As'salamu Alaikum akhi Uzair,
Did you read the link that I gave you above? It also gives you the link and details of the article that goes into great details about Earth in the Glorious Quran, and all of the Noble Verses and Noble Words that speak about the earth's place in space. The Holy Quran speaks about:
1- Earth rotating around itself or its own axle.
2- Is traveling in space.
3- Is running in space or going fast.
4- Earth is spherical.By the way,
Dahaha is derive from
Dah. It means round, and it means rolling down. This is where you get the Arabic word
DAHraja, which means to roll down as you roll down a barrel from the top of the hill. Daha also refers to something that is spherical. Here are some of the definitions that I posted from Lisan Al-Arab and other encyclopedic dictionaries:
Daha دحا means:
دحا (daha): دفعه و رمى به (dafa'aahu wa ramaa bih) Caused it to move, pushed it, or threw it.
ويقذفون من كل جانب دحورا ولهم عذاب واصب (The Noble Quran, 37:8-9) And they're cast away from every side, repulsed, for they are under a perpetual penalty.
دحا الصبي المِدحاةَََ أي دفع الصبي المِدحاةَََ Daha the boy the rolling toy, means the boy pushed the rolling toy.
دحرجَ (dahraja): to roll, roll along, to roll down.
دحا (daha): و في حديث أبي رافع: كنت أُلاعب الحسن و الحسين, رضوان الله عليهما, بالمداحي, هي احجار أمثال القِرصة
In the Hadith of Abi Rafiaa': I used to play with Al-Hasan and Al-Hussein, may Allah Almighty be pleased with them, with AL-MADAAHI, which means STONES that look like AL-QIRASAH.
دحا (daha): المداحي هي احجار أمثال القِرصة Al-madaahi are stones that resemble AL-QIRASAH.
So what does Al-Qirasah mean?
According to Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1], Book 4, Page 516
القِرصة (al-qirasah): قرِّصي العجين أي سوِّيه قِرصة Cut the dough into small round pieces.
القِرصة (al-qirasah): قرص الشمس اي عينها The qurs of the sun means the eye of the sun, which is round.
المدحرج (al-mudahraj): المُدوَّر what is round or circular.
دحا (daha): دحّ في الثّرى بيتاً إذا وسعه He expanded the house.
دحى (daha): الدُّحُحْ (al-duhuh), which is plural of دحى daha, which means: الارضون الممتدّة expanded earths.
دحا (daha): مدحوحاّ أي مُسوّى evened, balanced, equaled, leveled.
دحا (daha): الدّواح أي العظيم الشديد العلو al-dawwah is something that is great, extremely powerful, and exalted.
دحا (daha): الدِّحْية هو رئيس الجُند, و به سمِّي دِحية الكلبي Al-dihya is the leader of the soldiers, and from this was named Dihya Al-Kalbay, who was one of Prophet Muhammad's close Companions.
الدِّحْية هو رئيس القوم و سيدهم Al-dihya is the chief of the tribe or the group and the BEST AMONG THEM و سيدهم.
Planet earth is indeed the best planet in our Solar System. It is the only planet that has water, life and Paradise-like Scenic Views. The others are dead planets with no life like that of earth's exists on them. See my notes about this below.
دحا (daha): ROUND and SPHERICAL:
إندحَّ بطنه إندحاحاّ اي إتّسع His tummy became round and bigger.
In Prophet Muhammad's Hadith: كان لأسامة بطننٌ مُندحٌ اي متسع Osama had a round and big tummy.
و بطنٌ مُنداحُ أي خارخٌ مُدوّر His tummy is mun-daahun means it is OUT THERE AND ROUND مُدوّر.
و رجلٌّ دحدحُ اي قصير غليظ البطن A man is dahda-hun which means he is short, stocky and has a big and fat tummy.
الدحداح هو المستدير الململم The dahdaah is the person who is ROUND and STOCKY.
الدِردِحة من النساء التي طولها و عرضها سواء Al-dir-dihati from the women is the one whose height and width look the same! SHE LOOKS ROUND, and the by the way, the distance between the earth's north and south poles is approximately only 45 miles shorter than the earth's width.
دحا (daha): الدوحة أي المظلة العظيمة Al-Doha, as in Qatar's capital, means a big umbrella.
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Osama Abdallah