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Shia and Sufi heretics
« on: January 28, 2017, 02:26:58 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

The more I debate some Muslims on paltalk, the more resentful I grow towards them.  Two heretical groups that get on my last nerve with their blasphemies are the Shias and Sufies.  Many of their practices are clear SHIRK (associating partners with Allah Almighty).  I have added a simple and easy to understand refutation to these two cults that hopefully the reader will easily understand, insha'Allah:


Are Shias and Sufies really Muslims?

From  Also see Noble Verses 40:60, 2:186, 50:16, 6:21-26, 18:102, 9:31, 3:64:

Only ask Allah Almighty وقال ربكم ادعوني استجب لكم.  Do not ask anyone else (no Hussein, Zahra, Muhammad, Ali, or any person).  And anyone who acts arrogantly or stubbornly towards asking Allah Almighty alone will be lead to the Hell Fire:

[040:060]  And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer) وقال ربكم ادعوني استجب لكم: but those who are too arrogant to serve worship Me ان الذين يستكبرون عن عبادتي will surely find themselves in Hell - in humiliation"

Allah Almighty is near, and therefore, we do not need anyone else besides Him فاني قريب اجيب دعوة الداع اذا دعان.  And He is nearer to us than our own jugular veins ونحن اقرب اليه من حبل الوريد.

Unfortunately for the heretic Muslims from the Shias and Sufies, they do not understand this concept.  They bow to graves, do tawaf (circumambulation) around graves, ask mere pious people for:

1-  Help.
2-  Mercy.
3-  Guidance.
4-  Forgiveness.


Will swear falsely:

I tell such heretic Muslims that Allah Almighty Said that many will swear in His Holy Name right in front of Him, in the Hereafter, that they were not associating partners with Him, the Almighty:

[006:023]  Then they will have no excuse save that they shall say, `By ALLAH, our Lord, we were not idolaters.'

[006:024]  See how they shall lie against themselves. And that which they fabricated shall fail them.

[006:025]  And among them are some who give ear to thee (so they are also among the Muslims); but WE have put veils on their hearts, that they should not understand, and deafness in their ears. And even if they see every Sign, they would not believe therein, so much so that when they come to thee, disputing with thee, those who disbelieve say, `This is nothing but fables of the ancients.'

[006:026]  And they forbid others to believe in it and themselves too they keep away from it. And they ruin none but their own selves; only they perceive not.


The Shias and Sufies who oppose this are not Muslims.  They are polytheists and idol worshipers of mere creations from dust.  They deify and seek and call unto those creations whom they worship for:

1-  Help.
2-  Guidance.
3-  Mercy.
4-  Forgiveness.
5-  Inspiration.
6-  Protection.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline TruthExposer777

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Re: Shia and Sufi heretics
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2017, 03:00:02 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

The more I debate some Muslims on paltalk, the more resentful I grow towards them.  Two heretical groups that get on my last nerve with their blasphemies are the Shias and Sufies.  Many of their practices are clear SHIRK (associating partners with Allah Almighty).  I have added a simple and easy to understand refutation to these two cults that hopefully the reader will easily understand, insha'Allah:


Are Shias and Sufies really Muslims?

From  Also see Noble Verses 40:60, 2:186, 50:16, 6:21-26, 18:102, 9:31, 3:64:

Only ask Allah Almighty وقال ربكم ادعوني استجب لكم.  Do not ask anyone else (no Hussein, Zahra, Muhammad, Ali, or any person).  And anyone who acts arrogantly or stubbornly towards asking Allah Almighty alone will be lead to the Hell Fire:

[040:060]  And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer) وقال ربكم ادعوني استجب لكم: but those who are too arrogant to serve worship Me ان الذين يستكبرون عن عبادتي will surely find themselves in Hell - in humiliation"

Allah Almighty is near, and therefore, we do not need anyone else besides Him فاني قريب اجيب دعوة الداع اذا دعان.  And He is nearer to us than our own jugular veins ونحن اقرب اليه من حبل الوريد.

Unfortunately for the heretic Muslims from the Shias and Sufies, they do not understand this concept.  They bow to graves, do tawaf (circumambulation) around graves, ask mere pious people for:

1-  Help.
2-  Mercy.
3-  Guidance.
4-  Forgiveness.


Will swear falsely:

I tell such heretic Muslims that Allah Almighty Said that many will swear in His Holy Name right in front of Him, in the Hereafter, that they were not associating partners with Him, the Almighty:

[006:023]  Then they will have no excuse save that they shall say, `By ALLAH, our Lord, we were not idolaters.'

[006:024]  See how they shall lie against themselves. And that which they fabricated shall fail them.

[006:025]  And among them are some who give ear to thee (so they are also among the Muslims); but WE have put veils on their hearts, that they should not understand, and deafness in their ears. And even if they see every Sign, they would not believe therein, so much so that when they come to thee, disputing with thee, those who disbelieve say, `This is nothing but fables of the ancients.'

[006:026]  And they forbid others to believe in it and themselves too they keep away from it. And they ruin none but their own selves; only they perceive not.


The Shias and Sufies who oppose this are not Muslims.  They are polytheists and idol worshipers of mere creations from dust.  They deify and seek and call unto those creations whom they worship for:

1-  Help.
2-  Guidance.
3-  Mercy.
4-  Forgiveness.
5-  Inspiration.
6-  Protection.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Walaykum As'salam brother Osama, I'm gone download Paltalk but i wonder what's your room & is it online right now? or are you at someone else room while debating?

Offline adilriaz123

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Re: Shia and Sufi heretics
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2017, 01:02:56 PM »
As Sunnis we all know the history behind the shia, so in regards to that there isn't much to go into. Shia that dismiss rasool saw as prophet and say that gabriel as made mistake, are the clear heretics. In regards to mainstream shias the main issue is not entirely the way they practice but the fact they continue to betray islam, for example during time of crusades they sided with crusades while few sided with us sunnis. Another issue is that the terrorist shia assassin creed killed sunni heroic leaders which were defending our islamic lands. For reference, al-jazeera made a very good documentry about the crusades and what happened.

In regards to sufism, it was originally founded by shiek abdul qadr jalani. The original sufism wasn't evil, it just emphasised on zikr. It was later in history that it was being continuesly changed. In 1600s there were hypocrites in turkey who wanted to introduce their belief into sufiam. Among some of the wost was mahmat effendi formerly known as sabbastean zevi. Effendi was a convert. His story is the origin of jewish cabalism the mystic herecy of judaism. What sabbatean tricked ppl into beliving is that he was the messiah. He created cabalism by introducing ascectric practices from mysterious religions like buddhism and so on into judaism. This was the samething that happened to sufism. After forced to convert mahmat effendi started to spread his heresy into sufism and he did have help from other heretics. That is why other practices such as dancing and singing with music, and use of strange words and vocals were introducted. Original sufism wasnt a heresy, it became a heresy later by satanic people.

This is the samething that happen to all 3 abrahamic religions. Even though we r the true abrahamic religion. These forces attacked any religion that remotely follows allah swt commands.
The belief of the cabalists was completed by the later frankist movement in europe, the belief is that "in order for the messiah to come, the world wither need to become all good or all evil, since the messiah will come to keep balance, since we cannot all be saints, lets all become evil." True heresy is the modern sufism, because it has ascectric practices and same with certain shia sects, who hurt themselves which is known as self mortification. This is another ascectric practice.

I know ALOT about the dajjal system who i have been researching on for years. Tracking th took me into to histroy back to sabbasteam zevi, when i did research on him i learnt he was the creator of cabalism the satanic jewish heresy. It took me a while to find out what was his name when he converted to islam. His name became mahmat effendi, sultan mahmat iv was pleased he became muslims, the sultan gave his first name to zevi, zevi promised to bring jews to islam, but instead he lead muslims into his heresy and also his early cabalist followers became muslim, but were still secretly cabalist jews. They are known in turkey as the donmeh, the crypto-jews. We have snakes  in our ummah and may allah swt drain them out.

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Re: Shia and Sufi heretics
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2017, 08:24:42 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,

Brother Truth, I sign on in either Arabic or English mode, depending on my mood.  Each language has its set of categories and their rooms.  I then go to random rooms and see what's being discussed.  I am "www HeTube Com" (with no dots).  Add me to your list, akhi.

Brother Adil, sometimes people like to idolize certain individuals.  And this is where sufis and shias fall.  Islam is very simple.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline TruthExposer777

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Re: Shia and Sufi heretics
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2017, 11:32:48 PM »
Sorry for asking Brother Osama but i can't serious wait anymore for you to Upload your first vid XD.

Offline adilriaz123

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Re: Shia and Sufi heretics
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2017, 11:36:31 PM »
I do agree withbu bro that people like to idolize certain ppl. Which is prohobited. What i am talking about is heresy, creation of a sect that embodies islamic teaching with combination os satanic ascetric religions like buddhism and hinduism. I provided info inregards to who and how it was introduced. Yes correct islam is simple, but iblis has been trying many techniques we muslims need to be aware of them.

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Re: Shia and Sufi heretics
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2018, 05:39:28 PM »
Assalamu alaikum brothers

I have a question regarding Sufi Philosophical arguments. Sufis have embraced the view that the Creation is not separate from the Creator, or that the Creation is a manifestation of Him, by the premise that if Allah was all there was before He created the Universe, then He should be the source or substance from which everything came from (Wahdat al-Wujood). We see in our world that everything that is created from something maintains its substance, hence they argue by the same premise. How do you respond to that?


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