Author Topic: How do we refute someone who says that at-Taariq 86:6-7 does not mention Ovum?  (Read 6887 times)

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Offline Islam1st

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How do we refute someone who says that at-Taariq 86:6-7 does not mention the Ovum or Ovary or egg cells?

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How do we refute someone who says that at-Taariq 86:6-7 does not mention the Ovum or Ovary or egg cells?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Al-Taariq is the Star that is Knocking.  This is the Pulsar, which the Glorious Quran called it Knocking and Penetrating.  Both had been scientifically confirmed:

Al-Taraaeb is what you meant, and this had been demonstrated medically at:

The Glorious Quran's Miracle had been thoroughly demonstrated on both topics above.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Islam1st

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How do we refute someone who says that at-Taariq 86:6-7 does not mention the Ovum or Ovary or egg cells?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Al-Taariq is the Star that is Knocking.  This is the Pulsar, which the Glorious Quran called it Knocking and Penetrating.  Both had been scientifically confirmed:

Al-Taraaeb is what you meant, and this had been demonstrated medically at:

The Glorious Quran's Miracle had been thoroughly demonstrated on both topics above.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Sorry that my question wasn't quite clear, my question is that this verse about the fluid ejected, seems to be talking only about the Sperm/Semen. How do we respond to someone who says Since the Egg is not a gushing liquid, and the sperm and the egg combined make the human, and this verse does not mention it. Or does it mention it? or is it specifically talking about something else

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As'salamu Alaikum akhi,

I have added detailed analysis on the Noble Verses at:

In the link, you'll see at the top the accuracy of Allah Almighty's description and the use of certain Noble Words that clearly demonstrate the Divine Miracle.  If you still have any concern or doubt, then please don't hesitate to follow up with more questions.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Islam1st

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Wa Alaikumus Salam,
I am sorry, I am probably annoying you, especially since it is Ramadan, and you are probably busy with ibadaat. But I have read the link and the link of sex determination, it however does not answer my question. I will make my question more simpler, so it is easier to answer insha allah.

My question is: How do we refute someone who says Quran 86:6-7 does not mention the egg cell. It mentions sperm, but it does not mention egg (well it seems like it doesn't mention it)
86 : 6 He was created from a fluid, ejected,
86 : 7 Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs
I have seen in the Chapter 23 12-13 does mention ovum and the egg cell ( as the place to rest ) But these verses don't mention the role of the egg cell in the formation of man.

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Wa Alaikum As'salam akhi,

In the article, you missed my explanation on:  "Then We placed him  ثم جعلناه  ...".  Both the male sperm and female egg are called NUTFAH.  What I explained in the article is that A NEW NUTFAH is formed (the female egg containing the male sperm now fertilized).

As I mentioned in the article, and gave ample Noble Verses to support it, جعلنا throughout the Glorious Quran, Allah Almighty used this Noble Word to speak about things being created through a development or an evolution.  The Noble Word means that  Allah Almighty Creates, Develops and/or Makes a creation through the process of (1) Evolution, (2) Natural development of a creation, or (3) A process of engagement, mixing and/or development through two or more creations being combined or put together; similar to a chain reaction.

Please read the article again, and let me know if you have more questions.  I am always ready and happy to answer any and all questions:

The doomed-to-Hell infidels have nothing on Islam.  The Glorious Quran is a Divine Book of Miracles, as Allah Almighty Promised and Declared in the Glorious Quran:

Take care dear brother,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Islam1st

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    • View Profile Is talking about Quran 23:12-13, i want to know about 86:6-7

Offline Saudi Salafi

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 Assalamu alaikum brother,

 This has been discussed over here:

Watch this video for even more details:

This is Ramadan, I suggest that you don't think about this stuff too much. Instead you should strengthen your faith.

Offline Islam1st

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Both links do not address my question.

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Both links do not address my question.

 I don't know what you are talking about. The verse that you mentioned has NOTHING to do with the ovum. You are asking a wrong question in the first place.

Offline Islam1st

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Exactly, but the Quran mentions "He was created from a fluid, ejected," [Quran 86:6]. Man is created from sperm and egg cell, i think i founf the answer here: .Here is an excerpt from the website:

"Dr. Muhammad Dawdah says: 

The scientific fact is that the primordial cells of the testes in the male or the ovaries in the female accumulate in the backs of the parents during the embryonic stage, then they come out of the back from the area between the start of the spinal column and the start of the ribs, then the ovaries migrate towards the pelvis in the vicinity of the uterus, and the testes migrate to the scrotum where the temperature is lower, otherwise they will fail to produce sperm and become subject to the risk of developing into cancerous tumours if the journey is not completed.

The phrase “Proceeding from between the back-bone (as-sulb) and the ribs (at-taraa’ib)” is sufficient to describe the history of how offspring develop; it includes all the events that point to the existence of a prior blueprint and perfect design in creation, from their initial formation in the backs of their parents and their migration behind the intestines, starting from the area between the backbone and the ribs, until they reach their final destinations and until the parents are born, reach puberty and get married, and the offspring are created from something like a drop of water in which no human characteristics or features appear, namely the sperm which is alive and moves by itself until it is mixed with its counterpart, then the nutfah is formed, which is “drops of mixed semen (discharge of man and woman)” (cf. al-Insaan 76:2).

“He is created from a water gushing forth, Proceeding from between the back-bone (as-sulb) and the ribs (at-taraa’ib)”[at-Taariq 86:5-7]. These are scientific facts that science has only recently discovered, although they were proven thirteen hundred years ago. The fact is that the sulb of the man is his spinal column and his taraa’ib are the bones of his chest … If we turn to embryology we will find in the development of the man’s testes and the woman’s ovaries that which will explain these verses that have been unclear to many people… 

Both the testes and the ovaries, in the initial stages of their development, are near the kidneys, in a location between the backbone and the ribs, that is, between the midpoint of the spine and opposite the lowest ribs. Then when the testes and ovaries have migrated to their final locations in the body, they are supplied with arterial blood and controlled by nerves that are connected to a place in the body that is located between the backbone and the ribs. Thus the truth of what the Holy Qur’aan said has become clear, but science has only discovered it recently, thirteen hundred years after this Book was revealed. After developing, the testes and ovaries both descend to their places in the body. The testes descend to their place in the scrotum and the ovaries descend to their place in the pelvis, near the fallopian tubes. In some cases this descent is not complete and the testes stop partway, failing to go all the way to the scrotum; in this case surgery is required. End quote.

Taken from "


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