Author Topic: This allegation REALLY needs answers  (Read 3659 times)

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Offline AMuslimDude213

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This allegation REALLY needs answers
« on: August 23, 2016, 08:50:34 PM »
Can you people PLEASE debunk this allegation
they are consistent in it,they keep saying that the Qur'an has 20 versions,Astaghfirullah.

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Re: This allegation REALLY needs answers
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2016, 02:28:35 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum akhi,

There is only one original Holy Quran.  The nonsense that you hear about multiple qurans is a lie.  The false lies and mixed sayings that were mistaken to be qurans were all burned during Caliph Uthman's rule.  The 100% proof that the Glorious Quran is perfectly preserved, visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline khdrb

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Re: This allegation REALLY needs answers
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2016, 04:44:02 AM »
1- Bart Ehrman said : "the essential Christian beliefs are not affected by textual variants in the manuscript tradition of the New Testament". they have just a 50000 non identical Greek/Latin NT manuscripts. that not just with textual variants , also with whole different stories , cut , paste , edit , add , remove ...etc. and they doesn't dare to show these differences , but they only running here and there trying to debunk the holy Qur'an by it variant readings in several words which for some sects it strengthen the interpretation and the possibility of more story significance when 2 meaning is possible and true in the same time, which is doesn't touch the laws or the reminder content and significance.

and we can't forget that the holy Qur'an came to us verbally and what we have now is authenticating the manuscript totally opposite to them. so some people accept those several words readings and enjoying it , others doesn't and says that what we have is the complete and no need for the other variants readings and it is authenticating the manuscripts.

2- the sixteen century king James bible that completed in 1611 by 8 members of the church of England , there were (and still are) no original text to translate. the oldest manuscript they have written down hundreds of years after the last apostle died , there are over 8000 of these manuscripts with no 2 alike, the king James translators used non of these anyway , instead , they editing previous translators to create a version their king and Parliament approve.
so, 21st century Christians believe the word of god is a book edited in the 17th century from 16 century translators of 8000 contradictory copies of lost letters written in the 1st century.

3- a different books of bible for different sects with different translations believes while we have preferable readings for each sect and one Qu'ran for all sects and different interpretations for different sects.
Shocking Mike Licona: New Testament Could Change in the Future .

so expect that Romans can reconstruct the whole NT and make it standalone out of OT. and surely many people will buy this [censored] for the eyes of Ze$Us the SUN of God.

4- i think that there is non of Muslims have went there and studied the variant and differences in the non identical Greek gospels and manuscripts like they do . so they possibly have burned or hide them as they always do or they will never allow a Muslim to that , but we allow them and they allow themselves because we are sure of what we have unlike them because they are just a liars and knows that the christianity been debunked and just defending this Romans Ze$Us agriculture and afraid at their New York Statue.

5- OT have 2 different books , the Samaritan Torah and the Jewish TANAKH with hundreds of differences, and the dead sea manuscripts and the other hidden non identical manuscripts , NT have the oldest Bible the Codex Sinaiticus that have thousands of differences not just variants. and they still show non of these to any while we are showing them everything.

6- NT is so borrrrrring compared to the OT even with some copy paste from the OT To NT that to just trying to proof and confirm an idolatry of a man and if you didn't believe that this man is Sun of god you are already in hell and no need for religion. this is what Allah calls taking their lord as their desires.
see verse(4-123)

7- Bart said "As I am taking a break from my Christological posts for a couple of days, I’ve received several inquiries about other things, including the newsworthy manuscript discoveries announced this past year: what has happened to them? Specifically, what about that Gospel of Jesus’ Wife that was named, announced, and published by Karen King back in September, and what about the first-century manuscript of the Gospel of Mark that Dan Wallace announced but would tell us nothing about in the debate that he had with me in Chapel Hill back in February, over a year ago now.(because Dan is a liar and trying to make some magic/miracles/waiting for new technology to make this manuscript looks like what they have now) As far as I know, in both instances the answer is the same. We have heard nothing new about either one. That’s very disappointing! Both of them would be highly significant if they were actually, authentically, what their discoverers/publishers say they are!"

so we are an open book , they are an esoteric liars hiding the books behind their backs and writing it and saying this is from Allah, those who wanna end your religion to end all religion and take a full control of all people minds and then making them like Wall-E people. god wants us to be different but compete in good and righteousness not in bad and evilness.

 (5-69)"Lo! those who believe, and those who are Jews, and Sabaeans, and Christians - Whosoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day and doeth right - there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve."

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: This allegation REALLY needs answers
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2016, 06:20:34 AM »
Can you people PLEASE debunk this allegation
they are consistent in it,they keep saying that the Qur'an has 20 versions,Astaghfirullah.

I just wanted to tell you not to go to anti-Islamic sites since that is haram and it may weaken your faith. Regarding the so called "variants" or "versions" of the Quran:

Textual criticism of the Quran has been answered in the link above.


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