Salam Aleykom to every one,
exploring the resource of internet I've just found a really interesting investigation made by our brother Abdullah ben Isa/Al Abdul'Jabbar. Namely, a very detailed work about the prophecy of prophet Ahmad in the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS). This book is written in Arabic language, so is there anyone can translate it to English ? It is a great job, the exhausting and stately attention an analysis of Isaiah's manuscript. That's what we looked for my brothers Let's all join together our strengths and translate it to English. Can you imagine ? This will be a powerful dua for those seeking the truth !!! dzazakom Allahu hayra
here is the link to the book:
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Idris,
May Allah Almighty greatly bless you for this treasure PDF. I will populate it on the website in the "Main Capsule" and in all of the HTML files where appropriate, and
I will also translate it myself from Arabic to English, Insha'Allah. I will start working on it tomorrow, Insha'Allah.
I was not wrong when I named this blog
"Answering Christianity Research Center". Indeed brothers and sisters, let's put the best the internet has to offer in defending Islam here, so we can further centralize the Islam defending work that the brothers and sisters put out there to prevent it from being lost.
Great work, dear brother Idris! Keep it up, akhi.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah