For centuries man has worshiped nature, the night sky, the stars, personified the constellations. Astrotheology tells us that all religions are derived from a common source: The Sun.
It was true to me, that in the past, astronomers could predict the weather and the rain, the harvest seasons, everything. So they personified the sky and made religions, to deceive the emperors into thinking that they had some divinity in them ("I can predict the Sun will disappear tomorrow, unless you offer me 30 pieces of silver!"). However, looking deep into Islam: Islam has zero pagan astrotheological concepts! I always wondered, all these books on comparative mythology, mention so little about Islam. Then I realized, OH! Moslems were masters at astronomy! After I read a verse from the Qur'an on Osama Abdullah's site, I realized, Islam actually tells us in the Qur'an that the moon can be used as a calendar!. Islam does NOT have ANY astrology-related worship. It is truly a miracle that Islam was not founded on deception like Hinduism, ancient Mythology, Christianity, etc.
In fact, this had caused some people to lie that Moslems worship the moon, and I know now that truly that is not the case!
Correct, I am a student of comparative religion.
All movements today begun as monothiest because messengers/prophets were sent to ALL nations for their people, but Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) was sent to all of mankind.
If you research Pauline Christianity and it's roots, you will realise that Paul was a freemason who incorporated so much crap into the message of Islam, i.e submitting to the creator (God Allmighty) alone. But the movement of the sabbath for example to Sun-DAY is a pagan incorparation (As in the day the Christians go to church), the trinity also exists amongst other religions too, it never began in 'Pauline' Christianity, it existed before within Nimrod (Nimrod the son, his mother the base, and the spirit) and also between the pagan hindu Gods (Which still exists today), long story short the message of Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him was hijacked with the pagan romans infiltrating it, they tried to do it to Islam (Not the romans necessarily) with Shiite Islam for example.
Even Judaism today has been hijacked, yes hijacked, the Talmud for example, is mostly the base of Judaism, most Jews today think that the talmud outlines the Torah and that the Torah should not be followed anymore, in fact, the Star of David according to research, is NOT connected to David (King Dawood) or King David, but it is a symbol linked directly to freemasonry.
Infact, the roman calender (Gregorian calender is incorporated in western countries today too, and the base of the days are based on paganism too), but Islamic countries as a base use the Lunar Calender, which is more accurate as a whole.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri-day ETC - All based upon paganism, Saturn-day, Sun-day.
But the days of the islamic calender are Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. (Something along those lines, I will reconfirm it).
Jesus (Peace be upon him) never claimed divinity or was never resurrected (that's all bogus), it's all connected to the pagan Gods. The resurrection concept exists among the pagan Gods (I.e resurrecting 3 days after death etc).
If you want the origins of the Pauline Christianity I'm happy enough to present it to you, i.e the divinity of Jesus finally chosen at the year 325 AD where they also choice what gospels should be chosen etc.
The earliest followers of Jesus (Peace be upon him) recognized and saw him as a MIGHTY messenger sent by God, NOT GOD himself.
May God guide you.
Qur'an was revealed in the 7th century, and it contains scientific facts discovered in the 20th century.
Also here's what the Qur'an says about astronomy:
What the Qur'an says about Astronomy
1) Big Bang - Creation of the heavens and earth:
"To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth; when He decrees a matter He said to it: "Be"; and it is." (2:117)
2) Stars are fixed to guide the travelers in the land and the sea:
"And it is He who ordained the stars for you that you may be guided thereby in the darkness of the land and the sea." (6:97)
3) Judgment Day:
"One day the Earth will be changed to a different Earth and so will be the Heavens and (men) will be marshalled forth before Allah the One the Irresistible." (14:48)
4) Constellations:
"And verily in the skies We have set constellations and beautified it for beholders." (15:16)
5) Stars and other signs to be used for directions:
"And marks and sign-posts and by the stars, (men) guide themselves." (16:16)
6) Creation of Mankind and Heavens By Allah:
"See they not that Allah Who created the heavens and the earth has power to create the like of them (anew)?...." (17:99)
7) Big Bang:
"Don't the Unbelievers see that the universe was once joined together, then We burst it apart. We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe." (21:30)
8. Sun Moon Stars subjected to His Law:
"If indeed thou ask them who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon (to His Law); they will certainly reply Allah." (29:61)
9) Sun is moving:
"And the sun runs towards its destination (resting place) ...." (36:38)
10) Gaseous state of universe:
"Then He turned to the sky when it had been gas and said to it and the earth, condense willingly or unwillingly. And they said, "We condensed willingly." (41:11)
11) Creation of the heavens and earth, not mere idle play:
"We have not created the heaven and the earth and all that is between them in mere idle play. None of this have We created without an inner truth: but most of them understand it not." (44:38-39)
12) Expansion of the universe:
"And the universe, we constructed with power and skill and verily we are expanding it." (51:47)
13) Sirius (the Mighty Star):
"And He is the Lord of Sirius (the Mighty Star)" (53:49)
14) Space flight:
"O assembly of Jinns and men when you can penetrate regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! Not without power (or authority) will you be able to pass." (55:33)
15) Other galaxies:
"God is the One Who created seven heavens and of the earth a similar number. The command descends upon them so that you know that God has power over all things and comprehends all things in His knowledge." (65:12)
16) Seven Heavens, Stars, and the skies:
"He Who created the seven heavens, one above another: No want of proportion will you see in the creation of Most Gracious, so turn your face again; Do you see any flaw ....... And We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps ...." (67:3-5)
17) Seven Heavens:
"See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another." (71:15)
18) Signs of Qiyamah (Judgment Day):
"When the stars are put out and when the sky is cleft asunder." (77:8-9)
19) Seven Heavens and the Sun:
"We have built above you seven strong (heavens) and placed a blazing lamp." (78:12-13)
20) Creation of Mankind and Heavens By Allah:
What! are ye the more difficult to create, Or the heaven (above)? (Allah) has constructed it; On high has He raised its canopy and He has given it order and perfection; Its night does He endow with darkness and its splendor does He bring out (with light). (79:27-29)
21) Signs of Qiyamah (Judgment Day):
"When the sun is folded up and when the stars loose their lustre." (81:1-2)
22) Planets (Retrograde Motion):
"So verily I call to witness the planets that recede." (81:15)
23) Signs of Qiyamah (Judgment Day):
"When the sky is cleft asunder and the planets are scattered and the oceans are forced to join." (82:1-3)
24) Signs of Qiyamah (Judgment Day):
"When the sky is split asunder and attentive to her lord, and it must do so." (84:1-2)
25) Constellations:
"Consider the sky full of great constellations." (85:1)
26) Moon, Stars, and Planets:
"By the sky and the night-visitant; and what do you know what the night-visitant is? It is the star of piercing brightness." (86:1-3)
27) Sky Raised High:
"And at the Sky how it is raised high?" (88:18)
What the Qur'an says about moon
1) Crescent moon as the standard to be used for reckoning of time:
"They ask you about the waxing and waning phases of the crescent moons, say they are to mark fixed times for mankind and Hajj." (2:189)
2) Moon is not my Lord:
"When he saw the moon rising in splendor He said: "This is my Lord." but when the moon set he said: Unless my Lord guide me I shall surely be among those who go astray." (6:77)
3) Sun and Moon to be used for reckoning of time:
"And He who made the night for rest and sun and moon for reckoning of time. This is the decree of the Exalted, the All-knowing." (6:96)
4) Sun, moon, and the stars governed by laws:
"Allah is He, who created the sun, the moon, and the stars (all) governed by laws under His commandment." (7:54)
5) Moon is the measure of month:
"The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year) so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred; that is the straight usage.......Verily the transposing (of a prohibited month) is an addition to unbelief: the unbelievers are led to wrong thereby: for they make it lawful one year and forbidden another year in order to adjust the number of months forbidden by Allah and make such forbidden ones lawful. The evil of their course seems pleasing to them. But Allah guideth not those who reject faith." (9:36-37)
6) Sun is source of light and Moon is just light:
"It is He who made sun a lamp, and moon a light and measured stages so you know number of years and count (of time)." (10:5)
7) Joseph's Dream:
"Behold Joseph said to his father: O my father! I did see eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me!"
8) Sun and moon continue in an orbit to their destiny:
"Allah is He who raised heavens without pillars that you can see; Then He established Himself on the throne; And He subjected the sun and the moon (to his law); each one runs its course for a term appointed." (13:2)
9) Allah created Sun and moon, and He made them subject to you:
"It is Allah Who hath created the heavens and the earth and sendeth down rain from the skies......... He has made subject to you, the night and the day; the sun and the moon; and the stars in subjection by His command." (14:32-33)
10) Day and night, sun and moon, and stars made for you:
"He has made subject to you, the night and the day; the sun and the moon; and the stars in subjection by His command." (16:12)
11) Sun bright - Moon dark (no light):
"We made night and day two signs. The sign of night we made dark and sign of day we made bright. That ye may seek bounty from your lord and ye may know number of years and count (of time)." (17:12)
12) Orbits of celestial bodies:
"It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit." (21:33)
13) All things bow down to Allah:
"See you not that to Allah bow down in worship all things in the heavens and on earth, the sun, the moon, the stars." (22:18)
14) Moon is reflected light of the sun:
"Blessed is He who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a lamp and a moon reflecting light (25:61)
15) Sun and moon are subjected to Allah's laws
If indeed thou asl them Who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected (to His Law), they will certainly reply, "Allah". How are they then deluded away (from the truth)? (29:61)
16) Sun and moon continue in an orbit to their destiny:
"See you not Allah merges night into day and day into night; And subjected the sun and the moon (to His Law); each one runs its course for a term appointed." (31:29)
17) Sun and moon continue in an orbit to their destiny:
"He merges night into day and day into night; And subjected the sun and the moon (to His Law); each one runs its course for a term appointed." (35:13)
18) Ordained orbits of celestial bodies:
"And the moon, we have measured for her mansions (to traverse) till she returns like the old, (withered, and curved-up like a sickle) date-palm. It is not permitted for sun to catch-up the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; each swims along in (its own) orbit." (36:39-40)
19) Sun and moon continue in an orbit to their destiny:
"He created heavens and the earth in true proportions; He makes night overlap day and day overlap night and subjected the sun and the moon (to His Law); each one runs its course for a term appointed." (39:5)
20) Do not Prostrate to the Sun and Moon:
"Among His Signs are the Night and the Day and the sun and moon. Prostrate not to the Sun and the Moon but Prostrate to Allah Who created them if it is Him ye wish to serve." (41:37)
21) Moon is split asunder:
"The hour (of Judgment) is near and the moon is split asunder." (54:1)
22) Celestial bodies tied to orbits:
"The sun and the moon follow courses exactly computed." (55:05)
23) Sun is source of light and Moon is just light:
"And made the moon a light in their midst and made the sun as a (Glorious) lamp." (71:16)
24) Swear by the Moon:
"Nay verily: by the Moon." (74:32)
25) Signs of Qiyamah (Judgment Day):
"And the moon is buried in darkness. And the sun and moon are joined together." (75:8-9)
26) Moon becomes full:
"And the moon when it becomes full." (84:18)
27) Moon follows the sun:
"By the sun and its radiant brightness; By the moon as she follows him." (91:1-2)