Assalam alykam here a ex muslim says this to me who is now a christian
i know he is a real ex muslim i have seen dawah videos of his
he says this about ALlah
I still believe the Lord is one, one in Deut 4 is not a number it means unity a unity of compounds echad, just like ahad in Arabic is not the number one it means unity. Allah according to the Quran and Sunnah is a compound unity! If you want to be logical consistent you have to reject Allah of the Quran also.
what do we say to this
Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother,
The Bible speaks about the 7 Spirits of GOD Almighty. If GOD Almighty is a Compound One, then this still doesn't prove trinity. In Islam, there is:
1- Allah Almighty.
2- The World of Command.
3- The World of Creation.
And one of those 7 Spirits is the
"Spirit of Fearing GOD", which was put in Jesus Christ. This is in the Bible. I've gone through this in great details during my debate on the trinity at:
Also visit: to see thorough refutations to the trinity blasphemy.
As to Ahad, the Word in Arabic doesn't mean compound one. It means absolute one:
"Say: He is God, the One and Only (Ahad); God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him. (The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)"Also in Arabic, Ahad is used for an absolute one. You would say for example:
1- "I won't speak with anyone (ahad) today" -
لن أكلم أحد اليوم2- "No one (ahad) has come" -
لم يأتي أحدI hope this helps, insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah