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Messages - Tarek Habbal

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Thank you Brother Abdallah for this service you are providing for Islam.

May God bless and keep you. We need more Muslims like you in these dire times.


GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: The emblem used for Islam
« on: April 15, 2015, 03:51:53 AM »
Shukran brother Tahmeed and may Allah bless you.

Brothers and sisters,

You should really study the occult symbols and emblems to know what we are really standing against.

Even the cross it dates back to ancient Egyptian time. The Nazi Swastika is another occult symbol... Everything is occult related. And by Occult I mean dealing with the Jinns, black magic.

These are the people waging an image and a ground war on Islam. The more they fight Islam, the more I embrace it.

They have infiltrated us at the highest levels.

ALL our Arab/Muslim leaders are their pawns.

Ataturk, the beloved father of modern turkey, was a Dönmeh Jew. He introduced that Symbol. When Ataturk Recited Shema Yisrael "It's My Secret Prayer, Too," He Confessed

A raging alcoholic with an agenda to desecrate Islam in Turkey. It was during his reign that Turkey became a secular nation. And now the unsuspecting Turks love him.. Thanks to the propaganda of the shadow government who brought him into power the first time.

This is how it works. The shadow government elects someone, and they allow him to climb the ladder to the top. They make him into a father figure (just like they did with Assad in Syria) and he destroys the country from within.

Salam brother and sisters

« on: April 14, 2015, 10:23:53 AM »

The root of the word Jinn, the J and the N, usually refers to something hidden and that cannot be seen.

Janna (paradise) is hidden from our eyes... When we say someone is "majnoon" or crazy, means his reason is "hidden".

Same applies for Jinn as us Humans cannot see them, yet they can see us.

Jinns are indeed Demons. Not all of them however. Some can be good and be Muslims while the others (the bad ones, i.e the demons) are the army of Satan on earth. All these haunting stories, ghost encounters, Aliens... can be explained as Jinns toying with us.

Satan himself is a Jinn, before he was cast out of heaven.

I hope this helps

Peace :)

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: The emblem used for Islam
« on: April 14, 2015, 04:21:50 AM »
Salam 3alaykum brothers and sisters,

As far as I know, that symbol was adopted by the Ottomans while under the leadership of Ataturk.

Ataturk the Zionist, alcoholic infiltrator, who hated Islam with a vengeance.

Islam does not permit the use of Emblems or symbols.


« on: April 01, 2015, 09:43:31 AM »
Salam 3alaykum brother,

When looking at the verse, there is no mention whatsoever of the word "steadily" or its equivalent.

Allah merely states (inna lamuwassi3oun)... "verily, we are expanding it (the Universe).

I hope this answers your question.


« on: April 01, 2015, 09:41:14 AM »
Allah (SWT) is the originator, the creator...

Hence he is not subject to his creations, i.e. time, space, cause and effect...

I am afraid brother, this matter is beyond our imagination or mental capacity..

He is "nowhere", yet as the same time "everywhere".

True brother Abdallah, we have to be neutral while practicing Dawaa..

Talk to them about the Quran and the morals embedded in it.. the life of the Prophet (PBUH), the life and the rule of the first 4 Caliphs, as beacons of justice, honor and virtue,the Golden Age of Islam, when Muslims practiced real Islamic faith...

This should be enough proof of nobility


Salam brother,

Is that even a question?

Are you comparing God's religion to a man made one?

Most of these man made religions are rooted in Jinn worship... In other words Satanism. Notice how most of their Gods in drawings are blue and standing on a checkered floor....

What is nobler? The worship of God, the Creator, the Originator, the One and Only, the Eternal, the Merciful... or the worship of the created?


Brothers and Sisters,

This is very dangerous... Are we witnessing the rise of yet another sect? that is the last thing we need now... Another infiltration.. as if we don't have enough hypocrites masquerading as real Muslims.

My wife and I we take religious lessons once every week, with a great Sheikh, here in Lebanon.

He is a walking Islamic Encyclopedia, may Allah increase his reward. We did touch on this subject once. I do understand people's skepticism... we live in dangerous times.. the worst in my opinion and i fear it is only going downhill for us Muslims.. Yet we cannot just dismiss EVERY single hadeeth..

Our Sheikh told us that he only relates to us Hadeeths that have a very strong reference.. Weak Hadeeths will not be considered.

So this is my take on it... I trust our Sheikh. Whatever he recites and whatever he deems trustworthy, so do I.

Keep in mind, that i have no doubt that SOOO many Hadeeths have been forged and manufactured throughout the ages...

I think we should approach this subject carefully..

Moreover brothers and sisters, this is my one of my most beloved Hadeeths (Hadeeth Qudsi), narrated by Sheikh Mohammad Shaarawy, may God have mercy on him:

Can you brothers and sisters give me your take on it?

Salam Yaz,

Please can you tell me what makes you believe that the Hadiths pertaining to the one eyed Dajjal are fabricated?

Satan and Dajjal are two separate entities if i am not mistaken.

Dajjal is like the vicegerent of Satan on earth.

Regarding his miracles, they will be performed by the leave of God Only.

Awaiting your reply


« on: March 12, 2015, 04:48:16 AM »
-   "Say: We believe In God, and in what Has been revealed to us and what was revealed To Abraham, Isma'il (Ishmael); Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, And in (the Books) Given to Moses, Jesus, And the Prophets, From their Lord: We make NO DISTINCTION Between one and another Among them and to God do we Bow our will ( in Islam)." Holy Quran 3:84

« on: March 04, 2015, 05:08:51 AM »
Salam Khaled, Brother.

« on: March 04, 2015, 02:33:09 AM »
Do you notice brother, that the fastest way these days to get your 15 minutes of fame is to bash Islam?..

Says a lot, doesn't it?

The more the Satanic NWO fights Islam, the more I embrace it and hold it as truth

Did you say unbiased? lol..

He is just another Zionist/NWO tool masquerading as an "unbiased author"

I don't need to look at the book as i can already tell its content... same recycled lies and garbage..


As I mentioned above, the one eye reference is definitely a figure of speech.

Nonetheless, can the Dajjal be a person and a system at the same time?

This is the system of the Dajjal we are living in... the debt and interest, wars, hunger, media and their lies, moral debasement...

But could this all be paving the way for his arrival? Will he be a real person?

I always thought he would be.. from the Hadiths specially

And yes, I do believe that the Dajjal is a person rather than a nation..

Menachim Begin:

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. OUR EARTHLY KINGDOM WILL BE RULED BY OUR LEADER WITH A ROD OF IRON. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."

Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts," New Statesman, June 25, 1982

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