Actually the earth isn't a perfect sphere it is an oblate spheroid. It doesn't exactly resemble an ostrich egg, but it may resemble some roundness.
This link here shows you other definitions of Daha besides egg, I believe Osama did a good job at his dictionary search! . regardless of whether that verse was hinting at the shape of the earth or not, why does it matter?
Like we said before, the Quran must support 7th century belief while not contradicting our belief. So the Quran didn't directly tell you the earth is flat or that the night/day have an orbit--but it hinted at it to support 7th century belief, but it also gave hints in those same verses that do not contradict reality (our belief).
The same thing goes for evolution
, the Quran couldn't directly tell you that you are a primate as it would contradict 7th century belief and people would make fun of Muhammad (pbuh)! So the Quran gives
precise language in hints at it so that it doesn't contradict either belief.