Author Topic: Proof Christianity has roots from Hinduism too!  (Read 1927 times)

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Offline AMuslimDude213

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Proof Christianity has roots from Hinduism too!
« on: July 09, 2017, 07:54:05 PM »
-Hindus have a type of trinity with Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva which they all believe to be one.
these are supposed to be 3 persons within 1 God according to hindu teachings called "Trimurti"
-Christians believe in it too but put Jesus,the father and holy spirit into it instead.

-The Bible and the Geeta BOTH state the earth has pillars.
-Both believe in a God reincarnate.

-Both believe in a sacrifice for sins.
-Both believe they can roam free because someone died for their sins.

Offline shaad

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Re: Proof Christianity has roots from Hinduism too!
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2017, 11:10:38 AM »
Assalamualaikum's also good to know that in the story of the"Mahabharata" the most interesting character is "Karna" he was a "Maharathi"(basically a strong warrior who could fight alone against 125,000 soldiers).His mom Kunti was granted a boon by sage Durvasa to invoke any god and ask him for a child.Well surprisingly she wanted to try it when she was still unmarried.Finally she decided to invoke the sun god surya.The sun god miraculously made her concieve a son and named him karna.Does this story about virgin birth ring any bell?

It is said that when Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Abu Bakr(may Allah be pleased with him) were in the cave of Thawr an interesting incident happened.Basically the Prophet Muhammad PBUH put his head on the knee of Abu bakr(May Allah be pleased with him) in order to sleep.I forgot to say that there were lots of holes in the cave and Abu bakr(May Allah be pleased with him) blocked some holes in the cave with pieces of fabric torn off his garment and When the pieces were not enough, he blocked the last hole by putting his foot.When the Prophet PBUH was sleeping a snake started to bite Abu Bakr(May Allah be pleased with him) on his foot.Surprisingly Abu Bakr didn't move his foot and endured the pain because he didn't want to disturb the Prophet PBUH.I found this story on many Islamic Websites but i'm not sure if it's real or not because they didn't put their sources it would be great if anyone could confirm this.

Well a very similar event happened in the Mahabharata.

When Karna was young he wanted to become a warrior.So he went to learn the art of fighting with sage Parshurama.So one day Karna offered his guru(Parshurama) his lap to sleep.When his guru was asleep a bee stung karna's thigh.This caused terrible pain to Karna but he didn't move at all and endured the pain so as not to disturb his guru's sleep.

The reason i've written all these stuff is because i personally think that the Hindu scriptures were once divine revelations sent from God which contained prophecies and events about the future prophets to come and later they got corrupted.Maybe the stories of those prophets got mixed up.It's just my opinion...

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: Proof Christianity has roots from Hinduism too!
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2017, 02:34:49 PM »
No I donot believe in this,The difference is Muhammad SAW was NOT  a guru,Muhammad SAW never taught the art of fighting,and nor does the story mention any cave,it mentions a land,so you see hinduism is 100% different from Islam.

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Re: Proof Christianity has roots from Hinduism too!
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2017, 11:55:12 PM »
I'm not saying the stories should be 100% similar bro....i'm just saying that they got mixed up and also corrupted...don't you believe that Allah must have sent a prophet to india in the past and that maybe he recieved a holy book? Because in their scriptures you're gonna prophecies about Prophet Muhammad PBUH and there are articles on Answering Christianity about that....just because the story doesn't mention any cave doesn't mean that it may not be referring to Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Abu Bakr(in an Islamic point of view)...i agree the Prophet Muhammad did not teach to fight but he was kinda like a "guru" in other words a spiritual teacher....

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Re: Proof Christianity has roots from Hinduism too!
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2017, 04:02:02 AM »
*gonna see


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