Author Topic: they say christianity did not spread by sword but by word  (Read 4660 times)

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Offline khdrb

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they say christianity did not spread by sword but by word
« on: April 01, 2016, 07:06:54 AM »
here is many of their sword history that includes soxons and pagans intonations in this website.

you have to know that Christians wars are mostly genocides , they know no woman/children/elder/embryo/sheep/donkey/camel.

◄ 1 Samuel 15:3 ►
New International Version
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"

see this site and still they have continuous crimes in Arabs nations.
1- they killed 1000 million original American according to their witness and historian (Las Casas) and brought them plagues .

2- they killed 30% of Germany population in protestant and catholic  medieval wars , Germany went down from 20 million to 13 millions and millions in other Europe countries by this war.

3- they killed 3000 protestant at Paris in St.barthlemos birthday night. and 70000 other protestant in whole France, they killed embryos and babies , was throw them on walls and heads of babies were exploding.'s_Day_massacre

4- 6 million Jew burned in Germany by the blessings of churches.
5- Nagasaki Hiroshima nukes took millions.
6- killed millions in Algeria, Morocco , Tunis mostly by France in last 2 centuries. and thousand in Algeria by France nuke tests.
7- they are Sykes Picot division of our lands!
8- They are Balfour treaty signers with some of our traitors.
9- they conquered Muslims states and raped and killed millions
10- In Iraq & afghan killed millions
11- conquering and giving Palestine was the reason to kill hundreds of thousands , and kick out millions .
12 - slavery of african by tens of millions in the name of Jesus by their queen Elizabeth .

13- conquered 98% of the world and still speaking about Islam and illegal immigration.
14- Vietnam
15- etc

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Re: they say christianity did not spread by sword but by word
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2016, 08:11:44 AM »
Christianity was spread throughout the world by by weapons in 1 hand and bible in another hand.
They believe that they were blessed with weapon superiority and at the same time they need to save the world prior to the few events like return of Jesus to Israel , sentences to hell and also the awaited great bloodshed of Armageddon.

How their faith were spread: As they discover new lands, they performed genocide onto those that fought their arrival.
Small massacre in the beginning will allow them to spread their religion, political presence in any of the conquered land without much disturbance.

Offline khdrb

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Re: they say christianity did not spread by sword but by word
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2016, 01:16:47 PM »
yah i found that Christianity is the exact opposite of Islam. a religion started by a crime idea , then adopted and spread by a very strong political empire! then spread by war.

that is represent America today, they spread their life style to all people by power, made all accepts their logic by media and they curses/defames all older civilizations life styles.

 latest Islam message started with Dawa by one man PBUH who got a revelation in a cave started by the word read running to his home with fear of what he saw in that cave, then plagued with war circumstances in-order to save that message and delivers it to who really needs it.

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: they say christianity did not spread by sword but by word
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2016, 09:39:55 AM »
Listen to these wise people who are not Muslim, writers, literati and historians, and see what they say:

1.     Thomas Carlyle said in his book: On Heroes and Hero-Worship:

Accusing him – i.e., Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) – of relying on the sword in order to force people to respond to his call is nonsense beyond comprehension, because it is inconceivable that a man would wield his sword to kill people unless they responded to his call. If people who were able to fight their opponents believed in him, then they must have believed willingly and sincerely.

See: Haqaa’iq al-Islam wa Abaateel Khusoomihi by ‘Abbaas ‘Aqqaad (p. 227)

2.     The French historian Gustave le Bon said in his book Arab Civilisation, when discussing the secret behind the spread of Islam during the Prophet’s time and the era of conquests that followed it:

History proves that religions cannot be imposed by force, therefore Islam could not have spread by the sword. Rather it spread by means of the call alone, and by means of the call alone peoples who had shortly beforehand defeated the Arabs, such as the Turks and Mongols, embraced Islam. The Qur’an spread throughout India – although the Arabs had nothing to do with India except as passers-by – in such a way that the number of Muslims in that land increased to fifty million. The spread of Islam in China, of which the Arabs never conquered any part, was no less. You will see, in a later chapter, how fast Islam spread in that land, where the number of Muslims at present is more than twenty million.

Is it now clear to you how incorrect the accusations against Islam are, and the extent to which the Jewish and Christian scholars, and the media, have misled you?

It is as if you want to say that your religion was not spread by the sword. It is as if you want to convince people of the mercy and compassion of the followers of your religion. But none of that is true; here are some examples from your own history:

1.     King Olaf slaughtered everyone who refused to embrace Christianity in Norway; he cut off their hands and feet, and banished and expelled them, until there was no other religion in the land except Christianity.

2.     In Montenegro in the Balkans, the Prince-Bishop Danilo Petrovic led a campaign of slaughter against non-Christians on Christmas Eve.

3.     In Ethiopia, the king Sayf Ar‘ad (1342-1370 CE) executed everyone who refused to become Christian, or he banished them from the land.

4.     Moreover we find that it was Christianity – and not Islam – that eradicated the Native people in America.

5.     We also find that it is Christianity that uprooted the Palestinian people from their land in order to hand it over to the enemies of both Christ and Muhammad (peace be upon them).

6.     Who is it that started the world wars? In the First World War, ten million people were killed, and in the Second World War, the death toll was seventy million!

7.     How many humans were killed by the atomic bombs that were dropped on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan?

8.     During the Crusades, when the Christians besieged Jerusalem and the siege intensified, and its inhabitants realised that they were defeated, they asked the crusader leader Tancred for safe passage for themselves and their wealth, and he granted that to them on condition that they all seek refuge in al-Masjid al-Aqsa (the mosque), carrying safety banners. Al-Masjid al-Aqsa was filled with old men, children and women, and they were slaughtered like sheep; their blood flowed in the holy place until it came up to the knees of the horses, and the streets were filled with crushed skulls, severed arms and legs and mutilated bodies. The historians state that the number of those killed inside al-Masjid al-Aqsa  alone was seventy thousand, and no European historians deny these atrocities.

9.     Our own times give the best testimony to that, for they bombarded Afghanistan, then they moved to Iraq and destroyed it, bombarding, killing and spreading mischief throughout the land. Their leader even said that God had commanded him to enter Iraq! Where are the teachings of Christ that they claim to follow and speak so much about?

10.                        When Lord Allenby, the representative of the Allies – England, France, Italy, Romania and America – captured Jerusalem in 1918 at the end of the First World War, did he not say: “Today the Crusades have ended”?

11.                        Did not the Frenchman Gouraud – who was also a representative of the Allies – stand in front of the tomb of the Muslim hero Salaah ad-Deen al-Ayyoobi (Saladin), when he entered Damascus, and say: “We have returned, O Saladin”?

12.                        Is it not so that the country was destroyed, blood was shed and women were raped in Bosnia and Herzegovina only in the name of the cross?

13.                        What do they have to say about what happened – and is still happening – in Chechnya? In Africa? Indonesia and elsewhere? Can they deny that what happened in Kosovo was a Crusade? Didn’t Bush say in his last war: “It will be a crusade”?

Such atrocities did not occur when the Muslims fought in jihad against their enemies. They did not kill women or children or ordinary people. It is worth noting the instructions that Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq gave to Usaamah ibn Zayd and his troops:

“Do not commit any act of treachery or betrayal. Do not steal from the war booty. Do not mutilate any dead body. Do not kill any child, old man or woman. Do not cut down any palm trees or burn them. Do not cut down any fruit-bearing tree. Do not slaughter any sheep, cow or camel, except for food. If you pass by people who have devoted themselves to worship in hermitages, then leave them to that to which they have devoted themselves.”

See: Mawsoo‘ah Shubuhaat an-Nasaara hawla al-Islam: as-Seerah an-Nabawiyyah by Shaykh Muhammad Abu Shahbah.

 I would also, like to say that Hitler was a Christian and he killed the Jews and said that "God would be happy with that".

Offline Idris

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Re: they say christianity did not spread by sword but by word
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2016, 08:50:29 AM »
As-salamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

1.     Thomas Carlyle said in his book: On Heroes and Hero-Worship:

Accusing him – i.e., Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) – of relying on the sword in order to force people to respond to his call is nonsense beyond comprehension, because it is inconceivable that a man would wield his sword to kill people unless they responded to his call. If people who were able to fight their opponents believed in him, then they must have believed willingly and sincerely.

I ’am familiar with Carlyle’s “Heroes and Hero-Worship”, but nowhere I could find this quotation cited above! Is it adapted from some Arabic translation ?

See: Haqaa’iq al-Islam wa Abaateel Khusoomihi by ‘Abbaas ‘Aqqaad (p. 227)

2.     The French historian Gustave le Bon said in his book Arab Civilisation, when discussing the secret behind the spread of Islam during the Prophet’s time and the era of conquests that followed it:

History proves that religions cannot be imposed by force, therefore Islam could not have spread by the sword. Rather it spread by means of the call alone, and by means of the call alone peoples who had shortly beforehand defeated the Arabs, such as the Turks and Mongols, embraced Islam. The Qur’an spread throughout India – although the Arabs had nothing to do with India except as passers-by – in such a way that the number of Muslims in that land increased to fifty million. The spread of Islam in China, of which the Arabs never conquered any part, was no less. You will see, in a later chapter, how fast Islam spread in that land, where the number of Muslims at present is more than twenty million.

This renowned French historian Gustave Le Bon indeed wrote a nice book in which he praised Muhammad (pbuh) and the Arab civilisation. Perhaps that's why this book it's not available in it's original form (printed in 1884), but fortunately it was electronically transcribed and published here (originally in French):


1.     King Olaf slaughtered everyone who refused to embrace Christianity in Norway; he cut off their hands and feet, and banished and expelled them, until there was no other religion in the land except Christianity.

2.     In Montenegro in the Balkans, the Prince-Bishop Danilo Petrovic led a campaign of slaughter against non-Christians on Christmas Eve.

3.     In Ethiopia, the king Sayf Ar‘ad (1342-1370 CE) executed everyone who refused to become Christian, or he banished them from the land.

Interesting facts brother. Do you have a references to these three informations ? I would need it to my book.

8.     During the Crusades, when the Christians besieged Jerusalem and the siege intensified, and its inhabitants realised that they were defeated, they asked the crusader leader Tancred for safe passage for themselves and their wealth, and he granted that to them on condition that they all seek refuge in al-Masjid al-Aqsa (the mosque), carrying safety banners. Al-Masjid al-Aqsa was filled with old men, children and women, and they were slaughtered like sheep; their blood flowed in the holy place until it came up to the knees of the horses, and the streets were filled with crushed skulls, severed arms and legs and mutilated bodies. The historians state that the number of those killed inside al-Masjid al-Aqsa  alone was seventy thousand, and no European historians deny these atrocities.

I’ve hear about those terrible days during Crusades invasion on Jerusalem, but can you provide some book of some Christian historian who admits that ?

Yep, besides the Crusaders, the Roman Church Inquisition alone had killed more than one hundred million of innocent people! This is an evident fact supported by many Christian historians. In the link below you may find some quotations of it:


Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Polnad, Warsaw)


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