1) Lately I've been watching the videos of Christian prince he makes mamy claims against Islam he claims he could beat our prophet in a debate. I was watching him debate a man called Pakistani Muslim and first he talked about Islam slavery system and rape of slaves. I'll discuss that later but he began to go through verses and pick out grammatical errors from the quran I thought this was unfair and Pakistani Muslim didn't speak Arabic like Christian prince.
Be he said the quran is a fair attempt of Muhammad trying to use Arabic grammar and I really didn't know what he was talking about as I don't speak Arabic but does anyone have any rebbutals to christian prince and his claims against the quran.
2) There are so many videos again't Bro osama out there they have clips on him on paltalk failing to to debate Christian prince and other channels have upploaded videos supposedly destroying Osama.
3)I have a few hadiths that nobody has explained to me yet if I show you guys a few tomorrow could you help me out??
Have a good day guys