As Sunnis we all know the history behind the shia, so in regards to that there isn't much to go into. Shia that dismiss rasool saw as prophet and say that gabriel as made mistake, are the clear heretics. In regards to mainstream shias the main issue is not entirely the way they practice but the fact they continue to betray islam, for example during time of crusades they sided with crusades while few sided with us sunnis. Another issue is that the terrorist shia assassin creed killed sunni heroic leaders which were defending our islamic lands. For reference, al-jazeera made a very good documentry about the crusades and what happened.
In regards to sufism, it was originally founded by shiek abdul qadr jalani. The original sufism wasn't evil, it just emphasised on zikr. It was later in history that it was being continuesly changed. In 1600s there were hypocrites in turkey who wanted to introduce their belief into sufiam. Among some of the wost was mahmat effendi formerly known as sabbastean zevi. Effendi was a convert. His story is the origin of jewish cabalism the mystic herecy of judaism. What sabbatean tricked ppl into beliving is that he was the messiah. He created cabalism by introducing ascectric practices from mysterious religions like buddhism and so on into judaism. This was the samething that happened to sufism. After forced to convert mahmat effendi started to spread his heresy into sufism and he did have help from other heretics. That is why other practices such as dancing and singing with music, and use of strange words and vocals were introducted. Original sufism wasnt a heresy, it became a heresy later by satanic people.
This is the samething that happen to all 3 abrahamic religions. Even though we r the true abrahamic religion. These forces attacked any religion that remotely follows allah swt commands.
The belief of the cabalists was completed by the later frankist movement in europe, the belief is that "in order for the messiah to come, the world wither need to become all good or all evil, since the messiah will come to keep balance, since we cannot all be saints, lets all become evil." True heresy is the modern sufism, because it has ascectric practices and same with certain shia sects, who hurt themselves which is known as self mortification. This is another ascectric practice. know ALOT about the dajjal system who i have been researching on for years. Tracking th took me into to histroy back to sabbasteam zevi, when i did research on him i learnt he was the creator of cabalism the satanic jewish heresy. It took me a while to find out what was his name when he converted to islam. His name became mahmat effendi, sultan mahmat iv was pleased he became muslims, the sultan gave his first name to zevi, zevi promised to bring jews to islam, but instead he lead muslims into his heresy and also his early cabalist followers became muslim, but were still secretly cabalist jews. They are known in turkey as the donmeh, the crypto-jews. We have snakes in our ummah and may allah swt drain them out.