Please do try not to visit anti-Islamic sites, at-least not until you know of various Muslim sites which refute their allegations. These anti-Islamic websites cherry-pick the evidence that confirms their already drawn out conclusions and ignore all the contradicting evidences.
I doubt anyone will have the time for "a full proper refutation". I don't think there are any rebuttals targeting wikiislam specifically at the moment. Most Muslim sites will be concerned with general refutations.
You will have to search on this website or use: which is like a Google index for Muslim websites.
On the "Friends" issue, there is some difference of opinion on this, I previously compiled some notes on this subject, which are mentioned below.
Taking Non-Muslims as “Friends”If a friend is defined as – someone with whom a person has relationships based on sympathy, kindness, concern which includes charitable help and support, condolence and consolation and any well-meaning attitude of wishing well OR customary cordiality, adequacy in courtesy, pleasant and friendly behaviour and mannerly politeness – then, non-Muslims can indeed be taken as friends by Muslims.
According to Kaleef K. Karim, the Arabic word ‘Awliya’ translated into English as ‘Friends’, has been accepted by some but at the same time “many Muslim and non-Muslim scholars favour that the Arabic word ‘awliya’ should be interpreted to mean ‘guardians’, ‘allies’, ‘patrons’ and ‘protectors’, not ‘friends’, as some who have suggested.”
Mauláná Mufti Muhammad Shafi’s Ma’áriful-Qur’án ExplanationMauláná Mufti Muhammad Shafi’ in his Ma’áriful-Qur’án divides friendship into four degrees.
“The first degree of such relations comes from the heart, that of affection and love involving intense emotional commitment. This is called Muwálát or close friendship. This sort of friendship is restricted to true Muslims. A Muslim is not permitted to have this kind of relationship with a non-Muslim … any deep emotional commitment by a true Muslim in the known forms of love and friendship has to be exclusively for one who is with him all the way in the pursuit of this noble purpose”
This Muwálát appears to be a kind of friendship on a spiritual level.
Any degree of friendship below this is allowed. These “lesser degrees” allow, (second degree of friendship) “relationship based on sympathy, kindness and concern. It includes charitable help and support, condolence and consolation and any well-meaning attitude of wishing well.” (third degree of friendship) “… relations based on customary cordiality, adequacy in courtesy, pleasant and friendly behaviour and mannerly politeness.” (fourth degree of friendship) “… dealings and transactions in business or employment or wages or industry or technology.”
These allowances are discouraged or in some cases prohibited during times of war with those non-Muslims.
“It is on this basis that Muslim jurists have prohibited the sale of arms to disbelievers who are at war with Muslims. However, trade and activities allied to it have been permitted. Also allowed is having them as employees or being employed in their plants and institutions”
Source: Mauláná Mufti Muhammad Shafi’, Ma’áriful-Qur’án, Volume 2, p. 56-58Sunnah of the Prophet & his Companions“When Makkah was in the grip of famine, he personally went out to help his enemies who had made him leave his home town. Then, came the conquest of Makkah. All these enemies fell under his power and control. He set
[almost] all of them free…”
“When non-Muslim prisoners of war were presented before him, he treated them with such tenderness which many cannot claim to have done even in respect of their children. The disbelievers inflicted on him all sorts of injuries and pain but he never raised his hand in revenge. He did not even wish ill of them. A delegation from the tribe of Banú Thaqíf who had not embraced Islam upto that time came to visit him. They were given the honour of staying in the Mosque of the Prophet, a place regarded by Muslims as most honourable.”
Caliph 'Umar “gave stipends and allowances to needy non-Muslim dhimmk, an elegant conduct the examples of which are spread all over in the accounts of dealings credited to the rightly-guided Khulafá and the noble Companions… It had nothing to do with
Muwálát or close and intimate friendship which had been forbidden.”
“Islam teaches its adherents all possible tolerance, decency and benevolence while dealing with non-Muslim”
Mauláná Mufti Muhammad Shafi’, Ma’áriful-Qur’án, Volume 2, p. 58-59Reference to some Muslim & Non-Muslim CommentariesKaleef K. Karim notes that Qur’an verses in reference to the topic of not taking non-Muslim as friends, according to both Muslim an non-Muslim commentaries, were received in the context of the battles with the non-Muslims, and it should be taken as meaning that in times of war with non-Muslims, Muslims aren’t supposed to take those non-Muslims as friends.’an 3:28Kaleef K. Karim notes that Qur’an 3:28, according to both Muslim and non-Muslim commentaries, was received in the context of the Battle of Badr, and it should be taken as meaning that in times of war with non-Muslims, Muslims aren’t supposed to take those non-Muslims as friends. Abdullah's article on this matter is located here: