MY VERSION OF 60 questions that invalidates the religion of christianity
1.How can satan say to jesus that bow down and worship me and i will give you everything(Mt 4 : 9) when everything belongs to jesus(if he is god) as he himself said that all power is given to him of heavens and earth(Matthew 28 : 18). (read p 2)
2. Satan also tempts Adam n eve in genesis and if satan is so powerful and capable of tempting jesus the Christian god himself as stated above then why should adam n eve be blamed for the downfall of mankind who dint even had the knowledge of what is right or wrong . Read from Gen 3 : 1
3. Christians say that jesus was the son of god. proof is there in the bible (if it compared with in the context of psalm 82 : 6 and LUKE 3 : 38 John 8 : 41 then everybody are sons of god) and as well as god the son. The phrase God the Son(of trinity) does not even exists in the entire bible so from where does Christians got this theory or term from.
4. It is ridiculous that Christians to prove the superiority n divinity of jesus boast that Moses and Mohammed (pbut) are dead and buried but jesus is alive and is in the heavens . If that proves the divinity than even Elijah should be considered divine as even he raised the dead (1 Kings 17 : 17 to 22 ) and was also raised to heavens in 2 kings 2 : 11 and Also Jesus said that even he did miracles through the will of God Luke 11 : 20
5.If Jesus was a jew or if jews are chosen sons of God then why did he said that jews are the sons of satan. John 8 : 44 You are of your father the devil and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning.Is God of the Bible a satan according to Jesus or is he is cursing himself if he is god.Though it should not be taken literally but this certainly proves that Jesus himself admitted that jews were no longer the chosen people of God but still today Zionist Christians and many Christians believe that they are indeed the chosen people of God. As we can see in question 1 . that jesus answered to the temptation of devil of worshipping him by saying You shall worship the Lord your God. and Him only you shall serve (Luke 4 : 8) If he really is a god he shud have said that u must worship me alone.
6.If only miracles prove divinity then Moses Joshua and Ezekiel should also be considered more divine then jesus
a.Moses turned wooden staff(plant kingdom) into a snake(animal kingdom)Ex7 : 9
b.Joshua stopped the sun(a global event) in Joshua 10 : 13
c.Ezekiel from dry bones raised the dead in Ezekiel 37 : 1 to 14
Again everybody must know the even jesus said that he did miracles through the help of God Luke 11 : 20
7.If not having human father proves divinity then adam should be considered more divine than jesus as he did not have a human father and a mother. If that is not enough then this high preist of Salem Melchizedek mentioned in Heb 7 : 1 describes as having without father without mother and without beginning of days and end of life is also mentioned in Gen 14 : 18 Psalm 110 : 4. So Christians whyn what makes jesus so unique that u worship him.
8.How then can man be justified with God Or how can he be clean that is born of a women?(Job 25 : 4)Didnt jesus also had his own share of original sin after all he was also born of a woman.Also read John 8 : 7 Where he says the first to stone the adultress should be the one who is without sin. He could have also stonned her as even he obeyed(Read Q 17) and also commanded to obey law of moses MT 5 : 18 and 19.
9.If Jesus came to die for the sins of mankind then What about those who came before Jesus. And what about millions of gentiles to whom did not sent any prophets or gave some scriptures like the jews claim that prophets and scriptures is their monopoly.Also read Q 19
10. The bible says in Numbers 23 : 19 God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent. Then why do Christians believe that jesus (on which bible itself says that he was both man as wells as a son of man Read 53) is God.
11.Imagine to compensate for The sins of mankind(including all the sinners from adam or at least jesus to the last man until judgement day) the punishment is just death by crucifixion which was a capital punishment handed out by pagan Romans to criminals at that time. It should have been like a punishment handed to all the satans who will tempt mankind to sin from Jesus orAdam to the last man. (Also read Q 55)
12.If The punishment was just to compensate for the original sin of Adam (which he not even committed as the whole blame is on eve in Genesis 3 : 6 and 12 to 15) then God was too harsh and unjust because just eat some forbidden fruit doesnt merits such punishment for which he must be thrown out of heaven. Also God should not blame just adam and eve as he himself created the cunning serpent to fool adam and eve to eat the forbidden fruit.
13.According to Christianity(but not all sects) we will go to hell if we were not baptized after our birth. Will an innocent baby go to hell just because he or she was not baptized inspite of the fact that they were born in a christian family. What about the non christian children. Will they also go to hell. Contrast this with Islam where God says that a child who dies will go to heaven and it doesnt matters if he or she is born into a non muslim family or even if he or she was the child of the greatest enemy of Islam.
14.If we attain salvation by accepting jesus as lord only then why jesus told to hold on the law to attain salvation (mark 10 : 17 to 19).
15.If Jesus came to abolish and end the laws and establish a new covenant then why did he commanded to observe the laws and why did he said that and The law is to remain in effect until heaven and earth pass away (MT 5 : 18 to 19)
16. It is ironic that Jesus never emphasized the theory of Grace and that he came to establish a new covenant which just require that you should believe that he will die for your sins and u will be saved . In his entire ministry he never mentioned that even once and if salvation was so simple to explain then jesus was liable to have at least mentioned it once but we see that only the opposite is true. As the words of Jesus are taken for granted so he must be accounted for that if all Christians will not be saved (Also Read P26 and P27)
17.Jesus commanded prayer and fasting and he himself prayed and fasted(Matthew 17 : 21). To attain salvation in heaven is necessary to obey laws (Mark 12 : 29) but paul says we are justified by faith (romans 5 : 1) and our works are like filthy rags by quoting Isaiah 64 : 6. May be he wanted to emphasize that only the mercy of God (Read P 21) can save us which is misinterpreted and misunderstood by christians.
18.Can a satan tempt God (James 1 : 13) NO Jesus was tempted (Matthew 4 : 1) Yes only sinners and wicked ones get tempted (james 1 : 14).
19. Why was God waiting for Jesus for so many years for sacrificing him. He could have done it before or we may say immediately after adams downfall so that everybody could have been saved by believing that he died for their sins why he waited for so many years. Doesnt this means that god is unjust and that he did partiality with all those who came and died (especially the gentiles) before jesus.Compare this with Islam which says in Quran 16 : 36 We have sent a messenger to every community saying You shall worship GOD(alone) and shun false gods.
20. If God knew that humans were weak and will be unable to hold on with the law then why did he gave the laws (torah) that were so difficult to follow (according to Christians or paul)why didnt he established a new covenant of grace before that by sending jesus in the beginning or immediately after Adam. Was God learning through trial and error. Also why did he burdened he chosen people by giving them the laws which were so difficult to obey as per paul Galatians 3 : 13.
21. To whom God did sacrifice his son when he can do everything. Abraham sacrifice because he loved and obeyed God. Is the Christian god following some rule which even he cannot violate(without shedding blood there is no remission of sins hebrews 9 : 22) God could forgive(if he is really a forgiving one limitless in His mercy as per bible too (2 Sam 24 : 14 Psalms 86 : 5 Psalms 14 5 : 9 Luke 6 : 36 Eph 2 : 4) easily without shedding any blood. Contrast this with Islam where God will forgive even if you commited Shirk (Arabic term for associating partners with God or denying His Oneness) The greatest sin in Islam but that ofcourse should be before your death and an intention that you will not repeat it.
22. How can Jesus be a god in flesh when the bible says heavens and earth cannot contain God. 1 Kings 8 : 27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth Behold heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You.
The sects
23.If bible is a perfect word of God. Yes then which version. protestants (66 books) or.Catholics (73 books). 24.Protestants came approx 1500 years after catholics and they claim that catholics are not Christians but idolaters heretics anti Christs etc etc and they are on right path. I want to ask Christians if protestants are correct was God deceiving Christians (catholics) for 1500 years and if catholics are right then what about millions of Christians who r protestants.
25.If the only criterion to attain salvation according to Christians is Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and that he came to die for our sins then why there are 100+ denominations in Christianity and each of them labeling other as heretical and deviated.
26. If catholics worship mary and commit blasphemy (according to protestants) then how could their accepting jesus as lord and savior going to help them.
27. The Christian are divided into various sects and most of the sects are divided into theological aspect.
b. Protestants (removed 7 books from bible )
c.Unitarians (Jesus is son of god and a prophet but NOT GOD himself)
d. jehovah witness(trinity deniers).
28.If jesus is 1 of a 3 as per the dogma of trinity then how he can have an incestual relationship with his own mother. As according to doctrine of trinity holy spirit god the father and jesus(god the son) are same then holy spirit(god) entered mary and she begotted jesus(god). Luke 1 : 35 And the angel answered and said unto her The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee .It may seem ridiculous to many but tell me what does the word OVERSHADOW mean(as mormons say it indeed does means sex) if it does not means sex then what does it means.
29. Why did Jesus never emphasized the trinity in his entire ministry and if he indeed did that then why did Paul never quoted that jesus spoke about it. If trinity indeed exists then why it was not emphasized before jesus or was God deceiving his chosen people the jews who will be doomed as the dont believe in trinity.
30.Why the only verse mentioning trinity in 1 John 5 : 7 was dropped from The 1952 RSV English translation of bible stating that there is no such verse in the original manuscripts and it has been inserted and concocted.Trinity also contradicts the teachings of jesus which says You shall worship the Lord your God. and Him only you shall serve (Luke 4 : 8)
31. Isnt father(1) son(1) spirit (1) equals 1 an erroneous logic and even mathematically incorrect. some christians answer this question by saying it is not 1 plus 1 plus 1 it is actually 1x1x1 equals 1 . Ok good smart answer .But this not just about maths or just plain logic. So should it be taken literally.God of bible to moses says in Ex 7 : 1 And the LORD said unto Moses. See I have made thee a god to Pharaoh and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. So in other words Gen 2 : 24 also says that woman and man shall be one not to be taken literally but he meant that they should marry and become one. If not then does it meant twinity ridiculous. Was God even here was also 3 in 1 The only one God in heaven Moses as had some problem in speaking hence he communicated with Aaron who spoke for him.So tell me is trinity also emphasized here.If yes then why dont jews believe in trinity today and moses as a God.
32.If according to doctrine of trinity jesus father and holy spirit are same then why did Jesus said My Father is greater than I in Gospel of John 14 : 28. Some Christian answer this by saying that god the father is above him not greater in the sense of status. But this verse which I am going to quote will confuse or hurt them even much.Luke 18 : 19 Why do you call me good Jesus answered No one is good except God alone. So it is clear now that jesus denied being equal in status with God too . Some apologist answer this that jesus indeed claimed to be God by questioning the person who called him good as to why he called him good by knowing that God alone was good In other words according to them jesus was god or claim to be god. These verses of bible will confuse such claim even more of Acts 3 : 13 and 26 and Acts 2 : 22 Mark 2 : 10 where he is called servent of God man and son of Man ( Read P53).If he is man or servant of God he cannot be a God or if he is God he cannot be a man.
Word of God
33.The bible is still incomplete as jesus started his ministry around 32 35 years of age(according to Christians) but what about the preaching which he did before his ministry as the bible mentions he was very wise from his childhood(Luke 2 : 46). Was that lost or just that bible is incomplete or much of their gods word is lost.
34.Why there were so many canons of the bible(word of God) before the first first council of Nicaea 325 CE ?Which canons or bible did Christians followed during this 300 years before the council of Nicaea?
35. Which gospel did Jesus preached (Mark 16 : 15 Mathew 4 : 23) This is exactly the gospel which Islam says about in Quran 3 : 48 (Also Read Q 57)
36.Why the gospels are written in a language which jesus did not even spoke as jesus said he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel Mt 15 : 24 then surely he must have spoken in a language which was familiar to jews which was Aramaic or Hebrew and certainly not greek in which most of the NT part is written this proves that the gospels were written much later by unknown people and How can we trust a gospel which was not even written by jesus disciple that is mark and luke.
37. Why the authors of all the books of the bible are so ambiguous and unknown. Eg If Torah or first 5 books of OT were given to moses then no doubt this is a false claim as in the end of Torah it is written in Deuternomy 34 : 10 that Since then no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses whom the LORD knew face to face. How can torah or Moses tell things which had not even occurred or was he praising himself .Also in NT there is no proof that it was written by the authors of gospel Matthew who is considered to be the twelve apostle and also the author of gospel of matthew certainly did not write it proof (NIV Matthew 26 : 56) .Then all the disciples deserted him and fled . If matthew was really the author of gospel of matthew and 1 of his 12 disciple he would have written we all deserted him and fled. Also how could he have written things that occurred after he fled eg from Matthew 26 : 57 onwards.
38. How can humans decide what is the word of God(canons) and what is not example Constantine 1 and martin Luther or may be somebody else by biblicist. Some Christians may say the holy spirit was responsible for the compiliation of canons So what took the holy spirit 1400 to 1500 CE years to recompile the canons of the Old testament through martin luther.
39. Bible says if anybody remove or add word of god(Rev 22 from 18 to 19) he will be cursed or doomed to hell. As we know protestants and catholics have different canons or bibles. So who is doomed to hell inspite of accepting jesus as lord savior and believing that he died for their sins Romans 10 : 9.
40. What proof is there that the bible which we have today is the same as at the time of Jesus as the oldest known complete bible manuscript is just 1000 years old which is 1000 years after jesus Aleppo Codex. Which manuscript were Christians following during this period of 1000 years.
41.Who was Paul not to be taken literally and why did Jesus chose him instead of his handpicked disciples. What was so unique or special about him.
42. What proof had paul given to prove that he was a apostle and how can Christians consider his letters or epistle as a word of God. Also he contradicted jesus in many ways example to Jesus told to obey law (Matthew 5 : 18 to 19) but Paul regarded laws as curse in Galatians 3 : 13.
43. How can Christians trust a man(paul) who himself admitted to being crafty and deceptive 2CO 12 : 16 (like serpent Gen 3 : 1) which is proven by his philosophies (Read from P 42 and P 45 to P50) which contradicts itself and message of jesus.
44. Why would jesus chose somebody who was a self admitted Christian persecutor (1 Cor 15 : 9) and from the same group who crucified jesusas per the bible to a Pharisee (Acts 23 : 6).If jesus wanted to show his miracle by showing how he can change the hearts of wicked people (paul read p43) then he may have chosen somebody who were mainly responsible for jesus crucifixion as their conversion may have surprised others and may have acted like a miracle by others and inspired them to convert to his religion.
45. In Mt 28 : 19 jesus instructs his followers to baptize but why paul who considered himself a disciple of jesus did not baptize(1CO 1 : 17)
46. In Romans 2 : 13 paul says Doers of the law will be justified but again in Rom. 3 : 20 and Gal 3 : 11 paul says they will not be justified.
47.Jesus said be my followers (John 8 : 31) but paul said follow me indirectly saying to follow him not jesus 1 Corinthians 11 : 1)
48.Genesis 17 : 14 mentions that who rejects circumcision will be cut off and even jesus was circumcised (Luke 2 : 21) and said those who reject it will be least in the kingdom (Matthew 5 : 19) but so why did paul rejected circumcision (Galatians 5 : 6)ironically even he was circumcised as he was a jew.
49.In Matthew 15 : 24 Jesus said that he is a prophet sent only to jews and not gentiles but in Romans 11 : 13 paul said he is sent as a messenger to gentiles too thereby contradicting jesus and making himself greater than jesus
50. It says in Hebrews 9 : 22 without shedding blood there is no remission of sins but In James 2 : 24 it is written that we are justified by works and not by faith alone Faith without works is dead also James 2 : 26.
51.In Leviticus 10 : 9 Wine is clearly forbidden but in the gospels we see that jesus performs his first miracle by turning water to wine. Why would jesus do this as he himself practiced and commanded to obey the laws (Mt 5 : 17 to 19)
52. Jesus called everybody who came before him thieves and robbers in John 10 : 8 All who came before Me are thieves and robbers. Did he mean that all the prophets from Abraham to John were thieves and robbers not excluding his mother. If Christians say that it should shoud not be taken literally I request them to read it in context from John 10 : 1 to 8
53.I wonder how much confused a Christian mind is and how absurd the religion of Christianity is
a.jesus is God yes(John 1 : 1)
b.jesus is a servant of God Yes (Acts 3 : 13 and 26)
c.jesus is a Man yes(Acts 2 : 22)
d.jesus is son of man Yes (Mark 2 : 10)
e.jesus is a jew yes (Revelation 5 : 5 Mark 1 : 35)
f.jesus is a prophet yes(Matthew 13 : 57)
g.jesus is Son of God yes(Matthew 3 : 17)
h. jesus is a lamb of God yes(John 1 : 29
i.Jesus is Christ yes (Mark 14 : 62)
j. jesus is god the son yes(No proof yet)
54.Shouldnt we conclude that God of the bible is very evil and unjust as he chose to laden the sins of entire humanity on his only so called begotten son jesus. He rather should have punished serpent who was responsible for the original sin as he is omscient.
55. This question or fact is related a bit to question 11. We all know Palestine (today Israel) was the colony of romans during the time of jesus and he was falsely trapped to get capital punishment by the jews. Capital punishment were also given to many jewish crusaders and nationalist jews who were against pagan romans or who fought for the freedom from romans at that time in the same manner like jesus. Even the jews who were crucified with jesus were REBELS (NIV 2011 Mark 15 : 27 other translation falsely labels them as thieves and robbers) or jewish crusaders or freedom fighters in other words.Jewish Bible or OT commands fighting against pagans in many verses eg (1 Samuel 15 : 2 to 3 Joshua 6 : 21). Now I want to ask Christians how can a punishment for original sin(That caused the downfall of mankind) be so minor which was given to jesus it should have been like punishment that was not given to anybody before him and will not be given to anybody except him till the day of judgement. Shouldnt we regard that the jewish rebels who knew about the capital punishment but still fought against romans were more brave than jesus who was just fearing crying and weeping (Also Read Question 60).
56.In Matthew 1 : 1 to 16 and Luke 3 : 23 to 38. Jesus lineage to david has been traced through his supposed father joseph gospel writer falsely labels jesus to be a descendant of david to fulfill a prophecy as messiah according to jews will be a son of david.Also In these two lists consisting of sixty six names there is only one name which is common to both and that is of Joseph the carpenter and why is he mentioned since he was never responsible for the conception of Jesus.
57.Why jesus said to obey OT laws Matthew 5 : 17 to 19 when he himself was observing some laws and some not example Praying and fasting (Mark 9 : 29) but spoke against polygamy (Mark 10 : 11) which abrogated law of moses in exodus 21 : 10 which allows polygamy. So it confirms the Quran claim that he indeed abrogated some laws of moses as mentioned by the Quran 3 : 50 And (I Jesus have come) confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you.
58.If jesus knew that judas would betray him (Mt26 : 25) then why did he chose him and even commanded judas to betray him (john 13 : 27) and if this was his plan then why did he called judas a satan(John 6 : 70).
59. We read in gospels that jesus used to stay at loggerheads with the Pharisees and scribes(Matthew 23 : 13 and 37 Luke 11 : 37to 54 Mark 12 : 38 to 40 ) but when these same Pharisees and scribes challenged him during his trials (before his alleged crucifixion (Mt 27 : 42 Mk 15 : 32) why he kept his silence Mark 14:61. If this was Gods plan to get him sacrificed like this then why did jesus use to attack and cursed them before (read seven woes of Pharisees and scribes in Mt 23) he should have resisted them after all he only taught it in matthew 5 : 39 to Turn thy cheeks and matthew 5 : 44 and Love your enemies.
60. Christians say and believe that Jesus came to die for our sins willingly then why he was so hesitating and praying for not getting crucified Luke 22 : 42. Christian god jesus was certainly a coward to which the bible itself indirectly says Read John 7 : 1 and 11 : 53 to 54. Also he was crying(John 11 : 35) weeping(John 11 : 35) complaining(Matthew 27 : 46) and praying to be saved(Matthew 26 : 39) and lastly he lost his faith and blamed god for forsaking him(Mt 27 : 46). Nowadays we know and read that in the name of patriotism nationalism and religion many people would just give away their life willingly and happily while chanting God bless America God save the queen or Allah hu Akbar (God is greatest) with a smile on their faces.
It is connected a bit to above question . Also who died for the sins of Job as bible says that he was a perfect and a sinless man (Job 1 : 1) he was tested by god who gave him all kinds of hardships. Then no doubt his faith was far more greater than the faith of Jesus . Job who suffered all kind of misery never lost faith (1 : 22) and thus he was blessed by God(Job 42 : 12) for this compare this to jesus who said before his alleged death that God has forsaken him(Mt 27 : 46) which is a sign of faithlessness.It also contradicts when paul says that all had sinned rom 2 : 23.