Author Topic: IntrovertedSmiles Runs away from discussion.  (Read 1511 times)

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Offline AMuslimDude213

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IntrovertedSmiles Runs away from discussion.
« on: July 31, 2017, 01:13:18 AM »
In his newest video I commented
"This is retarded,and nonsensical,Abdullah Sameer and IntrovertedSmiles himself should know that himself,
This is literally the first thing Converts research before converting,yet Mr.Sameer and IntrovertedSmiles claim to be "Ex-Muslims" yet they dont even know about THESE Issues makes me wonder,how much did they know about Islam?"

He asks me "Can you please be more specific? and please just skip the insults"(hypocrisy since he insults us soo much)

I commented back:"First of all your claim that non Muslims are the worst of all creatures is a Mistranslation we can clearly see the real translation is

" al-Baiyinah 98:6

Verily, those who [despite all evidence] are bent on denying the truth - [be they] from among the followers of earlier revelation or from among those who ascribe divinity to aught beside God - will find themselves in the fire of hell, therein to abide: they are the worst of all creatures."

Then I commented back:"And about the Quran in 60:8 should be clear to you and Abdullah Sameer both."

Then he comments again:""they are the worst of all creatures" soo how did we misinterpret that part again?"

Then some random person comes in and says:"Exactly. No mistranslation there. And note the trap. "well if you deny THE TRUTH then yea you're horrible."

And I commented:"Your claim was "The Quran says Non Muslims are the worst of creatures" but it clearly says verily,those who DESPITE ALL EVIDENCE,DENY THE TRUTH."

Then the other random person says:"Exactly. anyone that denies Islam. That would be non - muslim oh double speaker."

Then by this point IntrovertedSmiles stops commenting and runs away

I explain the verse in detail:"if you read it in arabic it says In Al Ladhee Kafaruw' min AHL AL KITHAB(From the People of the Book)!,so instead of fearmongering,learn arabic and read the Quran for yourselves."

Then the other random person comes back in and says:"wow that didn't take long. It's the 21st century. Don't give me that crap that I have to read it in Arabic."

Then I comment back the last comment before everyone runs away and say:"Well then you may never understand the Quran clearly,it is in Classical arabic,for a complete translation you need to read Yusuf Ali's translation which took the translation 98% Accurately,infact even Sahih Translation a ONLINE Quran translation gives us the accurate translations too."


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