Author Topic: regarding marriage in Islam  (Read 5309 times)

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Offline Md.Mobashir Mallick

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regarding marriage in Islam
« on: January 24, 2014, 01:33:41 PM »
Sir , everyone knows that marriage with an own cousin sister or brother is allowed in Islam but you knowthe non muslims say that your cousin is just like your own sister so isn't your religion promotung incest?? Sir plz help me reply them , ASAP

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Re: regarding marriage in Islam
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 02:11:17 PM »
Sir , everyone knows that marriage with an own cousin sister or brother is allowed in Islam but you knowthe non muslims say that your cousin is just like your own sister so isn't your religion promotung incest?? Sir plz help me reply them , ASAP

As'salamu Alaikum brother Mobashir,

Welcome to the forum akhi.  I ask Allah Almighty that you will find all of your answers here.  Ameen.

Please read the following from the Holy Quran:

[004:023]  Forbidden for you to marry are: your mothers, your daughters and your sisters, your father’s and your mother’s sisters, your brothers’ and sisters’ daughters, your foster mothers (that is, any women) who (may) have breast fed you, and the foster sisters who have shared the breast milk with you. (Also forbidden are) the mothers of your wives, and the stepdaughters under your care from your wives with whom you have had conjugal relations. But if you did not consummate the marriage (before you divorced her), then there is no sin (for you to marry her daughter). It is forbidden for you to marry the wives of your (biological) sons (that is, those who spring) from your loin. (It is forbidden) for you to gather two sisters in wedlock at the same time. But whatever has happened (in the past), has happened. Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Merciful.

And due to genetic complications and problems, Prophet Muhammad commanded his followers to avoid marrying from immediate close relatives, such as cousins.  I'll post the Hadith later, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: regarding marriage in Islam
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2014, 03:23:53 PM »
Are you kidding me ? A society which doesn't leave any sort of sexual activities without committing them dares talk about incest ? And saying that one's cousin is "like" his sister doesn't make her his sister neither does adopting a person - which is forbidden in Islam by the way - make him your son . And although I asked someone some time ago about marrying a cousin and I was told there is nothing forbidding it , I'll wait and see the narration saying so .

Offline Md.Mobashir Mallick

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Re: regarding marriage in Islam
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 07:19:12 AM »
Sir thanks a lot for your reply , @ sir osama abdallah but sir @ black muslim I was unable to understand what you were trying to say & I being a medical student agree with the previous answer that marrying with one's own cousin I.e the daughter or son of your father or mother's own sister or brother can cause adverse genetic effects on your offsprings

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: regarding marriage in Islam
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2014, 07:11:19 AM »


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