Author Topic: Do Muslims worship the Kaba?  (Read 3932 times)

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Do Muslims worship the Kaba?
« on: June 01, 2014, 02:55:59 PM »

Islam is known for its staunch monotheistic stand. Islam prohibits Idol worship, It is mentioned in the Qur’an,

22:30 ”…so shun the abomination of idols, and shun the word that is false.”

14:35 Remember Abraham said: “O my Lord! make this city one of peace and security: and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols.

5:90 O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination― of Satan’s handiwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.

 It is mentioned in Hadith,

 Sunan Abu Dawood (Kitab Al-Aqdiyah) [24:3592] Narrated Khuraym Ibn Fatik: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) offered the morning prayer. When he finished it, he stood up and said three times: False witness has been made equivalent to attributing a partner to Allah. He then recited: “So avoid the abomination of idols and avoid speaking falsehood as people pure of faith to Allah, not associating anything with Him.

Muslims do not believe the Kaaba to be God. Muslims do not worship the Kaaba. When some Hindus are told these facts they say,

”They too, whom you call Idol worshippers, do not regard the image as God. They profess to worship God behind the Idol/image”

Hindu scriptures clearly states that ‘You should establish an Idol of God and worship it for the Idol is God himself’. Whatever we or the Islamophobes says carries no weight unless it is backed by some evidence, let’s have a look at what the Hindu scripture says because if they are accusing us of Idolatry then our way of worship must be similar with idol worshippers.

Garuda Purana 12.17 Then the son should place upon the bed a golden image, and having worshiped it

Devi Bhagavatam 3.24.19 O sinless one! Establish my image in this city and worship it
three times, morning, mid-day and evening carefully and with devotion

”O my child, one should worship the beautiful and universally auspicious idol (of Devi) which is the destroyer of great demons placing it on a car (chatior)”.-Devi Purana 30.6cd-7ab, Tr. R.S. Bhattacharya

Vishnudharmottara Purana, Kanda 3, Adhyay 93, 2 in the former three ages, Krta, Treta, and Dvapara men were able to see a god directly but in the Kali age men have lost that faculty; therefore they have to worship them (the gods) in an image.

Devi Bhagavatam 11.23.21-33 … one is to worship one’s own Deity in front of fire or the image of any god…

Hindu scholar named Swami Sivananda writes,

”Though the image is worshipped, the devotee feels the presence of the Lord in it and pours out his devotion unto it.…When you worship an image, you do not say: “This image has come from Jaipur. It was brought by Prabhu Singh. Its weight is 50 lbs. It is made of white marble. It has cost me Rs. 500/-.” You superimpose all the attributes of the Lord on the image and pray: “OAntaryamin (Inner Ruler)! You are all-pervading. You are omnipotent, omniscient, all-merciful. You are the source for everything. You are self-existent. You are Sat-Chit-Ananda. You are eternal, unchanging. You are the Life of my life, Soul of my soul! Give me light and knowledge! Let me dwell in Thee for ever.” When your devotion and meditation become intense and deep, you do not see the stone image. You behold the Lord only who is Chaitanya. Image-worship is very necessary for beginners…For a beginner, Pratima is an absolute necessity. By worshipping an idol, Isvara is pleased…Even so, the Lord is highly pleased when a small portion of His Virat (cosmic) body is worshipped. An idol is a part of the body of the Lord. The whole world is His body, Virat form. The devotion goes to the Lord. The worshipper superimposes on the image the Lord and all His attributes. He does Shodasopachara for the idol, the sixteen kinds of paying respects or service to the Lord…The idol speaks. It will answer your questions and solve your problems. The God in you has the power to awaken the latent Divinity in the idol…The awakened Divinity in the idol
acts as a guardian angel blessing all, conferring the highest good on those who bow to it…The image in the temple at Tirupati assumed human form and gave witness in the court to help His devotees.- All About Hinduism, By Sri Swami Sivananda, p.70-4

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Re: Do Muslims worship the Kaba?
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2014, 06:43:34 PM »
Peace be upon you Polaris,

Welcome to the blog, and thank you for the important post.  While this topic had been covered in great details at:, but I would like to make the following points very clear:

1-  Unlinke the hindu gods, the Kaaba does not represent GOD Almighty, nor is it in anyway shape or form a representation of GOD.  The hindu idols are representations of GOD.  Example:  The elephant represents the hearing god, because it has big ears.

2-  The kaaba is not holy.  I know some Muslims rub their bodies against it to get "blessings", but this by itself is a form of idolatry.  The kaaba is no more than a point where all Muslims from all around the world come together as ONE and worship Allah Almighty as ONE.  Prophet Muhammad Said:

لهدم الكعبة حجرا حجرا أهون من قتل المسلم 

"Demolishing the Kaaba completely is much easier upon Allah Almighty than shedding the blood of a single Believing Muslim." (Source)

3-  As Muslims, WE MUST BOW TO ALLAH ALMIGHTY IN WORSHIP.  But the question is how?  Bowing to GOD Almighty in the direction of his House or Temple here on earth is something allowed by Allah Almighty, as long as we do not worship the house itself.  The hindus are completely different from all of this.  They worship idol and these idols are representations of GOD Almighty, which is a blasphemy.

4-  Not sure if you're a Bible believer or not, but bowing to GOD Almighty is nothing new in Islam.  Islam came to RESTORE THE ORIGINAL FAITH of GOD Almighty:

"I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.   (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 138:2)"

To see the proofs that Islam is also the Bible's original Faith, and that the Believers had always been called "Muslims", please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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