Author Topic: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?  (Read 10644 times)

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Re: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2016, 04:40:00 PM »
"In livestock, too, you have a lesson- We give you a drink from the contents of their bellies, between waste matter and blood, pure milk, sweet to the drinker". [16:66] Abdul Haleem translation.

"Did you notice that your Allah (swt) did not know that there are so many humans that are lactose intolerant. Let that idea sink in for a moment, oh the irony, it burns. your imaginary friend that created the universe and all the people did not know that there are some humans that have lactose intolerant digestive systems.

also, science and history provide a better and more eloquent explanation for the milk production system and the evolution of cattle and their mammary glands.

I will also note that raw milk is medically unsafe for consumption and that's why there's a pasteurization process. Before pasteurization, cattle milk was rife with dangerous bacteria. your god does not know anything about the processing of milk.

pure indeed, ideal for harmful bacteria and germs. I would've submitted to this allah, sorry I mean Mohammed's ego, if he had mentioned bacteria or germs in milk or elsewhere".

It is observable to the eye that just drinking milk raw straight from the animal is not clean.  Just like people used to cook with fire, people used to also boil the milk with fire.  This is also where they used to extract cream from the milk's surface after it cools off, and also make butter, cheese and yogurt.

Arabic (from right to left):
‏16:66 وان لكم في الانعام لعبرة نسقيكم مما في بطونه من بين فرث ودم لبنا خالصا سائغا للشاربين

[016:066] And in the livestock there is a lesson for you: we provide you with a drink from their bellies. From the midst of digested food and blood, you get pure milk, delicious خالصا سائغا for the drinkers.

Allah Almighty is speaking about the CONTENT of the milk itself, and not the outside bacteria that gets attached to it.  Children of old had always drank livestock milk.  The doomed-to-Hell infidels have nothing but noise on Islam.

Lactose Intolerant?

And as to being lactose intolerant, again, this has nothing to do with the content of the milk being pure and delicious.  Milk doesn't have to be taken by everyone.  And again, the fact that Allah Almighty Said that the creation of WHITE MILK comes from BLOOD (red blood to the naked eye) does indeed sound ridiculous and false to the average disbeliever.  But yet, it's been scientifically confirmed to be True.  So let the rotten infidel know that he is mocking the Truth of Allah Almighty, and not a man-made nonsense and lie.

Again, please visit the following links to see the formation of milk Miracle in the Glorious Quran:

Milk is produced from digested food and the BLOOD!  The Quran claimed it and science has confirmed it.

.....oh the irony, it burns. your imaginary friend that created the universe....

Give glad tidings to the doomed-to-Hell infidel that he is on his path to the destruction of Hell Fire.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2016, 03:20:03 PM »

If the correct translation says "livestock" and not "cattle" then there is no issue, because livestock includes all animals that make milk. Goats milk for example doesn't cause problems for lactose intolerant human beings.

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Re: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2016, 04:40:46 PM »
@iknowi but doesn't الانعام mean cattle ? In  the english translation says livestock but shen you click on the word it says cattle.

What are these infidels even trying to claim ?

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Re: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2016, 05:59:54 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum,

الانعام means animals.  It also means livestock, depending on the context of the Noble Verse.  But in the Glorious Quran, it means both.  You can read the following article:

Also search for the Word here.

As to Noble Verse 16:66 that I gave above, it is talking about livestock, because Allah Almighty in Noble Verse 39:6 said that He sent us 8 pairs of livestock for our survival:

 ‏39:6 خلقكم من نفس واحدة ثم جعل منها زوجها وانزل لكم من الانعام ثمانية ازواج يخلقكم في بطون امهاتكم خلقا من بعد خلق في ظلمات ثلاث ذلكم الله ربكم له الملك لااله الا هو فانى تصرفون

[039:006]  He created you (all) from a single being. Out of it, He created its spouse. He gave you eight types (four pairs: males and females of each) of domestic animals _ (sheep, goats, cows and camels). He created you in your mothers’ wombs, shaping you from one form to another _ through three (distinct kinds of) darkened zones. Such is Allah, your Lord! His is the empire (of the entire universe)! There is no god except He! How dare you turn away?

And in Noble Verse 16:66, Allah Almighty talked about the livestock that He has us drink from their milk "....we provide you with a drink from their bellies....".  This is from the 8 pairs that Allah Almighty sent us.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Ramihs97

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Re: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2016, 08:34:02 PM »
I'm lost. What are these idiots even trying to claim ?

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Re: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2016, 11:18:07 PM »
Once you clear their smokescreens, you'll realize how full of BS they are.  The doomed-to-Hell infidels have nothing on Islam.  Remember this, akhi.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Ramihs97

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Re: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2016, 12:29:07 PM »
Lmfao i dont even understand where is the so called "scientific error" ??

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Re: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2016, 04:13:33 PM »
The scientific error was that Allah in the Quran stated that cows milk is palatable for all human beings, but that isn't true because some people are lactose intolerant.

Then i found out that it didnt say cows milk, but the milk of any animal, so the contradiction is cleared (e.g. goats milk causes minimal problems for vast majority of people).

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Re: Lactose intolerance/Cows milk in the Quran... refutable? clear contradiction?
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2016, 09:39:46 PM »
The scientific error was that Allah in the Quran stated that cows milk is palatable for all human beings, but that isn't true because some people are lactose intolerant.

Show me where it says for all human beings.  The Glorious Quran never made a blanket statement about ALL PEOPLE.  The Holy Book rather spoke about how the pure milk is formed, and it is a delicious drink for the drinkers.

Then i found out that it didnt say cows milk, but the milk of any animal, so the contradiction is cleared (e.g. goats milk causes minimal problems for vast majority of people).

Again, Allah Almighty spoke about how the milk forms.  And from between digested food and BLOOD is pure and delicious milk formed.  You have added the following on your own:

1-  For all people.
2-  Assumes that some people are lactose intolerant.

You have added these on your own.  The Glorious Quran didn't make a blanket statement for all people.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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