Author Topic: Kaba, pagans of Mecca and Abrahimic religion- any religious link?  (Read 6706 times)

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Salam bro Osama, and all learned ones


I wanted to share/ask about Kaba.  Many kuffar say that Islam originated from paganism as they say that pagans (before prophet Muhammed pbuh) used to come to the Kaba for pilrimage. And that they used to fast and so on, same as Muslims do. They link those pagans' rituals, activities with Islam, trying to prove Islam false.

When I learnt the hadith in which prophet Muhammed pbuh was entering the Kaba and there he saw pictures of prophet Ismail pbuh and prophet Isaaq pbuh.

Isn't it a clear indication and proof that those pagans had thier religion's roots from prophets Ibrahim, Ismail, Isaaq peace be upon them ?
It can easily be concluded that those pagans were once proper muslims but later changed thier religion and started to believe in many gods, and so on.

I am very much interested if you or any scholar could explain this and could confirm the link of those pagans with monothiesm, and that their religion originated from Ismail, Isaaq ilaihsalam, but later they went away from the religion and created shirq things in it. I would love to know more about this.

We can also shut mouth of the Islam haters, with the help of the above explanation. And I am sure that those pagans were first real muslims and thier ancestors were followers of Ismail, Isaaq alaihsalam.

Your responce will be highly appreciated.



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Re: Kaba, pagans of Mecca and Abrahimic religion- any religious link?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2013, 08:39:30 AM »
Although there are solid evidences in old and new testament about pilgrimage, kaba, fasting and more. Plus we muslims really don't need to find any link between pagans of Mecca and Ismail, Isaaq Alaisalam, but it would be very much interesting to find out if there really exists any connection between them, since there seems to be evidence in hadith indicating that pagans affiliated them with Ismail and Isaaq Alaisalam 00 therefore once they must be true muslims, but later deviated from the true religion and started worshiping many gods.

any comments, further information please?

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Re: Kaba, pagans of Mecca and Abrahimic religion- any religious link?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2013, 09:35:03 AM »
I believe it is written in the quran that the pagans were already muslims, and that muhammad was a restorer of the original faith.


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