Miracles in the Quran.


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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #39 on: May 10, 2017, 03:56:41 PM »
Yeah what the heck. I just banned the salafi monkey.  I can't stand these dogs here.  Your level begins to stoop down when you converse with them.  It's like speaking to a monkey.  He looks like you!  But his brain is nothing like yours.

Offline adilriaz123

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2017, 03:57:45 PM »
there is nothng special if there is miracles or scientific claims in quran
its not a big deal at all.. bcoz if its from the one who created this universe.. so it will have..

Brother Mohmed Shahid, brother if it wasn't anything special then tell me why is there no scientific evidences in Gospel or in Torah. Much of the scientific evidence that Christian or Jew claim are neighter COMPLETELY obscure or they have to completely change their verse to make it fit their rhetoric.

Brother there is a VERY GOOD REASON why Allah swt said in the Quran. "That it is for those with UNDERSTANDING"

Quran wants us to EXAMINE it's verses. While nothing of such is in the previous scriptures. Don't you think that is a conclusive evidence to back up the Quran's Scientific Miracles.

It is the lack of understanding of people or DISHONESTY that they do not accept such clear evidences.

Offline adilriaz123

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #42 on: May 10, 2017, 03:59:23 PM »
Yeah what the heck. I just banned the salafi monkey.  I can't stand these dogs here.  Your level begins to stoop down when you converse with them.  It's like speaking to a monkey.  He looks like you!  But his brain is nothing like yours.

Brother Osama, we want to help the guy see the truth. not ban him, he is a muslim. Even if he might be misguided, it is our Job as muslim to help him understand. you should unban him and try to make him understand but if he doesn't want to understand just leave him.

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #43 on: May 10, 2017, 07:05:24 PM »
Dear brother Adil, this is not about if one disagrees with Osama Abdallah, then Osama Abdallah will ban him.  I would not do that.  I banned him because he and his cult of satan are toilet papers in the hands of infidels.  I already gave example above of the infidel Usama Dakdok using these cults to respond to the Scientific and Numerical Miracles of the Glorious Quran.  And you have also seen this satanist monkey saying that the Numerical and Scientific Miracles of the Quran ARE NOTHING.

No, he and his cult of satan are nothing.  He might be your brother in Islam, but he is not mine.  Before you joined this board, I banned one monkey before him for calling me murtad (apostate).  Therefore, your request is respectfully denied.  Please visit:,2286.msg10426.html#msg10426

Understand This:

You and Muslims here need to understand one about these satanists.  Push them a little and they'll apostatize you.  They even apostatize each other over administrative BS.  ISIS fought Al-Qaeda, and both fought Taliban.  This is after the Taliban fought the USA for them after 9/11.  And Muslims like me who despise all of them (Taliban included) are definite infidels/apostates.  There is no room for reasoning with these satanists.  These are their rotten fruits:

1-  Arrogance.
2-  Ignorance.
3-  Treason and treachery.
4-  Hate.

Notice how the enemies of the Glorious Quran and Allah Almighty could never refute the Glorious Quran's Numerical Miracles.  You consistently see them only give empty assertions.  Again, see the infidel Usama Dakdok and how I dwarfed him into nothing:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline adilriaz123

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Re: regarding the shooting stars in the Quran
« Reply #44 on: May 10, 2017, 08:59:50 PM »
Asalam ul laykum brother Osama, I can definitely understand your point. I researched into salagfsm and wahabism a bit to know about some of their beliefs. The reason why I requested was that I was hoping we can bring him out of that deviation. Just because he or any other salafi or wahabi would call me or u a apostate doesn't make it so.

I fact as we know that those who say others that they are not Muslims and keep them from being Muslims like what salafis and wahabis do they themselves become kafir.

I was just hoping to bring him out of the deviant sect if he is part of it.  As we know that Muhammad pbuhis told us to help our brother who are opressed and those who are opressors. So I pray to Allah swt to give him guidance.

To many brothers and sisters are falling for these traps that is why we should enlighten them before they go joining such evildoers.


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