Author Topic: Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites  (Read 8022 times)

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Offline mendacium remedium

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Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:04:10 AM »
Brother Osama,

I saw the yusuf estates video and found these tips on how to deal with anti-islamic websites. Is it possible to have this added and sourced on this website? It would be useful for everyone.(Obviously if that is what you feel should happen!)

Taken from:

1. Keep your cool: It is good to be angry when you see Islam attacked, but keep your cool and act with a level head. When we are overly angry we cannot act rationally and thus we undermine our goals. We will do and say things which later on we will regret. For example, we may be tempted to attack the person's religion in a bad way which is not permissible in Islam.

2.Don't write the webmaster back unless you are ready: For the most part these people thrive on confrontation. They would love for you to respond and are ready for a quick answer. Remember, many of these people know a lot about Islam so if you are not ready for them they will soundly defeat you in any argument. Also, if you answer back but don't have the proper knowledge you will end up making Islam and Muslims look worse. Some webmasters actually post all responses on the website for all to read. The more silly the response then the more likely it will be placed on the site. Please note, just because someone wins a particular argument does not mean they are right. The loser may just not have all the information on hand at the time of the argument.

3.Don't try to have the page removed from the internet: Many Muslims try to have the website removed from the internet altogether by writing the company which hosts the site and complaining. This is a waste of time. Even if the host removed the site they can open up in a few days under another host, so our time is wasted on such efforts.

4Don't publicize the site to others: One of the biggest mistakes we commit is to tell others about the offensive website. All this does is give the site owner free publicity which is what he/she wants. If you see an offensive site don't spread it all over the place as you are actually helping the site owner when doing this.(I.E Do not back-link them, this adds to their SEO).

5.Best defense is a good offense: Finally, the best defense against anti-Islamic websites is to develop your own excellent website which presents Islam in a beautiful and accurate manner. Many people are out there searching for answers and more and more are turning to the internet to find these answers. Possibly they could visit your website and as a result become Muslim.

Also, other Muslims could use your site to get information they need for dawah or research and Allah will reward you for providing this service. Even if you cannot start a website, you can at least submit articles to existing websites which they can use so that all can get the benefit. Remember, you can play a valuable role in improving the Islamic content on the internet. Don't wait for someone else to do it. May Allah help us to be more effective in defending Islam.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 06:08:05 AM by mendacium remedium »

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2013, 12:39:37 PM »
Let me mention another tip :

6 - If someone tries to act like a bully with you and challenge you to debate him\her and cowardly flood your screen with accusations and then call you a coward for not answering - note that you can't answer them all in a row ! - just tell them to go to any of the well known sites specialized in debates . You'll find them making some bizarre excuses to run away from fear. They always target the common people who don't know much about their religion or how to defend it , but if met by those who do know , well , just imagine it :)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 01:56:50 PM by QuranSearchCom »

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Re: Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2013, 01:56:03 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum beloved brothers in Islam,

Thank you for your valuable additions.  I will insha'Allah write an article using your points and update the website with them in the next update. 

May Allah Almighty bless you!  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Sama

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Re: Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2013, 06:25:48 PM »
assalam alaikum

"Don't publicize the site to others: One of the biggest mistakes we commit is to tell others about the offensive website. All this does is give the site owner free publicity which is what he/she wants. If you see an offensive site don't spread it all over the place as you are actually helping the site owner when doing this.(I.E Do not back-link them, this adds to their SEO)."

I believe this site-unintentionally- committed this mistake. Most links to anti-islamic sites are better removed

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Re: Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2013, 12:17:04 AM »
assalam alaikum

"Don't publicize the site to others: One of the biggest mistakes we commit is to tell others about the offensive website. All this does is give the site owner free publicity which is what he/she wants. If you see an offensive site don't spread it all over the place as you are actually helping the site owner when doing this.(I.E Do not back-link them, this adds to their SEO)."

I believe this site-unintentionally- committed this mistake. Most links to anti-islamic sites are better removed

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Sama and all brothers and sisters here,

Can you please post the links to the posts that contain anti-Islamic websites on them here.  I am sorry for this inconvenience, but I'll see to removing them if appropriate.  But keep in mind dear brother that the anti-Islamics do also link to our websites for rebuttals.  It keeps an objective dialogue going.  But I agree that if a website was unncessarily propagated here, then perhaps we should remove it.

Another point I'd like to make is that I want all Muslims to feel comfortable about this website containing all of the refutations of the anti-Islamics, insha'Allah.  So bringing a website to our attention here is actually helpful and not harmful, because this way we can refute it, insha'Allah.  The last thing I want is for any Muslim brother or sister to keep to themselves a website that they're afraid to bring attention to, because they lack confidence in the Muslims out there.  On the contrary, I want to create this positive perception that yes the anti-Islamics' claims had been thoroughly refuted, insha'Allah.

Jazaka Allah Khayr, dear brother.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2013, 12:32:18 PM »
Believe me , there is no need to give links to such filthy websites lacking most basic manners and honesty . You can bring the full text if necessary , but you MUST delete ANY kind of immodesty and lack of upbringing talking about Islam or prophet Muhammad all peace and blessings upon him . Osama , with due respect , you don't seem to know the danger of such acts to the commoners . I personally experienced anger and doubt because I just happened to drop by an Islamophobic page . So what do you think would happen with more commoners if they find the whole site and explore it out of curiosity ?! God helped and I passed the stage and saw how low the enemies of Islam can get . But what about those who don't know a shred to defend their faith ? They'll be exposed to doubts and may apostatize . If you have a look at the Arabic forums defending Islam like ( The faith guardians = Hurras ) , ( Followers of Prophet = Ebnmaryam ) , ( Al-Basharah ) , and ( Monotheism = Tawheed ) you'll see that they have rules forbidding links to Anti-Islamic sites . And when they go through debates with someone , they tell them to bring the text - Without filth as I said - and so they do , no problem . If those people want to make advertisement to their sites , they can do it on their own . I also did it with an Atheist who was trying to do so for his cheap book which mainly attacked Islam . ( Funny how that Atheists say they hate all religions but only focus on Islam . You know what I mean ? )

If it is REALLY that important to back up your refutation with the full words of the opponent , take a caption image and hide the filthy words with red . I also did so when I posted the argument with that pitiful excuse of human being editor of Sina's dogs . So basically , there is no reason to provide links to such sites .

Offline Sama

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Re: Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2013, 08:06:43 AM »
assalam alaikum brthers

As Black Muslim said:

We want to expose their lies not to make propaganda for their misleading sites. Maybe if this site didn't link to answering islam, much fewer people would even know about it.
you can say: islam hater says "quote", without even naming him/her !
wa Allah A'alam

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Re: Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2013, 12:06:54 PM »
assalam alaikum brthers

As Black Muslim said:

We want to expose their lies not to make propaganda for their misleading sites. Maybe if this site didn't link to answering islam, much fewer people would even know about it.
you can say: islam hater says "quote", without even naming him/her !
wa Allah A'alam

As'salamu Alaikum my dear beloved brothers and sisters in Islam,

I humbly and respectfully disagree with you for one simple reason:  If you go to GOOGLE right now and type "Islam", you'll find the "Answering Islam" website on the #1 page.  I've already explained this in every single recently new entry in the page.  These people are linked heavily by many websites out there.  This is why I call upon all Muslims to heavily link to on their blogs and websites.  Instead, you'll see them propagating my website as a heretic one, which I don't know where they continue to get this garbage from.  Yes I've had heretic beliefs before, and I researched, learned and changed.  Yet, the same garbage is still out there by many websites.

I know that my site is heavily linking to the Answering Islam website.  But so is their website too heavily linking to this website and COUNTLESS other Muslim websites.  And really, the solution isn't to try to run away from them by unlinking them.  If they don't break you, they'll make you much stronger.  Believe me, I've doubted Islam before because of them, and it forced me to research and read and write tirelessly.  Quite frankly, I strongly doubt that I would have had a website like this without them.  And I fell and got up before from them many times.

My philosophy is actually this:  Let all of the top anti-Islamic arguments be refuted here.  I want this website to be the leading website in thorough Rebuttals.  Linking or unlinking a site is really irrelevant, because it will still be very very popular on the internet with us or without us.  And also for objectivity's purpose, it is healthy to show the source.  We're not scared of them.  I am not scared of them.  Let them grill Islam to death!  Islam will always come out victorious.  And these people will only make much stronger and passionate and stubborn Muslims, like yours truly.  We need Muslims of this kind.  So let them have it their way.  And always remember:  If it doesn't break you, it'll make you much stronger!  Believe me on this one.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah dear brothers and sisters.  Honestly, even if I unlink them, they'll still be as popular.  I say let's take them head-on and destroy their arguments!  If you have an argument that is bothering you, then please post it here.  It'll get thoroughly refuted with Truth, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Five tips on how to deal with anti-Islamic websites
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2013, 08:08:44 AM »
I see your point . It shouldn't be a problem to mention the top dogs like "Lying about Islam" which was named unfairly "Answering" . But I believe you shouldn't link to the tails of these dogs , as in , minor websites which are barely known . They're accusations would be the same anyway . As for the heads of dog , I still think you should mention their words and refute them without putting a link . I know that going through such experiences can make some Muslims strong , but what about the small fries ? Those who know very little ? Look , my point isn't to keep Muslims away from such sites because we fear them , rather , it's because they would affect the commoners . A second reason is : Have you EVER heard of ANY Islamophobic site that doesn't speak with terms of "Sh**" and "F***" and many others in every sentence of their poisonous articles ? THAT is the main reason I don't agree with such a doing . A Muslim gets very angry if a filthy scum insults his mother , so what do you think would happen when he sees a pack of pigs insulting his prophet ?! And the fact they link to this site doesn't have anything to do with it . There's a HUGE difference between this site and their dumpsters . You CAN provide your articles with evidence of them saying such things through captions and so , but when you put a link , the reader can't just ignore it . It's link magic my friend !

To make sure we're on the same page : What benefit do you find in giving links to such sites ?


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