Thank you all for your valuable opinions.
Okay, brother Tanveer you said, you saw Talibans on Tv claiming the responsibility for suicide attacks. How do you know they aren't fake? As I've told you earlier these Zionists are expert at making up stories. For example "The 1/11 attacks". It was totally a false story with false videos.
Again you said, Talibans beat women and children. Okay did you see that with your own eyes? No. So those videos are somewhat fake.
Listen, the main objective of the Zionists behind Afghan operation was to establish a control over south Asian politics not eradicating terror. In order to make up a cause for the operation they made up that false "1/11 story".
Take Care.
I dont believe the zionist conspiracy theory or jewish media control theory and i never willl. Some videos are clearly fake. Some stories are also clearly fake. For example (m recalling this from memory. Might be wrong in a few details but the overall story is correct i think) the coalition attacked a wedding once and beheaded/killed/burned (i cant remember which) two women and a girl, they claimed the taliban did it. It was later found out that this was a lie by the US.
Thats why I dont watch the BBC, CNN, ITV, Channel 4 News or FOX (lol). I get all my info and stuff from outlets such as,, glenn greenwald ( and (whenever there are any politics related articles). Just because western governments are hypocritical and lie
does not mean that the Taliban dont do what they do. The cold hard truth is that the Taliban do partake in such activities and we shouldnt be ashamed to say so. We know that what they do is wrong in Islam and that they only claim legitimacy through theological means. If we could just band together and condemn them for what they are and expose the fact that they are islamically frauds
1) Our countries wouldnt be in such a mess due to the incompetence of such people.
2) Id wager people would get closer to Islam as these people p**s on Islam's name and people get disheartened by Islam wrongfully thinking it's what Islam condones.
3) We'd be able to resist the meddling from western governments.
4) Everyone would be happy and we can all eat ice cream.
Dont mistake my vehement dislike for the Taliban and Al Qaeda and Hamas and Fatah and Hizbullah as a defense of the actions of the US, UK and Israel. I thoroughly hate their actions but I also hate what the said organisations do. I truly believe what they are doing is haram.