Author Topic: nice refutation and response to your article against shia islam  (Read 5139 times)

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nice refutation and response to your article against shia islam
« on: December 23, 2014, 12:21:53 PM »
Note from me, Osama Abdallah:  Spammer banned, and his post removed.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 03:59:12 PM by QuranSearchCom »

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Re: nice refutation and response to your article against shia islam
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2014, 05:07:42 PM »
just did some searches of Google and found out:
160 points listed above is copied from shia sources. And the 1s, first point is "Allah tells lie". The shia author made such statement and quote a Deobandi source to proof it.

So after searching the Deobandi source,  the statement made by the Deobandi author

“It is the belief of all Muslim researchers, the saints and scholars that telling a lie is within the jurisdiction of the abilities of Allah (swt), your doubts have been clarified, no one is of the belief of its occurrence. This is a complex issue and not something to be said in front of common masses.”

basically the Deobandi author is having trouble to answer the question given to him, as to answer it, one needs to think like a Creator. Which is not possible.
Thus the author is using the logic that for the Creator has the right to do anything towards its creation. And say the Creator has the ability to do so but such thing will never happen.

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Re: nice refutation and response to your article against shia islam
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2014, 01:40:42 AM »
Note:  I deleted this shia's spamming post above.  This response below was made in response to this nonsense that I deleted due to his weaseling around as mentioned in the post after this one.


You're obviously nothing but a shia buffoon.  All of your garbage above doesn't prove a thing about Sunnis being blasphemers.  I mean, whether you agree that Allah Almighty, for instance, will shut Hell's demands for more to be thrown into it by actually stepping on it with His Holy Foot, is something that schools sort out between them.  But it would not prove that the person who disagrees with you is a blasphemer.

One point though about your lies about GOD Almighty lying, we Sunnis never make that claim.  The reader can clearly read about Allah Almighty, and also in the Bible, how He deceives the enemies and the disbelievers at:

There are many articles that I've written that answered a variety of false claims of this kind in this section.

Is Faroo another rotten shia infidel?

Now Faroo, I am going to ask you questions and I expect you to answer them.  I have grown to have almost zero tolerance to the shias and their filth.  I also resent very much the salafies and their hypocrisies, and their suppression of the people of Ahlul Bayt in favor to Muawiyah and his corruption and filth, but your infidel cult definitely is the top one.  I know that they equate Hussien, peace be upon him, with a corrupt drunkard like Yazid, for example, and even fault Hussein, peace and blessings be upon him.  They also do the same hypocrisy against Ali, peace and blessings be upon him, by not only equating Muawiyah with him, but even faulting Ali or saying that "Yeah, Muawiyah was only minding his own business, and wasn't the cause for the battle of Siffeen, and the divisions that took place amongst the Muslims....".  But still, none of this means a thing when it comes to directly insulting Allah Almighty.  Let alone insulting the Holy Quran as well. 

Now, there are many things about your cult that are already addressed at:

But here are the questions:

1-  Do you believe that Allah Almighty's Throne is under the shoes and feet of the people of Ahlul Bayt?

2-  If not, do you consider those from your stupid cult who make such claims, and OTHERS LIKE THOSE CLAIMS, to be blasphemers?

If you do not answer directly and clearly and briefly, then I will both ban you and remove your garbage from my blog.  Otherwise, I will keep it and have you be free to interact.  I will write a detailed answer to all of your points above by this weekend, Insha'Allah.  So don't worry.  It won't go thoroughly unanswered.

I look forward to your answers.

Osama Abdallah

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HUSSEIN kabeer (great) is greater than Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great)....
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2014, 04:43:25 AM »
Osama abdullah fst learn the manners to talk and behave like a grownup man no shia belives what u have written proove it from authentic narrations instead of copy pasting google search videos without any reference....

Farooo the shia liar,

I have deleted your last post, and I will give you this one last chance before I ban you and delete your garbage.  The "scholars" in the videos are ones preach in NAJAF and QOM; two of your cults holiest cities.  So the fact that they're tolerated to speak their blasphemies in public among your people speaks alarming volumes about how corrupt and fake your cult and its followers are.

Also, when one of your big singers, who also sings religious shia songs, comes on the microphone and says that saying HUSSIEN IS KABEER (great) is greater than saying ALLAHU AKBAR (GOD is Great), and no one objects, but instead all agree and don't show any signs of being bothered or alarmed, then again, this speaks volumes about how fake your cult is.  Do you know what would happen to a Sunni Sheikh or any mere person if they came out and said this amongst the Muslims??

So shia filth, don't come here and say that I gave no references.  The videos contain ample scumbags from your cult and its followers.  So come on back and speak your words in a more honest way; something that is too much to ask of a shia.  Otherwise, we don't need your blasphemies here.  Don't play snake with us here.  Snaking around and weaseling around the points will only prove that you are being a shia, a liar.  We've also see how evil your people are when they gain power over the Sunnis.  Are you like ISIS to the Muslims.  Both of you are false.  The salafi hypocrites too are like you.  They're just notorious in hypocrisy, while your people are notorious in idol worship of creations of dust and polytheism.  They employ Islam and their followers to the service of their Zionist masters in Saudi Arabia and other states, while your people bow in worship to creations from dust, and even insult Allah Almighty for them:

1-  GOD's Throne is under their feet.

2-  Hussein Kabeer is GREATER THAN Allahu Akbar.

I am waiting for your response.

Osama Abdallah

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Re: nice refutation and response to your article against shia islam
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2014, 03:54:34 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

I have banned and removed the shia's posts yesterday.  One thing that is consistent about them when arguing with them is this:

1-  They start out nice with you.

2-  When you give them some Truth about their blasphemous practices, they answer back with a load of nonsense, and almost always they answer you with something like this:

"If your religion (Sunni Islam that is) is also blasphemous and polytheistic, then don't judge ours as such".

3-  Of course, their claims are all false, but just notice how silly their standards are.

4-  Like this buffoon that I banned and deleted his posts above, he started snaking around when I gave him some of the solid evidence about the things his cult's scholars say in two of his cult's holiest cities, Najaf and Qom.

5-  I will never consider anyone a Muslim, Sunni or shia or any, if they do not declare those who utter such statements as blasphemers, as in the quotes that I quoted above, and much more like them, in the link that I gave above.

6-  When you debate with Shias, be prepared to deal with the most ridiculous standards and arguments from them.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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