Author Topic: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?  (Read 27613 times)

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Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« on: January 31, 2015, 03:55:03 PM »
As-Salamu Aleykoum,

there is some interesting passage in the New Testament in which Jesus probably mentioned the name Ahmed (the prophetic name of Muhammad - Pbuh):

John 18:37 Pilate asked him, "So you are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. I was born for this, and I came into the world for this: to testify to the truth. Everyone who is committed to the truth listens to my voice."
John 18:38  Pilate asked him, "What is 'truth'?" After he said this, he went out to the Jews again and told them, "I find no basis for a charge against him.
If you read this verse carefully you would notice that there is something wrong with it’s context. I mean the question that Pilate adressed to Jesus (Pbuh) when he heard: „testify to the truth”. Note that after hearing this, Pilate asked him in a very strange way: ''What is ‘truth’’’ ? just like he didn’t understand what this word means ! The big question then is why he said: "What is 'truth'?" instead of saying: "What ‘truth’?" ??? Well, if we suppose as various English translations of the Bible says that Pilate asked Jesus „What is truth ?’’ it does not make sense, since historically Pilate was a judge and he dealt with lies and truth almost every day, so how did he not know what truth is ? Even from a grammatical point of view the formulated question (poses by Pilate) that we find in various translation of the Gospel of John it is incorrect ! But now you will be really surprised. Ready ? In the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures, Pilate in John 18:38 says here: ’’Who is the Truth ?’’ !!!

Source :

’’Who’’ ??? Every one know that „who” is a form of interrogative pronoun i.e. part of speech which applies only to a person ! But the word ’’truth’’ actually stands for a noun not for a person. Now it is very important to know that the hebrew word for ‘’truth’’ is ’emeth’ (אמת) and according to Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Bible it correctly pronounced as eh’meth ! As we have seen above, the translation of this verse in the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures indicates that the hebrew word eh'meth - in this case - must refer to the person and not to a thing. This word eh’meth corresponds to Ahmed in view of their phonetic spelling. Apparently this word was a foreign word for Pilate and looks like that made him to ask: „Who is Eh’meth ?” or more probably „Who is Ahmed ?” implying that he was not asking about the truth (which is just a noun) but about a man named Ahmed (person)! That mystery word forced Pilate to repeat what he heard by asking "Who is Ahmed?", and it shows that he realized that Jesus was talking about a person. It is possible !

It becomes quite clear and does make sense because the Qur'an gives exactly the same witness from the mouth of Jesus (Pbuh):

And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmed."   (Quran 61:6)


I believe that Jesus in John 18:37 was trying to say „I came into this world for, that I should bear witness to Ahmed” and Allah knows best!

Unfortunately, the problem is that the word eh’meth or emeth appears 56 times in the Bible ! So I want to know how to explain it to prove that the word for Ahmad is mentioned only in specific places. Together we can solve our problems :)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 04:26:31 PM by Idris »

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2015, 05:13:26 PM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Idris,

WOW!!  This is truly a great piece from you akhi.  Here is what your blessed work got me to find, dear brother:

emeth: firmness, faithfulness, truth
Original Word: אֱמֶת
Part of Speech: noun feminine; adverb
Transliteration: emeth
Phonetic Spelling: (eh'-meth)
Short Definition: truth

It is amazing that Prophet Muhammad's PROPHETIC NAME in the Glorious Quran is AHMED.  This is the name that Prophet Isa (Jesus) and others also before him prophesied about the Prophet of Arabia.  The reader can visit the following section for ample proofs, and for proof that AHMED was also found in the Dead Sea Scrolls:

Yet, we have here:


Very strikingly similar indeed.  This requires further digging my beloved in Islam.  Great job dear brother Idris on your post.  This is indeed a great one that opened the door for a lot of research to come, Insha'Allah.

May Allah Almighty bless you, akhi Idris.  Ameen.  Keep up the great work, akhi.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2015, 08:33:13 PM »
Salam brother Osama and brother Idris,

I told u previously brother Osama that I will not post anything until my exam ends. But I couldnt resist seeing the masterpiece from bro Idris. And the schedule also changed because of the beautiful(!) political situation here. However, please pray for me.

It is really amazing that even in John 15:26 the prophet is called Spirit of Truth! So I am damn sure that Ehmeth is Ahmed (pbuh). May Allah bless brother Idris.

Remember my post about the existence of the name 'Muhammad' in Songs of Solomon 5:16? It's just the same case brother. The translators translate the word 'Mahamadiym' as 'Lovely' and 'Ehmeth' or 'Ahmed' as 'Truth'. Both time they take the literal meanings of the names. And that's how they hide the crystl clear prophesies of our beloved Prophet (pbuh).

But if the conversation between Jesus and Pilate about prophet Ahmed (sm) really took place, then it means Jesus was really arrested. So when did Allah raised him up? I read in wikipedia that in the gospel of Peter, Jesus is said to have been taken up when he was on the cross. Read this from wikipedia:

"Christ's cry from the cross, in Matthew given as Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? which Matthew explains as meaning "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" is reported in Peter as "My power, my power, thou hast forsaken me"'. Immediately after, Peter states that "when he had said it he was taken up", suggesting that Jesus did not actually die. This, together with the claim that on the cross Jesus "remained silent, as though he felt no pain", has led many early Christians to accuse the text of docetism. The account in Peter tells that the supposed writer and other disciples hid because they were being sought on suspicion of plotting to set fire to the temple, and totally rejects any possibility of their disloyalty."

To read the whole thing, visit;

The Quran says he wasn't crucified. Notice that it is told here that he felt no pain. Maybe he was put on the cross but wasn't actually crucified and was raised up. I ain't sure. Please make it clear brother.

 Brother Osama, please check my previous posts and send ur reply soon. I will InshaAllah check for ur reply.

May Allah be with us

« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 04:17:10 AM by Tahmeed »

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2015, 06:04:04 AM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Tahmeed,

May Allah Almighty bless you and help you get the best grades, akhi.  Ameen.  And thank you for the valuable additions, dear brother.  Indeed, there are many references that sound very strikingly similar to the name of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.  And the amazing thing about them is that several of them refer to an actual Prophet.  We need to find out if the dialect of Hebrew back then was different than what it is today.  I am researching this.

As to your studies akhi, if this blog gets too distracting to you, then please let me know.  I can do a limited time block to where it would automatically free your name after a certain date.  So if you feel that the internet is being to distracting for you, then I can do a limited ban that would expire at a certain date of your choice.

Please let me know akhi if this becomes a necessity.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Tahmeed

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2015, 06:22:24 AM »
Salm brother Osama,

Thank you for ur reply. Your blog is just fine brother. I just check for posts in my free time. But this is my last post for this month. So no need to change anything. :)

May Allah bless us all,

Offline Idris

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« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 08:29:59 AM by Idris »

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2015, 10:15:30 AM »
Salam Aleykoum,

I've made a small research and unfortunately in Ancient Aramaic "Codex Khabouris" the word truth (ܫܪܪܐ) used in John 18:37-38 simply means truth because you will see the same word appears in many other places in the NT.


So we can not identify this word which we talking about (Ah'meth) through this manuscripts unless we discover the original form of it in another source for example in the Qumran scrolls.

I'm not sure what these shortcuts means such as "Man" (male???) or "Syr" (Syriac???) below:

2 truth Syr, Man. --(a) ܡܢ ܫܪܪܐ : truthfully;

In regards to the previous word ie. before "truth", according to "The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon" the original aramaic word (ܡܢܘ) "manuw" that have been used here literally means "who" so there is no doubt that it refers to a person !!!

« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 10:19:08 AM by Idris »

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2015, 11:20:12 AM »
how ancient is codex cabouris, & the West says its paleographically dated to 11th century.
khabouris apologist however says the gospel preserved message from 1st and 2nd century.

Aramaic followers of Jesus used hebrew alphabets not syriac. From the link you post ܫܪܪܐ  in hebrew alphabet form is שררא   
maybe you can search the glossary of Aramaic for other word for truth apart from ܫܪܪܐ   (srra)

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2015, 05:25:37 PM »
Salam Aleykoum,

I found some interesting material produced by a well known scholar of Hebrew, Sanskrit, and other ancient languages. He is a Writer and Researcher on comparative religion, Missionary and Debator of Islam.

I will quote some passage from Chapter 7 of his book (I think it's worthy of attention):

"The Spirit of Truth, or perfect truthfulness, or the perfection of truth from every point of view, is called pneuma tes aletheias in Greek and emet(h) in the Old Testament.23 The term emeth is derived from the root ’aman,24 that is to say, the Paraclete will be Amin, i.e., truthful from every point of view. And this was the name by which the Holy Prophet was well known among the people even prior to the Call. According to the Hebrew lexicon, the meaning of this term is ‘to be honest and truthful’, not only in money matters but in a much broader sense, as its significance is: faithfulness, trustworthiness, permanence, sureness and security. But its meaning as perfect truthfulness is commonly found in the Bible. From a linguistic and etymological point of view, emet(h) and Ahmad are parallel to each other. The Holy Prophet Muhammad alone revealed the whole truth about God, His unity and religion, and rectified the impious libels written and believed against His holy prophets. In Jewish scriptures, emet(h) is called the seal of God. According to the Prophet Daniel, the seal of God is the book or scripture of truth.25 In the same book, the emet(h) spoken of is apparently the religion of God. In respect of emet(h) the prophet David has sung:

“O Lord, who shall sojourn in thy tent? Who shall dwell on thy holy hill? He who walks blamelessly, and does what is right, and speaks truth [emet(h)] from his heart; who does not slander with his tongue, and does no evil to his friend, nor takes up a reproach against his neighbour; in whose eyes a reprobate is despised, but who honours those who fear the Lord; who swears to his own hurt and does not change; who does not put out his money at interest,
23. “Truth is the first of all perfections. The Hebrew word for truth is Emeth. It is composed of three letters: Aleph, Mem, and Thaw. The Aleph and the Thaw are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet … Thus the term Emeth (truth) begins with the first letter of the alphabet and ends with the last. This led the Jewish sages to find in this word a mystical meaning.” — The Catholic Encyclopaedia, edited by Charles G. Herbermann and others, New York, 1907, art. ‘Alpha and Omega’. 24. The original form of emet(h) is amint, which then changed in pronunciation to emet(h). 25. Daniel, 10:21.
and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.” 26

These aspects of emet(h) are corroborated in Isaiah.27 The part of the verse in Zechariah:

“… render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace” 28
reads literally:

“Truth [emet(h)] and judgment of peace [shalom] judge within your gates”
which may be interpreted as follows: “Ahmad will judge with justice and bring Islam to your gates”. Emet(h) is eulogized by the name Ma‘et in ancient Egyptian religion, and Ma‘et has frequently:

“a purely intellectual connotation; it then means ‘truth’.” 29
It is also written:

“Maat was the goddess of truth.” 30

By designating him as pneuma tes aletheias or ‘Spirit of Truth’, Jesus did not give a sign of the promised Paraclete like the sign that he shall be born without the agency of a human father, or that wise men from the East shall come to worship him, or that he shall walk on water, or that he shall change a sta into a serpent, or that, spitting into someone’s mouth, he shall restore his power of speech.31 However wonderful and strange be these works, they are all the same impermanent and transitory. The greatest attribute of the Holy Prophet is to be the ‘Spirit of Truth’ (pneuma tes aletheias), an embodiment of righteousness and truth, fidelity, sincerity, punctuality in keeping promises, and teaching true doctrines. Another argument that emet(h) is Ahmad is that there is a tradition of the Jews relating that some righteous men of the temple implored the Most High God to banish Satan, who was the root cause of all sin and suffering, bag and baggage from the world. Upon this a wrapped-up book descended
26. Psalms, 15:1–5. 27. Isaiah, 33:15. 28. Zechariah, 8:16. 29. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Edited by James Hastings, art. ‘Ethics and Morality (Egyptian)’, vol. 5, p. 475. 30. Ibid., art. ‘Egyptian Religion’: 40. Abstract gods, vol. 5, p. 249. 31. Mark, 7:33; John, 9:6.
from heaven on which was written ‘Truth’ (emeth). Thereafter a lion of fire came out of the temple and ran away. It was idolatry and polytheism which had abandoned the earth.32 In this connection, it is written in the Catholic Encyclopaedia, quoting the Jewish Encyclopedia:

“This legend shows that the seal of God is truth.33

In the New Catholic Encyclopedia, the meaning of emeth is given as follows:

“aleph-mem-tau = ’eˇmet, truth or fidelity” 34

This scripture of truth is the Holy Quran, in several verses of which it has been called ‘the Truth’. For instance, “Say: The Truth has come and falsehood vanished.” And it came to pass accordingly when the Holy Prophet, after the conquest of Makka, entered the Ka‘ba and smote every idol with his stick, reciting this verse:

“And say: The Truth has come and falsehood vanished. Surely falsehood is ever bound to vanish.” 35

The idols fell down broken into pieces, and Satan came out of the Ka‘ba and ran away from the whole of Arabia for ever. Whatever Jesus is reported to have said regarding the promised Paraclete, he must have spoken not in Greek, but in the language of the Jewish scriptures, and the word spoken could only be emeth (Ahmad), for this term is very widely known among the Jews and is regarded as a word of secret power, the recital whereof drives away all di culties and troubles. In emet(h), which is a mystic syllable, there are three letters, A-M-T. According to the Hebrew script, A or aleph is the first letter, T or taw is the last, and M or mem is the middle one. These three letters in a way predominate and prevail over the entire Hebrew alphabet, just as we say in English “from A to Z”. The Jews call it emet(h). But from another point of view, emet(h) was not a meaningless term. It means ‘Truth’ or ‘all in all Truth’, an anthology of virtues, i.e., Praised One or Ahmad.

(Muhammad in World Scriptures by Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi, Vol 1, pp. 389-391)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 05:28:28 PM by Idris »

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2015, 10:38:41 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,

Great work dear, brother Idris.  I love your research!  Great work also dear brothers Tahmeed and Submit.  Keep up the great work, dear brothers.  May Allah Almighty greatly bless you for your researches.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Idris

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2015, 03:12:22 PM »
Salam Aleykoum,

John J. Parsons wrote some article dedicated to the hebrew word emet, suggesting that the "Truth" is adressed to a person:

"Indeed, Pilate’s famous question, „What is truth?” is a category mistake, since truth is not about ‘what’ but about ‘Who’."

The text was taken from:

also he said in another article:

"The Hebrew word emet has a more concrete meaning than the English word for "truth" (the English word derives from the Greek/Western view of truth as a form of correspondence between language and reality, but invariably languished over epistemological questions that led, ultimately, to skepticism.)"

The text was taken from:

As for the rest what he said about the Mesaiah (Pbuh) we do not necessarily agree.
In the Quran it can be found a following verse which implies that Muhammad (Pbuh) is a personal Truth:

كَيْفَ يَهْدِي اللَّهُ قَوْمًا كَفَرُوا بَعْدَ إِيمَانِهِمْ وَشَهِدُوا أَنَّ الرَّسُولَ حَقٌّ وَجَاءَهُمُ الْبَيِّنَاتُ ۚ وَاللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ


’’How shall Allah Guide those who reject Faith after they accepted it and bore witness that the Messenger was true and that Clear Signs had come unto them? but Allah guides not a people unjust.’’    (Quran 3:86)

The arabic text of this 'ayah' contains the word "Haqqun" (حَقٌّ) which is synonymous with "al-Haqqu" (الحَقُّ). Now if Amint is indeed an original form of the word "emeth" then even in this way it refers to Muhammad (Pbuh), because Amin was his title by which people know him (the Honest, the Reliable and the Trustworthy). In Qurtubi’s tafsir on sura 2:146 we can find a following hadith:

ورُوِيَ أنّ عمر قال لعبد اللَّه بن سَلاَم: أتعرف محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم كما تعرف ٱبنك؟ فقال: نعم وأكثر، بعث الله أَمِينه في سمائه إلى أَمِينه في أرضه بنعته فعرفتُه، وٱبني لا أدري ما كان من أُمّه

It was narrated that Omar said to Abdullah bin Salam: "Do you recognize Muhammad (Pbuh) as you recognize your son ?" Yes, and even better ! Allah sent His celestial "Amin" (Gabriel) to His earthly "Amin" (Muhammad/Ahmed) by his attributes (or titles) so I recognized him, as for my son I’m not sure whether he is from his mother.

The Jews believed that "emeth" or 'eh'meth' (actually 'Amint' in original form) is a "Seal of God". Now, we muslims know that the arabic word "Amin" was a unique title of Prophet Muhammad and... also expresses acceptance of our supplication during salat (prayer), and we consciously pronounce it all the time at the end of sura al'Fatiha ! Could this be a "Seal of God" or Seal of God's final message to humanity, the devine message that which - more than 1,400 years ago - brought the "Seal of Prophets" ie. Muhammad (Pbuh)?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 02:11:57 PM by Idris »

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2015, 07:16:41 AM »

Remember my post about the existence of the name 'Muhammad' in Songs of Solomon 5:16? It's just the same case brother. The translators translate the word 'Mahamadiym' as 'Lovely' and 'Ehmeth' or 'Ahmed' as 'Truth'. Both time they take the literal meanings of the names. And that's how they hide the crystl clear prophesies of our beloved Prophet (pbuh).


But Brother Tahmeed,I didnt find a book named 'Songs of Solomon' when I searched in .If you meant 'Song of Songs 5:6' , it seems to be saying about something else.

Anyway,you have done a good job.May Allah Almighty bless you.

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Re: Jesus spoke about the Prophet Ahmed in John 18:37 ?
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2015, 02:26:26 PM »
Assalamu alaikum dear brother and thanks,

My NKJV, NRSV bibles say it is song of solomon. Song of songs is another name, read verse 1:1. Approves both names.

But bro, I needed to do the correction earlier. Thanks for reminding me. If y check the hebrew, u will see that song of solomon 5:16 has 'mahamaddiym' in it which is translated as LOVELY. Read the verse 5:10, the beloved is said to be chief among ten thousand. U know during the conquest of Mekkah, the Prophet had ten thousand men with him. From this, I and many other muslims thought it is referring to Muhammad SAW.

But I hadn't read the whole book of SOS before this. When I did, my conception was clear. It is not about Muhammad SAW, never! I have dishonored my beloved Prophet SAW by saying he was the person in the book. ASTAGFIRULLAH.

The book is a conversation between the beloved (Solomon), shulamite (his wife) and some other persons. Their r some real vulgur verses in the book said by the beloved, describing shulamite's body in a more vulgur way. They call this the Book of God? I call it written porn. This can be a secret song between husband-wife, but adding this in the bible? They will never learn.

The things the beloved said can't be words of our prophet. So verse 5:16 of the 'Porn of Porns' is not about the Prophet SAW.

And may Allah bless u too dear brother,
Your brother Tahmeed


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