Author Topic: A question to ask Christians.  (Read 2491 times)

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Offline AMuslimDude213

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A question to ask Christians.
« on: August 22, 2016, 04:56:51 PM »
I have seen Christians claiming Muslims killed the most compared to every other religion combined,
Now this may come as a shock to you
But,Christians regarding History HAVE KILLED HALF A MILLION PEOPLE!
With atheist having 148 Million,combined wwe get around 153 Million,
Now when we go to Buddhism 48 MILLION killed! which leads 193 MIllion,
now to Judaism,a Huge stack,100 Million Palestinians killed by guess who? JEWS!
293 MIllion,and now,Hinduism around 40 Million killed and that is around
333 Million people KILLED!
now for Muslims:270 Million According to statistics,but however bring it down by 30% since the other ones were by self defense,and
then 85 Million which leads to the rest as 185 Million killed In the name of "ISIS" So indeed,Allah is all knowing,I may be wrong in my estimations
but I used ALL the information I could get,185 Million is still not a small number,we still need to end ISIS.

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: A question to ask Christians.
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2016, 04:57:38 PM »
Ask them if 333 Million approximately were killed by All the other religions how can Islam be evil?

Offline khdrb

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Re: A question to ask Christians.
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2016, 05:16:46 AM »
they have no proof except the liar senile with agenda "bill liar". and they have to believe him not to feel ashamed of their continuous crimes by spreading lies (just like their faith) , and bloody history by demonizing others so they have to attack with lies as the best way to defend the debunked Ze$Us curstianity and the bloody churches.

christianity crimes against humanity.

see this site and still they have continuous crimes in Arabs nations.

you have to know that roman Curstians wars are mostly genocides , they know no woman/children/elder/embryo/sheep/donkey/camel. even if they hide themselves in new names like Sickularism or atheism or crusaders or Nazis or , or (1corinthians 9 20 to gays they will be a gays to win gays), they are christians in the end who are ashamed of it and acting agnostics taking their lord as their desires and hypocrites political liars as a front stupid dogs and muscles of the Sickulars agnostics brainy Jews. they control each others.

1 Samuel 15:3
New International Version
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys

1- they killed 1000 million original American according to their witness and historian (Las Casas) and brought them plagues as a biological weapon, then make it up with their white westerns liars studies to reduces it to 114M.

they eliminated full civilizations and cultures , did we ever done that ? if so you wouldn't have seen any christian or Jew or Hindu or church alive till today. so you can see them placing lies on Hindu trying to make us both equal in killing Indians and natives which is impossible that there will be more savage than the west curstians. even Hitler was admiring our works that we doesn't kill the culture we just add ours to it , you can see sickulars of modern curstians and jews just adding starbucks and petrodollar and monetary bank laws to our culture , we taught them that!. in addition they are colonizing culture and economy to globalize it that way for us to be their new Wall-E people without the need of military action to genocide us. that's why their dogs are trying to destroy our faith after their curstianity been debunked. so they are using the debunked christianity as a baseball bat.
and running here and there to find our manuscripts, and we allow them and they allow themselves to see them because we are sure of what we have, while we are not allowed to see theirs because they are a jealous liars know the [censored] they have.

2- they killed 30% of Germany population in protestant and catholic medieval wars , Germany went down from 20 million to 13 millions and millions in other Europe countries by this war and some says they eliminated 40% of Europe population in these wars without our interfering. (with credible references in the end of wiki).
note: that happens without our interfering , look at they now , every bad thing happens to Muslims is by their interfering.

3- they killed 3000 protestant at Paris in St.barthlemos birthday night. and 70000 other protestant in whole France, they killed embryos and babies , was throwing them on walls and heads of babies were exploding like they are ordered by their bible Psalm 137-9 and Hosea 13-16 .

4- 6 million Jew burned in Germany by the blessings of churches. known to all

5- Nagasaki Hiroshima nukes after 4 days of their surrender took millions and still they have effects. known to all

6- killed 10 millions in Algeria(as Algerian study mentioned), Morocco , Tunis mostly by France in last 2 centuries. and thousand in Algeria by France nuke tests. and France only condemn themselves of 350K while France and other 19 countries didn't accept the denial of turkey about Armenian exchange but many countries did accept these credible Turkish documents.

7- they are the Sykes Picot agreement signers, that casts division into our lands and was the reason of killing millions!

8- They are Balfour promise signers with some of our traitors, that casts a sword into our lands and was the reason to displace millions and killing millions in Lebanon and Palestine.

9- world wars that killed over hundred million. they conquered Muslims states and raped and killed millions and used them in world wars by the blessing of Vatican during Sykes picot. and we are still in Sykes picot.

10- In Iraq & afghan killed millions and made millions of refugees in 80s and 90s and early 2k and stealing their wealth controlling their oil corrupting their people.

11- killed 20 million native in Australia and eliminated many cultures and civilizations. did we ever done that ? you can see the Hindu rising but can you see the Injun or Australia native rising ?

12 - enslaved millions of Africans by the pirate john Hawkins, then they made him sir because he was a partner with queen Elizabeth I in stealing Africans , in a naval ships called Jesus.

13- conquered 98% of the world and still demonizing Islam not to feel ashamed at their bloody history and speaks about illegal immigration.
14- Vietnam killed raped millions.
15- they are Guantanamo and ISIS maker by their lead and oppression to Muslims and killing their families in Arabs/Muslims lands made some people have nothing to do except to join their ISIS.

16- millions slaves sent to Americas , but Americans are still trying to hide the real numbers and blame it on Muslims with no proof. and other tens of millions during 14-15-16-17-18th centuries

12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage
Top 6 Countries That Grew Filthy Rich From Enslaving Black

and many more hidden information you may find them in their books.
those non muslim white westerns are devil sons.
17- etcountinous . and many more.

Saheeh Bukhari
Volume 9, Book 83, Number 23:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
A Jew crushed the head of a girl between two stones. It was said to her. "Who has done this to you, such-and-such person, such-and-such person?" When the name of the Jew was mentioned, she nodded with her head, agreeing. So the Jew was brought and he confessed. The Prophet ordered that his head be crushed with the stones. (Hammam said, "with two stones.")
You see, only the person who actually crushed the head of the girl between the two stones was punished. They didn't go looking for his daughter and do the same thing to her.
Usually God should be praised for the merciful things that He has done for us, not for the ordering of the execution of innocent little children by having swords pierced into them, being killed within their pregnant mother's bellies or having their heads bashed against rocks unjustly.


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