Author Topic: Can someone please debunk these claims made Against Islam  (Read 4075 times)

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Can someone please debunk these claims made Against Islam
« on: April 10, 2016, 08:07:53 PM »
Dr. Labib: Mohammed was not a true prophet. And I say that because, you see, the true prophet must receive a direct call from God, especially if he will be the founder of a religion. Mohammed is the founder of Islam. Moses received a direct call from God. Mohammed didn't receive a direct call from God. The story is very interesting. He was in the cave of Hira, outside of Mecca, and there, a spirit appeared to Mohammed. And then, the spirit squeezed Mohammed very tightly, that he thought that he was going to die. And the spirit said to Mohammed, "Read." Mohammed was illiterate, he could not read. And he said, "I cannot read." Then the spirit squeezed him more tightly that he thought he was going to die. And the spirit said to him, "Read!" "I cannot read," Mohammed answered. Then the spirit squeezed him more tightly. He was afraid that he was going to die. And he said, "Read!" He said, "What shall I read?" The words should be recited because he could not read. How could you command someone who doesn't know how to read, read? You say to him, "Recite!" And then he said, "What shall I read?" And he said, "Read, in the name of thy Lord, who created man from the clot," etc, etc. So the Quran is not the invention of Mohammed. The Quran was given to him by that spirit who appeared to him at the cave of Hira. The Muslims say, that the spirit was Gabriel the angel. They say the angel Gabriel is the spirit who appeared to Mohammed at the cave of Hira , and he squeezed him tightly.

But listen, when you go the Bible, Gabriel appeared to many people. Gabriel appeared to Daniel, and Daniel was scared. And he said, "Do not be afraid, Daniel." Then he appeared Zecharia, the father of John the Baptist. And he was afraid, and Gabriel said, "Do not be afraid, do not be afraid." Then he appeared to Mary. And Mary was troubled, and Gabriel said, "Do not be afraid." But that spirit who met Mohammed and squeezed him, left him very troubled. He was scared to death. And when he went back to his wife Khadigah, he said, "I am scared, I am scared! I am trembling?" She said, "What?" He said, "I don't know, I don't know. I am afraid that I am possessed." Then she took him to a bishop in Mecca, by the name of Waraka Bin Nawfal, who was her cousin, and she told him about what happened. And this Waraka, the bishop of the Amunit cult in Mecca said to her, "Oh, be quiet. Be quiet. Mohammed will be the prophet of the Arabs."

So the one who declared Mohammed a prophet was the bishop of Mecca. And that is the historical fact. So the Quran is not the invention of Mohammed. It was dictated to him by that spirit. And I want to tell you something, it's not a miracle, because any book would not be a miracle. Any book, you know, Homer wrote the Iliad, and Odyssey, it's not a miracle. Shakespeare wrote many books, it's not a miracle. Plato wrote many books, not a miracle. The books cannot be a miracle because if I cannot understand the language, I cannot confirm if it's a miracle or not. The miracle is to raise somebody, to heal somebody, to give the sight to somebody, these are miracles! But to tell me that a book is a miracle, I don't buy that!

Offline AhmadFarooq

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Re: Can someone please debunk these claims made Against Islam
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2016, 05:35:56 AM »
Prophet Muhammad did not come with a new religion. He came with, pretty much the same teachings that Moses and Jesus came. They both talked about One God, and Jesus, even in the present edition of the Bible, himself does not claim to be God. According to the famous Bible scholar, Bart Ehrman, although the latter New Testament gospels, through some of their passages, seem to indicate that the writers believed Jesus was God, these particular passages are non-existent in the earliest three gospels. If there is someone who can be charged with founding a new religion, it should be Paul. His letters are the source which talk about Jesus being God and the law of Moses being no longer valid, this goes directly against what Moses, Muhammad and Jesus himself taught.

The only claim that is made, is that Prophet Muhammad did not have any miracles. According to what I have read, Muslim scholars have counted hundreds of miracles attributed to the Prophet. Now, there are some Muslims who don't believe those narrations, but in either case, it doesn't really matter because if we are going to compare miracles of Prophet Muhammad according to the books of Hadiths and miracles of Jesus according to the Bible, there is no need for a debate.

The books of Hadiths have gone through extensive authentication processes, procedures which happened in just the first three centuries of Islam; records have been made about not only the names of the narrators but in many cases, even information about their characters, their memories etc. has also been recorded, not to mention the various other authentication tests that the Hadiths have been subjected to.
On the other hand, the "extensive authentication processes" for the Bible were pretty much non-existent, in the first thousand years (probably even more) of Christianity, the four gospels are written by anonymous authors, the gospels such as those of Luke, Mark and John are not by Luke, Mark and John, they are by anonymous authors and are just named that way. Additionally, we have enough evidence of multiple occasions of the Bible being added to by latter scribes. A few stories, which have even become part of the Western culture are now being found to have been absent from the earliest Bible manuscripts.

So, if a person can believe in stories of the Bible, with its extremely shaky record, then he should have no choice but to believe in the books of Hadiths too, unless the person is committing the fallacy of special pleading (i.e. double standards).

Regarding, the "argument" that a book cannot be a miracle, exactly what is his evidence for that assertion. Even if someone does not believe in the interesting, Qur'an and modern science co-relations, the person still has to deal with the even more interesting mathematical relationships in the Qur'an. Additionally, the Qur'an contains prophecies, the most famous of which were fulfilled during the Prophet's life, like the recovery of Byzantines against the Persians and the humiliating disbelieving death of Abu Lahab. Whether Dr. Labib wants to accept this or not, prophecies do count as miracles.

Regarding, the "historical fact" mentioned in an extremely misleading way, Dr. Labib is suggesting that the only person who declared Muhammad a prophet was the bishop So, what were the other followers of Prophet Muhammad doing? Were they so stupid that, regarding a matter of so much importance, such as, a person's afterlife, they just took the word of a person who did not even belong to their own previous faith? The same people who brought down the mighty Persian empire in just three decades, were so gullible that they just accepted what a Bishop said?


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Re: Can someone please debunk these claims made Against Islam
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2016, 09:06:30 AM »
The Jews test the prophet if he was really receiving revelations from God on spreading the covenant on earth. So they poison him. And indeed he was a true prophet. Effect of poison only reaches him after completion of all revelations sent down and covenant spread.

The traits of all past true prophets with roles as messengers preaching covenant - All of them have companions that received the teachings first hand. And these companions spread the covenants to their people after the death of their prophets.

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Can someone please debunk these claims made Against Islam
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2016, 09:30:44 AM »
 Didn't Gabriel come back to Muhammad (PBUH) and tell him that he shouldn't be afraid? His whole entire statement is pointless TBH.

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