Author Topic: Is Quran's Sheba story borrowed from Targum Esther?  (Read 3017 times)

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Offline Sharif

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Is Quran's Sheba story borrowed from Targum Esther?
« on: October 06, 2016, 01:44:51 PM »
Answering-islam is trying to refute the arguments of Islamic-awareness about the story of Sheba. They say that the Jersulamen Talmud, which is even PRE-CHRISTIAN contain references about that Talmud. So, that talmud existed in times of Muhammad (saw). SO, according to them, Muhammad borrowed it. This is the article:

And also say that the Sheba's story is false in that article. They say too that the tractate Sopherim, which according to them is older that the Quran, contains cites of Targum Esther. But I researched, and the Tractate Sopherim is not older than Qur'an, and the best, It is a NON-CANONICAL book:

This is the unit that I have refuted. I give you thanks for this. Assalamu Aleikum brothers.

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Re: Is Quran's Sheba story borrowed from Targum Esther?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2016, 05:59:19 PM »
and what can be the possibility that Jews picked from Quran to Talmud. it can happen . and they would have done it in those days. these guys can play with history but can't play with facts. and they can't hide that their fake pagan covenant produced for roman idolatry excuses, and as a dumpster for lost and bad sectors just like deafid woof..

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Re: Is Quran's Sheba story borrowed from Targum Esther?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2016, 06:43:46 AM »
claiming Quran being unoriginal and uses concepts from multi-books of multi-languages around the world to form passages in it is quite a norm for anti-Islamic sites.

Just like how Quran mentions about characters of Nasoreans, Mary and prophet Jesus and these phrases can be found in older Greek scriptures. It doesnt mean Quran borrowed the stories from Greek books.

Offline Sharif

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Re: Is Quran's Sheba story borrowed from Targum Esther?
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2016, 01:26:39 PM »
Salam aleikum brothers, you have reason brother submit, searching some parallel with the Qur'an in other books is their norm. But thay forget that those books was not able to prophet Muhammad. Many, like Targum Esther, are in other languages, Hebrew, Hindu, etc. And could not be read by an arab. Now, the very Encyclopedia Judaica says that Targum Esther is posterior to Qur'an with evidences. The simple fact that a teacher says that Targum is older than Qur'an is only his opinion. Indeed, I searched what was refearing that Teacher, Crossfield, in his researching. And he was talkung about the Book of Esther, and not about Targum Esther. So, The book of Esther was the book existed before Qur'an. But the Targum was after. Thanks for all. Salam Aleikum.


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