Author Topic: How is paper money haram?  (Read 8877 times)

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Offline Tanveer

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How is paper money haram?
« on: March 24, 2013, 06:25:17 PM »
I have seen people on the internet calling for the return of the dinar (and we wonder why we are so knee s
deep in crap)because paper money has no value so thus it is haram. Now I am honestly mystified by this. It clearly does have a value. Can someone tell me how it is haram?

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: How is paper money haram?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 07:39:13 PM »
its not
remember dinar was orginally Roman (dinarii)
dont listen to literalist wahhabis, have your own interpretation of moderation

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Re: How is paper money haram?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2013, 08:45:08 PM »
dont listen to literalist wahhabis, have your own interpretation of moderation

As'salamu Alaikum my dear and respected brother in Islam Zulfiqar,

"Wahabies" are no more than a Sunni version in Saudi Arabia, who were named after Shiekh Muhammad Abdul-Wahab, may Allah Almighty rest his soul and grant him the Bliss of Paradise.  Ameen.  They're strict in many ways, I agree, but I never heard of such argument from them.  And they're not all the same on all Islamic issues.  Most of them, especially today, are either in the Middle or heading that way.  An example of this is allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia.  There is a big push for that today.  Also in Kuwait and other Wahabi countries, women are now taking part of the political system.  But as far as their Islamic beliefs, they believe in the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.  And like I said, not all Wahabies are on the same level of strictness.  An example of this is Niqab and Hijab for women.  Must the woman cover her face or not?  Some of their scholars say yes, and some say no.  But as a Sunni-Muslim myself, who belongs  to the overwhelming mainstream Muslims and Islam, I consider Wahabies as 100% my brothers and sisters in Islam, and I would be honored to be called one.  Seeing the ridiculous increase of sexual and ethical immoralities that the non-Muslim world is more and more stooping into, I see Wahabies as Angels when compared to them.

The money issue that brother Tanveer brought up is actually being raised by Western economists.  As the dollar is beginning to lose its value more and more, and the world's financial system is going deeper and deeper into financial chaos, many are calling today to pin the dollar with gold.  Not just the dollar, but all of the world's currencies, because this is the one and only way a country's currency value is really valued and its worth is determined.  Otherwise, it's hog wash cheating and deception primarily done by the zionists financial institutions, which are dominating the world's banks and money today.  Gold and Silver are the only hope left.  Otherwise, the era of WWI (world war one) could come back all over again and the sad history will repeat itself again and again.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Tanveer

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Re: How is paper money haram?
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2013, 11:39:09 AM »
Thank you both for your replies :) It was a scholar called Imran Hosein who haramified paper money. If gold and silver return to our currencies fine, I think it would actually be cool. I just have a problem with crazy scholars makiby up stupid fatwas.

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: How is paper money haram?
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2013, 04:55:51 PM »
Dear brother Osama
Although im Saudi myself, I dislike some saudi scholars.
If a scholar says music is Haram, fine
If he says the beard is a must, fine
If he says Niqab no Hijab, fine
as long as he does not force me to follow his opinion, the mutawwa in saudi arabia broke my phone because it had music it is, they began cursing me when they saw me shaven.
Im a man so i dont wear hijab or niqab.
It goes both ways, some countries or places want people to shave the beard, forced to take of the niqab and hiajb, icondemn those as well, if we are forced
In addition, some prominent Saudi Sheikhs such as Sheikh Muhammad Salih Al Munajjad, states in one of his article that the druze, a religious sect in the levant, should be killed whenever they are found. Sheikh Al fawzan supported the "adult breast feeding fatwa" that you did a rebuttal on, good one btw.
bin Baz has said that the eath is static and the sun moves around the earth.
and these people are praised in KSA
Now they believe in the Quran and do the 5 pillars so i cant label them as non muslims. But i think KSA has produced some of the most extremist sheikhs in the modern era. The country is improving dramatically, i agree, but the fact is these people are still allowed to get away with there words because the royals are afraid of the,.

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Re: How is paper money haram?
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2013, 10:53:48 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum my dear brother Zulfiqar,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns akhi.  I am not sure if you're familiar with the history my website, but I used to be a big enemy for Wahabies.  I am not saying that you are my dear brother.  But I personally used to see the restrictions as something repulsive.  However, quite honestly, I had a big change of heart after that.  Man is evil and is stupid.  Not dumb, but very stupid and evil.  You give them an inch, they want 10 meters more of greed and evil.

I myself am 100% for the Mutawwa System (this is where four or so men walk around in random places making sure that everything is in order.  They're not police, but they're upheld by the Law).  My dear brother, if you know that the law prohibits you from playing music in public, then you should follow it.  Every country on this earth has laws that might look weird.  I read on Yahoo a year ago about the weirdest laws in some of the US States.

My sister and her husband and childern live in Kuwait.  Kuwait just passed a law last year prohibiting any person from pointing their mobile phones at anyone, especially women.  The fine could go up to $500 Kuwait Dinars (A Kuwaiti Dina is worth 3.5 to 4.0 US Dollars).  The reason for this law is because punks at the malls used to take snap shots of girls and women from the back.  As you know, the Gulf Countries are rich, and they have many Westerners and other Foreigners there.  So not all women there would be dressed modestly in the traditional Arab dresses for women.  So to crack down on them, the government passed this Law.  Quite honestly, I am 1 TRILLION PERCENT for laws of this kind that enforce by law and by force chastity and modety and order in the Muslim society.  I don't want us to ever westernize.  I lived in the US most of my life, and while it's the Greatest Country in the entire World in many ways, but when it comes to chastity and modesty it is among the worst!  And Europe is defintely the WORST! 

We just came from Italy for vacation last year.  Did you know that men and women share bathrooms over there in resturaunts and public places??  That's right.  No men-only bathrooms and women-only bathrooms.  It's ONE BATHROOM for both genders.  At least here in the USA we don't have that.  Also, the hotel that we stayed in had the bathroom walls as transparent glass!  You could see right throw it!!  Good thing we had bed sheets there.  AND THIS IS NOT EVEN A MILE AWAY FROM THE VATICAN!!!!!  So much for their "Christian Mecca" garbage.

So I say to those who want to modernize us (and again dear brother, I am not saying that you are saying that here), I tell them to please take a second serious look at Islam and Islam's values.  We are the BEST when it comes to modesty and chastity.  Let's enforce it and always keep it alive.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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